The Frenchman got six months in jail for beating his dog

The Frenchman got six months in jail for beating his dog PARIS, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. A resident of the French Department of Val-de-Marne sentenced to six months in real prison for beating his dog, according to a Friday newspaper Parisien. Earlier in 2013, a man named josé R. (José R.) have already been prosecuted for cruelty to animals, but then punishment followed. Once again the man fell when he slashed his dog — two-year-old Jack Russell Terrier named Joker, keeping it in the air by the hind legs, and then threw the pet on the floor and kicked. “I beat him easily and without malice. I love my dog, otherwise I would not have got… I don’t do this regularly, I don’t hit him if he does not nonsense,” said the man in the penal court. However, he retorted the judge, asking the question, how the

Detained in Turkey Russian citizen was sentenced to six years in prison

Detained in Turkey Russian citizen was sentenced to six years in prison Detained in Turkey for a citizen of Russia Renat Bakiyev, who allegedly planned to shoot down a U.S. military plane with a drone, was sentenced to six years and three months in prison. According to Turkish authorities, the Russians intended to destroy one of the planes, based at Incirlik air base in Adana. On Friday, August 11, according to Sabah. According to Turkish authorities, the Russians intended to destroy one of the planes, based at Incirlik air base in the southern province of Adana. In this regard, he specifically rented a Bicycle and scouted out the situation in her surroundings. The newspaper also reports that he allegedly planned to commit a terrorist attack in the center of the Association of Alevis. The man, presumably, is a militant terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). Turkish media

WSJ: militants used Ebay for wire transfers in the USA

WSJ: militants used Ebay for wire transfers in the USA The militants were concluded on the trading web site of a fictitious transaction. According to the publication, these schemas are used not only in USA but also in other countries. TASS, August 11. The militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in the Russian Federation) entered into fictitious transactions on Internet trading site eBay to Finance their criminal activities in the United States. This was reported on Thursday the newspaper the Wall Street Journal, citing recently declassified FBI documents. According to this evidence, the beneficiary of the funds was Elshinawy Mohamed, who was arrested in 2016 in Maryland on suspicion of aiding ISIS. He was put up for eBay listings of printer, and his accomplices acted as “buyers” and transferred the money to the seller via PayPal. According to the FBI, these funds were to be used

ALROSA allowed the brother of a miner to personally check the progress of the rescue operation

ALROSA allowed the brother of a miner to personally check the progress of the rescue operation Brother locked in the mine shaft “the World,” miner Alexei Marina will be allowed to go underground and personally check the progress of search and rescue operations, said ALROSA. Previously, Marin criticized the company’s management. One of the relatives blocked the mine the Mir mine, the miners were allowed to go underground with rescue workers and to monitor the progress of the search operation. This is stated in the message of ALROSA received by RBC. “Today, the group of rescuers and volunteers, as observers, will be joined by the brother of a missing miner from Belgorod Alexey Marin, who yesterday in a media interview expressed distrust of the course of rescue operations and the adequacy of the measures taken. He will be able to go down to the mine and personally see the conditions

A resident of the DPRK at night swam across the sea to South Korea

A resident of the DPRK at night swam across the sea to South Korea TOKYO, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti, Ivan Zakharchenko. A resident of the DPRK crossed the sea in the night of Friday in South Korea, said the South Korean military. “Today in the morning near the island of Redondo was rescued by a North Korean resident who had moved across the sea”, — quotes news Agency Yonhap message of the joint chiefs of staff of the armed forces of South Korea. The circumstances of the alleged escape of the DPRK’s young men is not yet known. In July this year it was reported about the flight to South Korea on a small boat five citizens of the DPRK in the same area of the Yellow sea, where the disputed boundary line between the two Korean States. For its part, Pyongyang accuses Seoul of North Korean abductions of

In China more than 30 people were killed in the accident

In China more than 30 people were killed in the accident BEIJING, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti, Anna was Raccogli. A major accident occurred on Thursday late in the evening on a highway in Shaanxi province in Central China, in the accident killed 36 people, 13 of them received injuries of varying severity, said on Friday the Central television of China. It is noted that the incident occurred with the participation of the bus at 23.34 local time (16.34 GMT) in a tunnel on the highway, “the Beijing-Kunming”. All the victims sent to the hospital, they were given necessary help. Investigation of causes of accident.

Hackers left without mobile communication seven million inhabitants of Venezuela

Hackers left without mobile communication seven million inhabitants of Venezuela Hackers who attacked the state telephone company Movilnet Venezuela, have been left without mobile communication seven million people. This was announced by the Minister of higher education, science and technology, Pbel ROA (Roa Hugbel), TV channel Globovision. “Last Wednesday without when seven of the 13 million subscribers,” said ROA. He added that authorities have launched an investigation and are looking for the perpetrators of this attack. The Minister also said that “systematic terrorist attacks” against the telecommunications facilities of the country are “supported by foreign agents, again trying to bring down the system of communication of Venezuela”. According to ROA, “against Telecom services are supported by “foreign agents”. He also reported new cases of deliberate damage to the fiber optic cable in seven States. In Venezuela from April ongoing political crisis amid the standoff between Maduro and the opposition, which

Media: whale, stranded, broke free and went to the sea of Okhotsk

Media: whale, stranded, broke free and went to the sea of Okhotsk Keith, who on the eve stranded on one of the Islands in the Khabarovsk region, managed to reach the open sea. On Thursday reported Telegram-channel Mash. “The good news. A baby whale stranded on the rocks in the Khabarovsk territory, managed to escape and is already out in the open sea. What all of you wish,” — said in the message. During the download an error has occurred. Publication from Sergey Dolya (@sergeydolya) Aug 10 2017 at 6:40 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication from Sergey Dolya (@sergeydolya) Aug 9 2017 8:10 PDT During the download an error has occurred.

Journalism is no defence: lawyers on the verdict Sokolov

Journalism is no defence: lawyers on the verdict Sokolov MOSCOW, 10 AVG — RAPE. Press card, like any other, cannot be an excuse for avoiding responsibility for the committed crime, thus commented on the lawyers the verdict of the Metropolitan court in the case of the illegal referendum in respect of members of the Initiative group “For responsible power”, including an employee of RBC Alexander Sokolov. On Thursday the Tverskoy district court of Moscow found Sokolov, as well as civil society activists Kirill Barabash, Valery Parfenov and writer Yuri Mukhin guilty of a crime under article 282.2 of the criminal code (organization of an extremist organization). Sokolov is appointed punishment in the form of 3,5 years of imprisonment, Barabash and Parfenov got 4 years. All the convicts will serve their sentence in a General regime colony. Mukhin is sentenced to 4 years imprisonment with probation for a period of 4

EMERCOM sends rescuers for help stuck in the mouth of the river the whale

EMERCOM sends rescuers for help stuck in the mouth of the river the whale During the night tide at the mouth of the river in Khabarovsk Krai went 13-foot bowhead whale, which later he could neither turn nor swim in the lake. TASS, August 10. EMERCOM of Russia sends helicopter with rescuers on the island of Great Shantar in the Khabarovsk region to assist in the rescue of a right whale stranded in the estuary. About TASS reported the press service of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in Khabarovsk Krai. Publication from Sergey Dolya (@sergeydolya) Aug 10 2017 at 2:28 PDT During the download an error has occurred. During the night tide at the mouth of the river flowing from the Big lake on the island of Great Shantar in the Khabarovsk region, went 13-metre bowhead whale: neither to turn nor to swim in the lake the animal