Sechin about the case of the speaker: “This is a crime, then there is nothing to even talk”

Sechin about the case of the speaker: “This is a crime, then there is nothing to even talk” Igor Sechin believes that in terms of accusations against the ex-Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev “not what even to say.” The head of Rosneft, told journalists in the Eastern economic forum. The Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, was detained in the night of 15 November 2016 at the exit from office of “Rosneft” on suspicion in receiving a bribe in the amount of $2 million. According to investigators, the Minister demanded the money for the smooth issuance of the purchase by Rosneft of a stake in Bashneft. During the court session the public Prosecutor has informed that the Rosneft representatives wrote a letter to the head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov, and operational activities involved Sechin. In particular, the head of “Rosneft” was issued recording device. November 15, 2016, Russian

Rospotrebnadzor warned about impersonating its staff fraud

Rospotrebnadzor warned about impersonating its staff fraud Unknown, posing as employees of the CPS, demanding money from citizens. About cases of fraud on the official website warned Moscow Department of the Ministry. In Rospotrebnadzor said that scammers operate on the territory of several regions. “An unknown person, posing as an employee of Rospotrebnadzor, repeatedly addressed to citizens with the requirement to pay collection services. Information on this fact directed to the appropriate authorities for the adoption of response measures”, — reported in Department. Rospotrebnadzor warned the citizens that such requirements — deception and “are fraudulent”. “Experts management of the Fund-raising not engaged in and do not render the cash collection services to citizens and legal entities”, — stressed in the Department. In late June, the first notification of traffic fines with the portal of public services is organized mailing of phishing letters. The link to the official portal they have

Actress Stella Baranovskaya and a half years he struggled with leukemia, but didn’t believe her. She died refused chemotherapy

Actress Stella Baranovskaya and a half years he struggled with leukemia, but didn’t believe her. She died refused chemotherapy Starting in 2016, Baranovskaya struggled with leukemia and has published in social networks, the diary of their treatment, it collected funds of Russian pop stars, but many didn’t believe her. The Baranovskaya was accused of fraud, and photos of a young, bold and very skinny girls on instagram called snapshots of a beautiful life. September 4, Stella Baranovskaya died of leukemia. My beautiful little Girl! Which was so like Love, and that it would have understood… Wanted to go their own way and meet it support! Which so many have fought and desperately believed in miracles. And in people — that it has failed? Thank you for everything you taught me!!!! Thank you for the Love you gave?????? When the heart a lot, the words get stuck in my throat. Abuse

After the shooting in a Moscow school was opened two cases

After the shooting in a Moscow school was opened two cases At school in Ivanteevka situated near Moscow the pupil of the ninth class attacked the teacher and started shooting from the pneumatic weapon, triggering panic. Teen arrested, prosecuted under articles on hooliganism and negligence, according to the Prosecutor’s office. “15-the summer pupil of the ninth grade came to school with pneumatic guns, which he carried under his cloak,” — reads the statement of the Investigative Committee of Russia (SKR) across Moscow region. Upon entering the class, a student pulled a weapon and fired in the direction of the teacher, the message of the TFR. In turn, the regional Prosecutor’s office previously reported that the teenager attacked the teacher with a kitchen cleaver and hit her in the head. News“Aggression builds up and gives a Bang”: a psychiatrist about the incident in Ivanteevka Then the teenager began to detonate homemade

In Germany, the teenager told his mother, knowing that she grows marijuana

In Germany, the teenager told his mother, knowing that she grows marijuana MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. A teenager in the South of Germany called the police, suspecting that his mom grows in the garden marijuana, said Tuesday the magazine Spiegel. As writes the edition, the 13 year old from Sankt Leon-rot in Baden-württemberg suspected his parent in that it grows in the home garden marijuana. Their guesses, he decided to confirm on the Internet, then reported to the police. Arrived on call the police indeed found in the home garden 20 marijuana plants with a height of about 1.5 meters. The mother of a teenager, however, did not appreciate the ability of a son in search of information on the Internet: the woman could not calm down, and militiamen had to take the teenager to the police station for his own safety. Now the woman faces charges

Hurricane “Irma” in the Atlantic has intensified to category five

Hurricane “Irma” in the Atlantic has intensified to category five Moscow. September 5. INTERFAX.RU — Formed in the Atlantic ocean hurricane “Irma” reached the fifth category of capacity on a five-point Saffir-Simpson scale, according to the national center for prevention of storms USA. Previously, it was reported that the storm had reached category four. “Irma” is moving to the Islands of the Caribbean sea, the wind speed reaches 281 km/h. the Fifth category is estimated by meteorologists as “extremely dangerous.” Preparing for the hurricane in Puerto Rico, Cuba and in the U.S. state of Florida. In particular, the eve of the Governor Florida Rick Scott announced the state of emergency. “In Florida we always prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and since the exact direction of Irma is unknown at this time, we cannot prepare for it,” — said in a statement, Scott. Emergency mode introduced the

Kucherena called the possible causes of aggression started a fire student

Kucherena called the possible causes of aggression started a fire student The reasons of aggression of the ninth Michael P., started a fire in one of the suburban schools could be “lack of attention” from his parents, bullying at school and “feeling of uselessness”. About it RBC said the head of the Public Council under the MIA of Russia, lawyer Anatoly Kucherena. “I took the case for public control, in the proceedings received information that he was on the account never was. Feedback from the neighbors is normal. As for behavior, he has absolutely no contact with their parents. The last few years, it hurt at school took the shoes, he came home, and the parents were told that he is guilty. I can assume that he suffered a psychological breakdown,” said Kucherena. The lawyer said that not yet communicated with the parents of the teenager. He added that, according

In the bag “Leninsky Prospekt” was a personal thing

In the bag “Leninsky Prospekt” was a personal thing The station Saint-Petersburg metro “Leninsky Prospekt” was opened after 13 minutes after start of the test day on 5 September. In the bag were personal items. As the press service of the subway, 15:27 check has been completed and the front door of the station was open. Left on the platform of the bag were personal items, nothing dangerous among them is not found. Recall, at the time of emergency services of the train was passing “Leninsky prospect” without stopping.

On the rails of Moscow railway found a foreign object

On the rails of Moscow railway found a foreign object In the Belarusian direction of the Moscow railway (MZHD) has been detected foreign object. This is stated in the message a press-services MZHD, received by RBC. According to MOR, the foreign object was discovered near a stopping point Testovskaya on the path train going to Moscow. At the moment law enforcement authorities are checking the object, added to the MOR. The incident did not affect the schedule of suburban trains. From Moscow the train will depart on schedule. Only two trains proceeded with a deviation of 10 minutes from the schedule, noted in MOR.

Shooting in a Moscow school. The main thing

Shooting in a Moscow school. The main thing The teenager came to the class with an air rifle and an axe and attacked the teacher. He had prepared for the crime. On the morning of Tuesday, September 5, 15-the summer pupil of school № 1 in Ivanteevka situated near Moscow has passed in the class pneumatic gun and opened fire. In social networks, the student who had organized the attack, wrote about the gun and posted photos and videos of the mass murder in American school “Columbine” in 1999. “Medusa” tells what is known about the attack in Ivanteevka. Ninth-grader opened fire from a pneumatic gun at a lesson of computer science. 15-year-old student, according to the Investigative Committee, carried the weapon under his cloak. He also had a kitchen hatchet and homemade firecrackers, which he blew up in class. Student shot at the teacher and hit her on the