In Kursk the court upheld the sentencing of journalist Olga Lee for libel

In Kursk the court upheld the sentencing of journalist Olga Lee for libel The Kursk regional court rejected the appeal and upheld the conviction of the former Deputy of the Kursk regional Duma and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “people’s journalist” Olga Lee. This “Газете.Ru” said the lawyer of the International human rights group Agora, the Roman Lyzlov protecting the journalist. 26 June 2017, the Leninsky district court of Kursk has recognized Olga Lee guilty of slander against judges and sentenced her to a fine of 90 thousand rubles. Thus, the court decision came into legal force. The defense asked Whether fully justified. Initially, Lee was involved in two criminal cases that were connected in one manufacture. Later, the Investigative Committee closed for lack of corpus delicti the prosecution Whether under article 282 of the criminal code of Russia, however, continued the investigation of the libel case.

Zhirinovsky asked Bastrykin to let Serebrennikov from custody

Zhirinovsky asked Bastrykin to let Serebrennikov from custody LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky sent a letter to the Chairman of the investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin with a request to mitigate the restraint imposed on the Director Kirill Serebrennikov on house arrest on his own recognizance. The Chairman of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has asked the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin release of Director Cyril Serebrennikov under house arrest. The house arrest of Director Kirill Serebrennikov has caused the big public resonance. At the request of people who know of the Director, appeal to You with a proposal to consider the possibility to apply to the court to change the measure of restraint Serebrennikov from house arrest on his own recognizance.Mr Zhirinovskyites LDPR The leader of the liberal democratic party wrote a letter to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin (the copy of the letter

The number of victims of the earthquake in Mexico increased to 32 people

The number of victims of the earthquake in Mexico increased to 32 people Mexican authorities reported that the number of victims of the earthquake that occurred off the coast of Mexico increased to 32 people, reports Reuters. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий In particular, according to the latest data, in Oaxaca killed 23 people, 17 of them were in the time of the accident in the area of the Tehuantepec isthmus between the Atlantic and Pacific ocean. Seven more were killed in Chiapas and two in Tabasco. The magnitude of the earthquake is estimated at 8.2. The epicenter was 137 km from the coast. The earthquake lies at a depth of 58 km. Earlier, the President of Mexico, Enrique peña Nieto has called the earthquake the most powerful in a century. Fuerza ??México?????#TerremotoMX #TerremotoEnMexico #Chiapas #Istmo #Oaxaca #Mexico #MexicoEarthquake #MexicoQuakevía @ToryLopezS — Yo Opino (@robertojimenezm) 8 September 2017 During the download an error

The number of victims of the earthquake in Mexico has risen to 26 people

The number of victims of the earthquake in Mexico has risen to 26 people The victims of the earthquake in Mexico were at least 26 people, said the authorities. About it reports Reuters. Shortly before the Governor of the affected Mexican state of Oaxaca Alejandro Murat said that, to his knowledge, killed at least 20 people, and 17 of them — in the city of juchitan de Zaragoza. Se trabaja en hotel de Matías Romero que sufrió daños por sismo #Oaxaca @alejandromurat — ProtecciónCivilOax (@CEPCO_GobOax) 8 September 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Murata said that school is cancelled for the day. He also added that currently a preliminary assessment of the damage. Residents were encouraged to leave the coast. According to recent reports, is located in the state of Oaxaca, the refinery is not damaged. On Friday, 8 September, Mexico was the strongest for 100 years,

Sechin called the “professional cretinism” unveiling conversation with Ulyukaev

Sechin called the “professional cretinism” unveiling conversation with Ulyukaev The head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin commented to the special correspondent of “Kommersant” Andrey Kolesnikov, the recent unveiling of the Prosecutor the transcript of his conversation with the former head of the Ministry of economy Alexei Ulyukayev. He noted that the conversation “didn’t say anything”, but “it is something that is not directly related” to it. “That’s also why I’m so hard before spoke, me when journalists asked to comment on the testimony of the speaker. The process, of course, had to be closed”, — said Igor Sechin. Transcript of the former Minister with the head of “Rosneft” before detention, November 14 was read in court on 5 September. As follows from the decryption, Igor Sechin gave up his source, “the entire volume” of the alleged bribe of $2 million, as well as a basket of “sausage”. Alexei Ulyukayev insisted that

Mexico is threatened by a tsunami after a strong earthquake

Mexico is threatened by a tsunami after a strong earthquake An earthquake of magnitude 8 occurred in the Pacific ocean off the coast of Mexico. Several countries in Latin America could collapse tsunami, seismologists warn. The epicenter of the earthquake is 100 km South-East of the city Pijijiapan, and its center lies at a depth of 35 kilometers, according to the Agency for geological monitoring of United States. “Tsunami waves up to three meters in height can be observed on the coast of Mexico,” reports Agence France-Presse message Pacific centre for tsunami warning. Also the waves can reach Argentina, Guatemala, El Salvador and other countries in the region, but they will be weaker than in Mexico, is noted in the center. The earthquake felt in Mexico city, which is a few hundred kilometers from the epicenter. Eyewitnesses in the city say about strong tremors in several districts the power went

After the earthquake off the coast of Mexico announced the threat of a tsunami

After the earthquake off the coast of Mexico announced the threat of a tsunami MOSCOW, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The Pacific tsunami warning said the risk of devastating waves after a powerful earthquake off the coast of Mexico. As previously reported, an earthquake of magnitude 8 was recorded in 04.49 UTC (07.49 GMT). M8.0 #earthquake (#sismo) strikes 200 km SW of Tuxtla Gutiérrez (#Mexico) 25 min ago. Updated map of its effects: — EMSC (@LastQuake) 8 September 2017 During the download an error has occurred. The epicenter was located 119 kilometers South-West from the village of Tres Picos. The earthquake lies at a depth of 33 kilometers. Mexico’s capital was shaken by a magnitude 8.0 earthquake, causing people to flee buildings — Bloomberg (@business) September 8, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. “Based on the preliminary parameters of the earthquake may potentially dangerous tsunami”,

Miami airport skirmish

Miami airport skirmish Moscow. September 8. INTERFAX.RU the officer — involved Shooting occurred Thursday at Miami international airport, according to the Associated Press. According to unconfirmed reports, the police tried to disarm a man with a knife. In the result, the suspect received a wound, its severity is not reported. The airport authority announced that the situation is under control. However, one terminal serving international flights, was closed. Security incident involving a single suspect & @MiamiDadePD has occurred at MIA. Situation under control. Terminal J is temporarily closed. — Miami Int’l Airport (@iflymia) 8 September 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Because of the incident on their flights could not get many people trying to leave Florida, which is moving to the devastating hurricane “Irma”. A departure is postponed indefinitely.

ATOR advised Russians to postpone the trip to the Dominican Republic due to hurricane

ATOR advised Russians to postpone the trip to the Dominican Republic due to hurricane The Association of tour Operators (ATOR) recommends that the tourists who plan their holidays in the Dominican Republic, if possible, reschedule the trip or rebook the tour due to Typhoon “Irma”. This is stated in the statement of the Association, received by RBC. Tourists can also cancel the tour. Because as of 7 September, the Russian authorities have not published any reports about the threat to security in the Dominican Republic, the cancellation of contracts is possible only in a General manner, based on the terms of the contract. “Tourists do not lose the right of appeal to the tour operators to offer replacement dates or places of recreation. This should be prepared for the fact that it is not always the operator may offer a replacement acceptable to the tour or date of departure” —

Failure in movement of trains has occurred in the Belarusian direction of Moscow railway

Failure in movement of trains has occurred in the Belarusian direction of Moscow railway The movement of trains in the area of Odintsovo, Golitsyno temporarily suspended, passengers will be transported by ten compensatory buses. MOSCOW, September 7. /TASS/. Trains do not go to the station Odintsovo, Golitsyno in the Belarusian direction of Moscow railway (MOR) for technical reasons. About TASS reported the press service of the Moscow Department of transport. “According to information from MOR, today at 21:02 on the stretch Odintsovo, Golitsyno in the area of the stopping point Resort bent support of a contact network. In place immediately profit recovery teams of railwaymen. The causes of the incident are being investigated. In this regard, temporarily suspended the movement of passenger and suburban trains”, — stated in the message. Added that for the transportation of passengers on a plot of Odintsovo, Golitsyno will be a compensation of ten buses.