“Their other demand”: why Hollywood has destroyed Harvey Weinstein?

“Their other demand”: why Hollywood has destroyed Harvey Weinstein? Award-winning producer and friend of Barack Obama less than a week became the main pariah of America. I don’t suppose it felt eyewitnesses of the crash of the airship “Hindenburg”. Here you stand on the ground and look like a giant Zeppelin comes in to land. It’s a hypnotic spectacle captures you entirely: see how the giant machine (245 metres in length) slowly decreases, and then at the stern and a fire breaks out in 34 seconds this king of the sky, the largest passenger aircraft in the world, burning to the ground. So it is possible to describe the history of Harvey Weinstein. Last Thursday he was crowned king of Hollywood, the most influential producer king Midas, able to turn a low-budget picture in the international hits, and young beginners — stars of world size. On Friday he unexpectedly turned

The former Senator Pugachev will take a Villa in the Caribbean in favor of Russia

The former Senator Pugachev will take a Villa in the Caribbean in favor of Russia High court of justice of England and Wales satisfied the requirements of the Russian Agency on insurance of contributions (ASV) against ex-Senator and former head of Mezhprombank Sergey Pugachev. About the decision of the British court said in a release DIA. We are talking about assets that was managed through discretionary trusts (a form of trust management when managing assets independently from the real owner, therefore, to establish the ultimate beneficiary is not possible), two properties in London and a Villa on an island in the Caribbean sea. In the verdict it is noted that new Zealand trusts, which were recorded assets actually were not discretionary, and the ultimate beneficiary was the Pugachev. Thus, ex-Senator used them to hide their assets. In Russia, Pugachev is accused of misappropriation or embezzlement of funds in especially large

Accused in fraud “God Kuzya” he was the victim of a swindler

Accused in fraud “God Kuzya” he was the victim of a swindler MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. The police announced in the search for the swindler, who under false documents has received 215 million rubles were stored as evidence, reported RIA Novosti on Wednesday the press service of the interior Ministry in Moscow. According to the source Agency in law enforcement, the money was previously seized as material evidence in the case of Andrei Popov, known as “God Kuzya”. He is charged with the creation of a totalitarian sect and fraud. The defendant, 59-year-old native of Omsk, produced false documents on which basis in 2016, the court issued a decision on collecting in its advantage more than 215 million rubles were deposited in the authorized body as physical evidence.Press-service gumvd across Moscow Of the amount of 85 million rubles — was able to block. Where “leaked” the rest of

The court in Greece upheld the request of Russia to extradite winnik

The court in Greece upheld the request of Russia to extradite winnik THESSALONIKI, 11 St RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. The Council of judges in Thessaloniki on Wednesday endorsed the request of the Prosecutor General of Russia to extradite a Russian citizen Aleksandr Vinnik, who was arrested in Greece on the request of the United States in connection with allegations of laundering $ 4 billion, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. Winnik was arrested at the request of the United States in connection with allegations of laundering four billion dollars. In Russia he is charged with fraud 667 thousand rubles. Winnick did not oppose extradition to Russia. Answering questions, he said he wants the issue without delay. To the question, how can he comment on charges in Russia, he replied: “I can’t. This will understand the trial in Russia.” Speaking about why he doesn’t want extradition to the

FSB detained a suspect in the extremism for on-the-record messenger

FSB detained a suspect in the extremism for on-the-record messenger Employees of FSB have detained the native of Tajikistan for appeals to extremist activity via the Internet-messenger, Zello, RBC reported a source in GU MVD in Moscow, and also confirmed a source from the interior Ministry. “Who was detained for an administrative offence admitted that he created a group chat in the online messenger, Zello, which has placed a voice message with calls to extremist activities”, — said the interlocutor of RBC capital Moi. The voice message begins with the words “gasoline spill and fire” and ended with the words “they don’t understand they are illiterate”, said a source in the Russian interior Ministry. He added that the message contained “incitement to religious hatred”. Currently, investigators solve a question on excitation of criminal case and are investigating further activities of the detainee. In mid-April, the representative of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonskiy

Four Ukrainians arrested in absentia in Russia on charges of assault on a dipuchrezhdeniya, Russian Federation

Four Ukrainians arrested in absentia in Russia on charges of assault on a dipuchrezhdeniya, Russian Federation Moscow. 11 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) has established the involvement of four citizens of Ukraine for attacks on Russian Embassy in Kiev and Lviv in the years 2014-2016, they are arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list, said the official representative of SKR Svetlana Petrenko. “On the basis of the proofs collected by a consequence, including video records, obtained from public sources, and the results of forensic examinations, the decision on attraction of the specified persons are accused of committing a crime under part 2 of article 360 of the criminal code (attack on the institution that enjoys international protection),” he said on Wednesday “Interfax”. According to her, the accusation is in absentia brought to the Ukrainians Vladimir Romantsova, Alexey Bakay, Volodymyr Nazarenko and people’s Deputy

The bomber was in the wrong position

The bomber was in the wrong position Videoconferencing has lost in Syria, the plane and the two pilots. Yesterday, the Russian aviation base Hamim (Latakia) have lost a Sukhoi su-24M: plane on a combat mission, skidded off the runway and exploded. Killing the pilots Yuri Medvedkov and Yuri Kopylov. According to sources, “b”, the data of the preliminary reports indicate that the car was in “newsitem position” and, after the takeoff for the band, had no chance to get off the ground. According to Kommersant, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered the creation of special Commission which will establish causes of PE. About the incident at the air base, said the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. According to the Agency, yesterday, during acceleration for takeoff bomber su-24M was rolled out for limits of runway (RWY) and collapsed. “The crew managed to eject and was killed, — said in the

CNN: Stephen Paddock was fired tracer bullets at the tanks of fuel of airport Las Vegas

CNN: Stephen Paddock was fired tracer bullets at the tanks of fuel of airport Las Vegas NEW YORK, October 11. /TASS/. The culprit of the tragedy in Las Vegas (Nevada) Stephen Paddock used tracer bullets to hit and blow up the tanks with jet fuel on-site McCarran international airport. This was announced on Tuesday broadcaster CNN, citing sources in law enforcement bodies. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий Paddock was fired from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, which is located quite close to the airport. Police earlier said the gunman was trying to hit the fuel tanks, did not specify that the number of Americans was found by tracer bullets. The same cartridges were later found on the ground in the immediate vicinity of the tanks, the sources said broadcaster. As informed on Monday the Sheriff of Las Vegas Joseph Lombardo, a Paddock shot at the fuel tanks near the hotel Mandalay

Co-owner of “Olmert” was detained on suspicion of fraud Sberbank

Co-owner of “Olmert” was detained on suspicion of fraud Sberbank In St. Petersburg detained the owner of the company “Yulmart” Dmitry Kosygina on suspicion of fraud in loans of 1 billion rubles On it informs “Fontanka” and confirms the source of RBC, close to the company. It clarifies the issue, Costigan was detained for two days at about 22:00 on Tuesday 10 October. Sam Costigan not going through, as sure of his innocence, the message of the businessman, which gave its representative (RBC). “During crisis or storm — the important thing is not to panic. Maybe me and unpleasant current events, but his guilt I do not see, so not particularly worried. Asking me to hear and not to make any hasty decisions,” — said in the message. In the “Hardware” has not commented on the information about the detention of Kosygina. Wednesday morning searches were held in apartments of

The passengers of flight Moscow — new York tied rowdy and handed over to the FBI

The passengers of flight Moscow — new York tied rowdy and handed over to the FBI MOSCOW, 10 Oct — RIA Novosti. Passenger business class flight “Aeroflot” Moscow-new York hit a flight attendant and got into a fight with another passenger, the bully was tied up and handed to American police, told RIA Novosti the airline. The incident occurred on October 8 in the business class of the plane, EN route flight SU102 Moscow to new York. “During the flight the passenger was behaving inappropriately (presumably was in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication), was struck in the face the stewardess, got in a fight with a passenger in business class,” the airline said on Tuesday. Rowdy was issued a verbal and written warning, he was subsequently associated other passengers and on arrival at the destination airport handed over to the police and the FBI. “At the moment, law enforcement