The attack in Berlin: an investigation has revealed serious shortcomings of the police

The attack in Berlin: an investigation has revealed serious shortcomings of the police The investigation into last year’s terrorist attack on a Christmas fair in Berlin, which under the wheels of a truck killed 12 people, has identified serious errors made by the German police and security services. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The initiator of the investigation was made by the Senate of Berlin. The report says that the police missed a series of opportunities to arrest and deport a Tunisian Anise Amri, who had organized the attack. It has long been known that Amri adhere to Islamist views, is a security risk, the report said. The police could arrest him on charges related to the distribution and use of drugs, even before December 19, when the attack occurred. The day he entered the territory of the lively Christmas market on the square Breitscheidplatz, crushed to death 12 people and causing severe injury

Harvey Weinstein: what’s new? Producer accused of harassment Lea seydoux and Cara Delevingne. He went to rehab

Harvey Weinstein: what’s new? Producer accused of harassment Lea seydoux and Cara Delevingne. He went to rehab Hollywood continues to develop the plot associated with the allegations Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment and violence. About the harassment of the producer in their address reported by many famous Actresses, including angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow. Weinstein was fired from his own Studio, he left his wife, and the American and British police began to investigate cases of sexual violence in which the accused producer. “Medusa” tells what has happened with the case of Weinstein for the last two days. The investigation, which is suppressed Materials that Harvey Weinstein has for many years abused official position and forcing young Actresses to perform sexual acts, almost simultaneously published two amerianskie leading publications — The New York Times and The New Yorker. Both worked on articles for a few months and were aware of

Scammers have found a new way to steal your money with a credit card

Scammers have found a new way to steal your money with a credit card Specialists Hi-Tech Mail.Ru found a new scheme of cheating people via messenger and Viber phone calls — scammers rubbed in trust, represented by staff of the Bank VTB 24. A convincing scheme The attackers began a new wave of attacks with the purpose to fraudulently gain access to Bank cards. The scheme is simple: messenger Viber users send out mass message that the map VTB 24 was surgery, which they did not commit. Already at this stage appear to be suspicious, the Bank does not use instant messaging for notifications of transactions. Another signal should be the user name that sends the message — “VTB24” and not in Russian “VTB 24”. @Ozon_ru @vtb @Viber I have no cards in VTB, and I did not buy anything in — Givi Sheroziya (@givisheroziya) 19 Sep 2017

The drone took off like a postman delivering mail at a burned-out city in California

The drone took off like a postman delivering mail at a burned-out city in California MOSCOW, 13 Dec — RIA Novosti. Photographer Douglas took the Throne with the help of a drone is almost completely burned in a forest fire California city Santa Rosa. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The video shows how the U.S. postal service and driving through the empty streets, puts letters in unburned boxes. Houses and cars in one part of the city is completely destroyed. In the middle of the movie the postman rides along the street, one side of which all were completely burnt, whereas on the other, on the contrary, all the buildings remained intact. During the download an error has occurred.According to recent reports, the fire in California killed 31 people. Destroyed more than 3.5 thousand buildings. Several hundred people are still missing.

The defense Ministry reported the release of 92% of the territory of Syria from ISIS

The defense Ministry reported the release of 92% of the territory of Syria from ISIS The Russian defense Ministry reported about the release of more than 92% of the territory of Syria from the militants of the “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia). Over the past week the aircraft of VC made more than 500 sorties and destroyed 1260 terrorist targets in Syria, according to TV Zvezda. Earlier, the defense Ministry announced a major defeat for is militants in Syria — Syrian troops broke through the blockade airbase in Deir-ez-Zor with the support of FSI. In the defense Ministry say that this success surpasses in scope all the victories over ISIS during the past three years. We will remind, on Wednesday, the defense Ministry has accused the Pentagon of a possible breakdown of a peace agreement in the South area of de-escalation in the province of Daraa. Before that, the

Salaries in Roskomnadzor came under the supervision of the FSB

Salaries in Roskomnadzor came under the supervision of the FSB As it became known””, on participation in payroll fraud, the Investigative Committee reviews all senior staff in the Central office of Roscomnadzor. The charges already brought against three of them, and the CEO subordinated to it FGUP “the Main radio frequency center” (GRCC). The latter explained that he had been forced to employ for the enterprise “dead souls” in order to allow Roskomnadzor to retain valuable employees by increasing their salaries. Especially that last, receiving double salaries, actually worked for two. According to “Kommersant”, the investigation, which is now held in Roskomnadzor and the state GRCC, was preceded by large-scale rapid development. For about six months, the FSB tapped telephone conversations and studied the movement of funds on accounts of officials, spending even seizure of information from ATMs, which they enjoyed. In the end, the collected materials were sent to

The FSB said on state secrets in the case of employees of roskomnadzora

The FSB said on state secrets in the case of employees of roskomnadzora Hearings on the case of Vadim Ampelonskiy will pass in the closed mode: the material is classified “secret.” RBC sources attribute this to the documents that relate to the state enterprise “Main radio frequency center”. Criminal case, which forms the press-Secretary of Roskomnadzor (RKN) Vadim Ampelonskiy and other Agency staff suspected in a large fraud, is connected with the activity of state enterprise “Main radio frequency center”. The documents in the case sealed. About it told RBC a source in the FSB and confirmed the source familiar with the investigation. In early October of this year at the state enterprise “Main radio frequency center”, which is subordinate to the Roskomnadzor, were searched. Immediately thereafter employees of Department Vadim Anemoscope, Alexander Vasilchikov and Boris Edidin a criminal case was opened under article 159 part 4 (fraud in especially

Housing question: what really owns Alexei Ulyukayev

Housing question: what really owns Alexei Ulyukayev The Prosecutor’s office announced that it found the former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev dozens of houses and plots. As found by the Russian service Bi-bi-si, a part of him found longer belong to, and another apartment, he did not indicate in its Declaration. The transfer of possession of the ex-Minister Alexei Ulyukayev, who is accused of receiving a bribe in especially large size, took quite a long time at the hearing on 3 October. Prosecutors detailed a litany of flats, houses and land owned, according to them, the Minister and his family. Only 15 apartments and 10 land. Ulyukayev lawyer Timothy Gridnev then stated that such a detailed enumeration of the property of the defendant is the intentional desire to create the appearance of wealth: “Yes, it’s funny. They list the same property multiple times”. Russian service Bi-bi-si compared the data

California COP was wearing a forest fire inside

California COP was wearing a forest fire inside In California a police officer drove through the raging on both sides of the road a forest fire. Video publishes BFMTV. The car was driven by Sheriff of SONOMA County near San Francisco. According to the latest data, the victims of forest fires have already resulted in 23 people. In the fight with fire take part eight thousand firemen and rescuers. En Californie, ce shérif roule au milieu des flammes ?? — BFMTV (@BFMTV) 12 Oct 2017. During the download an error has occurred.

The new York city police opened a case against producer Harvey Weinstein

The new York city police opened a case against producer Harvey Weinstein The new York city police reopened the investigation against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, according to AFP. The Agency said that the case for the events of 2004 October 6, The New York Times published an article which cited the testimony of mostly anonymous, sexual harassment Weinstein to their women and Actresses. Actress Lucia Evans previously told The New Yorker that in 2004, Weinstein forced her to perform oral sex. Material from Newspapers, we can conclude that the producer for more than three decades, inappropriately behaved, promising women career in Hollywood in exchange for sex. That day, hired by the producer lawyer Charles Harper said that he was preparing against the newspaper sued for $50 million Himself, Weinstein said, that the most part written by newspaper — not true, but admitted that his methods of communicating with women “outdated”