The death toll in a fire in St. Petersburg printing houses has increased to three

The death toll in a fire in St. Petersburg printing houses has increased to three MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/ — Earlier it was reported about one victim. Two dead bodies found at the scene of a fire in a printing house in St. Petersburg. About TASS reported in the emergency services of the city. “Discovered two dead. The total number of deaths is three persons”, — said the source. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier in the EMERCOM of Russia reported that as a result of fire one person died and three were hospitalized. The fire occurred on the second and third floors of a four-storey building of JSC “Saint-Petersburg newspaper complex” on a total area of 100 square meters, collapsed overlap between the second and third floors in the area of 60 sq. m. More than 30 people evacuated.

In Saratov, a car crashed into a supermarket

In Saratov, a car crashed into a supermarket MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. In Saratov the car rammed the entrance to the supermarket. Video of the incident published “the Fifth channel”. The footage, shot by a surveillance camera, shows how a few seconds before the incident came to the store man. As soon as he went inside, the car rammed the automatic glass doors and stopped. View this post in Instagram Publication from PE Saratov ? (@chp_saratov) 17 Jan 2019 4:01 PST During the download an error has occurred. According to the channel, as a result of incident nobody has suffered. The driver says that the cause of the incident was a technical failure of the car.

One person was killed and three were injured in a fire in St. Petersburg

One person was killed and three were injured in a fire in St. Petersburg Moscow. 17 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — As reported in the St. Petersburg newspaper complex collapsed ceiling in the area of 60 sq. m. In case of fire in the building of the St.-Petersburg newspaper complex has died, has informed “Interfax” in the press service of EMERCOM of Russia. During the download an error has occurred. “Three people had been injured and one killed”, — said the press service. As reported, at 15:54 received a signal about a fire in the building of the printing house at: Kirovskiy rayon, Leninskiy PR., d. 139. Fire assigned to the second number of complexity. From the burning building were evacuated more than 30 people. In a press-service of Ministry of emergency situations reported that in a burning building collapsed ceiling. “The fire covered an area of one hundred square meters with

A major fire occurred in the building of Saint-Petersburg newspaper complex

A major fire occurred in the building of Saint-Petersburg newspaper complex Moscow. 17 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Fire extinguish increased complexity in the building of the St.-Petersburg newspaper complex on Leninsk the prospectus, the press service of EMERCOM in the city on Thursday. “On January 17 15.54 received a report of a fire in the building of the printing house at: Kirovskiy rayon, Leninskiy PR., d. 139. the first pozharno-saving divisions arrived to a call place in 16:03. At the time of their arrival the fire was pulled from the second floor Windows of the four-storey building”, — stated in the message MES. Later in the press service of the emergencies Ministry, “Interfax” reported that several people were hospitalized. All from a burning building evacuated more than 30 people. During the download an error has occurred. Fire assigned to the second number of complexity. Extinguishing attracted 105 members of staff and

In case of fire in the office center in Perm were injured 14 people

In case of fire in the office center in Perm were injured 14 people Moscow. 17 Jan. INTERFAX.RU TO date, the fire on the third floor was extinguished. Fourteen people were injured in the fire in the office center in Perm, reported “Interfax” the press service of the regional Ministry of health. “14 injured, six of them are hospitalized”, — said the representative of the Ministry. However, the press service of the emergencies Ministry has provided other data. “According to the latest information, six were injured, hospitalized for 4 persons, two assisted outpatient. Rescued 15 people,” — said the Agency, adding that the woman on the ninth month of pregnancy in the minds hospitalized in the maternity unit of the hospital. At the moment the fire is extinguished. During the download an error has occurred. Information about the fire on the third floor of an office building down the street

Media: in the campus of the University of Lyon, there were several explosions

Media: in the campus of the University of Lyon, there were several explosions PARIS, January 17. /TASS/ — the Channel BFMTV reported that he had set off several gas cylinders. Several explosions occurred in the University campus, “Lyon 1” France. This was reported by channel BFMTV. Important incendie sur la campus de la Doua, au Nord de Lyon — Florent Derue (@florentderue) 17 Jan 2019 According to him, on Thursday morning on the roof was on fire, then blew up three gas cylinder stored on the terrace. According to updated data published in Twitter of the University, three people were slightly injured. All were in the building people were immediately evacuated. Explosion sur le campus de la Doua à Lyon (bâtiment Mendes) — (@eliote_sama) 17 Jan 2019 Arrived on the scene, firefighters were able to quickly control the spread of fire. One of the buildings of the

The number of victims of the terrorist attack in Kenya has risen to 21

The number of victims of the terrorist attack in Kenya has risen to 21 Among the dead — citizens of the US and the UK. The death toll in the terrorist attack at the five-star Dusit hotel in the Kenyan capital Nairobi vyroslo to 21 people. These data are cited by the Associated Press. Earlier it was reported about 14 victims. Most of the victims were citizens of Kenya, as well as one British, one US citizen, the citizenship of the three is not yet established. About 30 people were taken to hospital with injuries. Operation against extremists is completed, all militants killed. Responsibility for the attack on the hotel took banned in Russia, the group “Al-Shabab”.

MOE has completed the withdrawal of the rescuers on the scene of an emergency in the Mines

MOE has completed the withdrawal of the rescuers on the scene of an emergency in the Mines ROSTOV-ON-DON, January 17 — RIA Novosti, Yulia Nikulina. MOE completed the withdrawal of rescuers from the scene of the partial collapse of a house in the town of Shakhty, the Rostov region, told RIA Novosti the representative of GUMCHS of Russia on region, Marina Abramchenko. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “All the forces and means of EMERCOM displayed in places of permanent deployment,” she said. As previously reported to journalists by the Governor of the region Vasily Golubev, after a rescue operation a few days in the place of investigators will work. The special Commission will begin tool inspection of home for suitability for living and assessment of material damages from the blast. On Monday morning occurred explosion of household gas in an apartment building in Shakhty, a partially collapsed the eighth and ninth floors. Saved seven

It became known about the status of kidnapped by pirates Russians

It became known about the status of kidnapped by pirates Russians Representatives of the pirate group took hostage six Russians off the coast of Benin, contacted the shipowner. The Chairman of the Russian trade Union of seamen Yury Sukhorukov, reports TASS. “Allowed the captain to communicate with the shipowner, he confirmed that everything is more or less okay, people are in more or less decent conditions,” he explained. According to Sukhorukov, the company began negotiations with the invaders. To this end, the shipowner appealed to the British organization negotiator. The interests of the pirates are also specially hired intermediaries. January 5 it became known about abduction of Russian citizens by pirates. The attack on the container ship MSC Mandy was committed on the night of January 2, drifting 20 miles off the coast abeam port Cotonou in the Gulf of Guinea. On Board were were 26 people: two citizens of

Erdogan: the attack in Manbij killed 27 people

Erdogan: the attack in Manbij killed 27 people ANKARA, January 16. /TASS/. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not rule out on Wednesday that the attack in Manbij could be intended to influence the US decision to withdraw troops from Syria. He stated this at a press conference following talks with President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. “The explosion in Manbij killed 27 people, including five U.S. military. It is possible that this was done in order to somehow influence the U.S. decision [to withdraw its troops from Syria]”, he said. Erdogan recalled that “during talks with [US President Donald] trump was decisive in the question of the withdrawal of troops”. Helpthe United States withdraw troops from Syria The Americans betrayed their allies. This will benefit Russia, Turkey and Iran. Read more