In the centre of Voronezh there was a fire in the beauty salon

In the centre of Voronezh there was a fire in the beauty salon The fire was quickly extinguished, he managed to damage the only ventilation in the room. 18 fire on six vehicles arrived on College street for the report of a fire in the beauty salon. The fire was done ten minutes after an alarm signal on the panel of the Ministry of emergency situations. Thanks to efficiency of rescuers, the cabin was damaged only ventilation on the area of one square meter. No injuries were reported. What was the cause of the fire, find out specialists. Last night in the village of Nikolo-Varvarinka in Bobrovsky area there was a much more serious fire. In the residential building were two rooms and a corridor in a residential home. Collapsed part of the roof. Fortunately, the fire nobody has suffered.

Prosecutors suspect the UK authorities in the death of Berezovsky

Prosecutors suspect the UK authorities in the death of Berezovsky The Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Saak Karapetyan said that the British authorities would benefit from the death of businessman Boris Berezovsky. It is reported by the correspondent of “Kommersant” with a special briefing in the state office of public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. “As soon as Berezovsky was going to go back to Russia at this moment is the fact of death. This was beneficial to Berezovsky have not traveled in Russia, did not disclose those closed facts which he had? I think it’s obvious. First and foremost, it is beneficial to the British authorities”, — said Mr. Karapetyan. We will remind, Boris Berezovsky was discovered dead in his home on March 23, 2013. The autopsy found no traces of violent death: the police report indicated that the most likely version of the death of Mr.

In the sea of Okhotsk the fishermen save a detached ice floe

In the sea of Okhotsk the fishermen save a detached ice floe YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, April 9 — RIA Novosti. The operation to rescue about 30 people from the detached ice floe is on Sakhalin have managed to rescue four persons, informs on Monday a press-service of Department of EMERCOM in the Sakhalin region. “In the afternoon of April 9, the operations duty officer of the control Center in crisis situations the main Department of EMERCOM of Russia, Sakhalin oblast received information that in Mordvinov Gulf (South-Eastern coast of Sakhalin island) occurred the separation of the ice people”, — stated in the message. According to the Ministry, 500 metres from the shore on an ice field of a crack with a width of 10 meters, which is located about 30 anglers. The length of the ice is several kilometers, near Cape Loose it comes in contact with the land, reported in the

Cordoned off in connection with the case Skripal quarters Salisbury had been infested with rats

Cordoned off in connection with the case Skripal quarters Salisbury had been infested with rats Moscow. April 9. INTERFAX.RU — IN the quarters of the English city of Salisbury, surrounded by police, which is investigating the case of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal, there is a sharp increase in the number of rats, writes in the Sunday Daily Mail. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Access to it is still closed to citizens, including to members of the service pest control, the newspaper notes. Rats grew bolder, and due to the fact that cordoned off the blocks there is no one to deter, say city officials. Especially the disadvantaged called the area adjacent to the pub “the mill”, which Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia visited shortly before the poisoning. Meanwhile, British police said earlier that an investigation of the incident in Salisbury can take months, and asked residents to be prepared for the fact that

Police prevented a terrorist attack on the Berlin half marathon

Police prevented a terrorist attack on the Berlin half marathon Berlin police arrested four people on suspicion of preparing attacks using knives during spring 38 and half marathon, which was attended by about 32 thousand people. It is assumed that the detainees were part of the entourage of the terrorist Anise Amri, reports Die Welt. The motive of the suspects in the police called revenge. We will remind, on December 19 in the centre of Berlin a Tunisian Anis Amri on the direct orders of the IG (banned in Russia) crashed into a crowd at the Christmas fair. 12 people were killed, 56 were injured.

At collision of a train and bus to the Crimea, killed five people

At collision of a train and bus to the Crimea, killed five people SIMFEROPOL, April 8. /TASS/. Five people were killed in a traffic accident with a train and a minibus in the Crimean town of Armyansk, reported TASS in the Ministry of health of the Republic of Crimea. “[Suffered] eight people: five of them were killed, three in the hospital with injuries of varying severity”, — said the representative of the Ministry. At the same time, the source TASS in the medical field reported that the number of injured rose to 12 people. “Three of them asked themselves — two in the dispensary of the Armenian, and one in the dispensary of Krasnoperekopsk. Among victims — one child, a girl, she went to the clinic,” he said. As reported TASS in the emergency Department of the Central city hospital of the city of Sochi, the two victims are in

The crew of “Nord” blocked at the border of Ukraine and Russia

The crew of “Nord” blocked at the border of Ukraine and Russia Ukrainian border guards blocked the car with the crew of the fishing vessel “Nord” at the checkpoint goptovka Dergachi district of Kharkiv region and stole their passports. This was reported by lawyer Vladimir Voytyuk. “Border guards stolen documents citizens under the guise of check and blocked any movement. Also the guards under threat of detention is kept in fear of people who are in a car and forced to sit in a closed car”, — quotes its words “RIA Novosti”. Defense counsel said that the guards prevent the movement of diplomatic vehicles from Russia, despite the fact that passengers have the required temporary license to travel abroad. Vladimir Voytyuk also noted that lawyers are already eight o’clock can’t get access to the crew members because of the actions of Ukrainian border guards. The police arrived at the scene

The apartment have ran over the crowd in münster found a Kalashnikov rifle

The apartment have ran over the crowd in münster found a Kalashnikov rifle Police during a search of the apartment the driver ran over the crowd in Munster, found a Kalashnikov rifle, according to Bild. Currently investigators are examining the weapons. It is also reported that the car of the man was discovered firecrackers. Earlier it was reported that the police found a suspicious object in the van that drove into the visitors cafe in the German Munster. The van drove into a crowd of guests in münster. As a result, according to preliminary data, three people were killed and over 30 injured. The police confirmed that the van driver had committed suicide. Attack truck in Germany? . Saturday April 7, the truck rammed the people sitting in a cafe in the German city of münster. . What is known at 18:40 on 7 April . According to the media

The fire in the Trump Tower injuring five people, media reported

The fire in the Trump Tower injuring five people, media reported MOSCOW, April 8 — RIA Novosti. Five people were injured in a fire in Trump Tower in new York, reports NBC, citing the fire service. It is noted that one of the victims — a resident of the apartment, which is in the tower is in a serious condition. Four firefighters received minor injuries, their lives are not threatened. Earlier it was reported that the fire took place on the 50th floor of the Trump Tower. New York City firefigthers on Saturday are battling a fire on the 50th floor of the Trump Tower, the fire department tweeted. The FDNY said at 7 p.m. that it was a four-alarm fire. They remained on the scene. The FDNY said that one man, whose apartment the fire started in, is in critical condition. Firefigthers Four suffered minor injuries, including two with

CBS: in Trump Tower there was a fire

CBS: in Trump Tower there was a fire The fire occurred on Saturday on the 50th floor of a skyscraper Trump Tower in Manhattan. This was reported in Twitter of the fire service of the metropolis. The fire was initially assigned to the second category of complexity, it was later upgraded to third. Information on victims did not arrive. Uh. This is the Trump tower. Get me out of here. #trumptower #trumptowerfire Publication of krisbigos (@krisbigos) 7 APR 2018 at 3:11 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Later, the President of the United States Donald trump wrote on Twitter that the fire is out. “Fire in the Trump Tower extinguished. (His focus was approx. TASS) is Very limited (well built the building),” wrote the American leader, thanking firefighters. Thus the new York authorities have not yet announced the elimination of the fire. Fire at the Trump Tower is