FSB prevented the terrorist attacks in Yaroslavl

FSB prevented the terrorist attacks in Yaroslavl In Yaroslavl have detained five members of a grouping “Islamic state”* who planned the attacks in Russia, said the FSB. MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. “Coordination of the preparation to commit terrorist attacks were carried out including from abroad”, — told the Agency. During the search of the detainees seized an Arsenal of improvised explosive devices, explosives, firearms and ammunition. Criminal case is brought. The individual terrorists are not called in the interests of the investigation. Earlier Friday, security forces eliminated two leaders of extremist religious cell in the Stavropol region. When inspecting the scene also found a laboratory for making explosives, trained criminals with an improvised explosive device and firearm, ammunition and grenades. Last year, security forces have prevented 25 attacks, four terrorists had been able to do. For the first quarter of this year the security services have eliminated the

Property accused of embezzlement by officials of Roskomnadzor arrested

Property accused of embezzlement by officials of Roskomnadzor arrested Moscow. May 4. INTERFAX.RU — the assets of the accused in the embezzlement of officials of Roskomnadzor, among them a press-the Secretary of service Vadim Ampelonskiy, the arrest. “Since the last extension of the house arrest of the accused the result of a series of actions carried out interrogations, confrontations, verification of testimonies at the scene, the arrest on the property of the accused,” said Friday an investigator in the Basmanny court of Moscow, which considered the question of extension of term of house arrest Ampelonskiy, the ex-head of the legal Department of Rossvyazokhrankultura, Boris Edidin and adviser of General Director FGUP “the Main radio frequency center” (GRCC) Alexander Vasilchikov. On whose property is seized, the investigator said. The investigative Committee asks to leave the three accused under house arrest until August 7. During this period, the investigation intends to complete

The OPCW has denied the information about the dosage used in Salisbury agent

The OPCW has denied the information about the dosage used in Salisbury agent Moscow. May 4. INTERFAX.RU. The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) is not able to determine the amount of chemical used in the poisoning of ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury, said the organization. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “The OPCW is unable to estimate or determine the amount of nerve agent that was used in Salisbury on March 4, 2018. Probably it should be measured in milligrams,” reads the statement by the press Secretary of the OPCW, submitted to “Interfax”. “However, analysis of samples collected by OPCW-group, revealed that the detected chemical has high purity, durability, and is unaffected by weather conditions,” reads the statement. Earlier on Friday it became known that OPCW Director General Ahmet üzümcü in an interview with The New York Times reported the use of from 50 to 100 g

In Crimea detained a Ukrainian fishing boat

In Crimea detained a Ukrainian fishing boat The Ukrainian fishing vessel “NMR-0041” illegally mined flounder in the exclusive economic zone of Russia, arrested on Friday in the Black sea, according to the Crimean border Department of the FSB. SIMFEROPOL, may 4 — RIA Novosti. “West of Cape Tarkhankut border patrol ship “Amethyst” … detained by the Ukrainian fishing vessel “NMR-0041″ (home port — Ochakov, Ukraine) engaged in illegal fishing flounder-Kalkan setName gear in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation”, — said in a release. Several kilometers of nets were removed, the ship and the crew — five citizens of Ukraine were taken to the Crimea “for the conduct of procedural actions”. The guards stressed that the act “in strict accordance with international law of the sea”. Earlier, on March 25, Ukrainian border guards detained in the sea of Azov, the Russian ship “North” with 10 crew members. They

“Beginner” will be put under supervision

“Beginner” will be put under supervision Director General of the OPCW hopes to include it in the list of chemical weapons. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The Director-General of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Ahmet üzümcü hopes that the paralytic agent “Beginner”, which, according to British intelligence, was poisoned by a former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, will be included in the list of chemical weapons, which are being international supervision. In an interview with The New York Times Ahmet üzümcü said that in cases of poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala was used from 50 to 100 g of substance having a liquid form. According to Mr üzümcü, it is much more than needed for laboratory research. “For research to protect you will need, for example, 5 to 10 R”, — he said. According to Director General of the OPCW, it means that the substance could

I crashed in the Syrian su-30CM before the crash, fell sharply thrust of the engine

I crashed in the Syrian su-30CM before the crash, fell sharply thrust of the engine The SU-30 that crashed yesterday after takeoff from the air base Hamim, passed a full cycle of preflight preparation and had no claims from the professionals, and its commander already had experience of such operations, according to Kommersant’s source. However, for unclear reason, immediately after takeoff one of the engines of the aircraft there was a sharp drop in thrust. In this situation, the pilots could eject, but instead attempted to align the aircraft to return to the airfield. After attempting to turn the aircraft crashed into the sea, hitting the water he tore off the left wing and empennage. Both pilots were killed. According to the plan, the su-30SM were to fly over the Mediterranean sea, and to secure the aircraft was flying with full ammunition. The commander of the crew of two was

Named OPCW dose “Newbie” would have killed the whole of Salisbury, said the developer

Named OPCW dose “Newbie” would have killed the whole of Salisbury, said the developer MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. Use 50-100 grams A234 means of combat would completely destroy the entire population of Salisbury, according to Leonid rink — one of the developers of chemical weapons a “Beginner”, to which the British equate substance A234. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The New York Times, citing the head of the OPCW Ahmet üzümcü previously reported that the dose of the substance, which in the British Salisbury was poisoned ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, ranged from 50 to 100 grams. “A nightmare. Salisbury of so many all would have. That is the battle volumes. This number do not know how many people you can kill,” said rink. This proves the doubtfulness of the version that Skrobala was poisoned with this structure, the expert added. Previously, the newspaper The New York Times, citing

Skripal was poisoned full glass “Newbie”

Skripal was poisoned full glass “Newbie” For the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was used from 50 to 100 grams of nerve agents in liquid form. This was stated by the head of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW), Ahmed üzümcü, reports The New York Times. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий This amount of poison is much more that could be created in research centres, and so almost certainly was synthesized as weapons, he said, adding he did not have exact figures. Üzümcü confirmed the hypothesis that “Newbie” was used in Salisbury is in liquid form, the OPCW experts took samples from door knobs at home Skripal, in the Park, and “in several other places, which was attended by the victims”. Particularly, he stressed that this form of poison high purity are particularly resistant to environmental influences and weather conditions — because of that, managed to