In the Kuzbass, a fire broke out at the mine “Raspadskaya”

In the Kuzbass, a fire broke out at the mine “Raspadskaya” MOSCOW, may 10 — RIA Novosti. The fire occurred at the Raspadskaya mine in the Kemerovo region, is currently being created Commission on investigation of causes of accident, told RIA Novosti in Rostekhnadzor. “Currently, a Commission for the investigation of causes of accident on mine. Agency staff present at the spot”, — said the representative of the Department, confirming the fact of fire. Informed about the fire at the mine reported RIA Novosti source in the emergency services of the region. According to the source, the fire occurred at a depth of 500 meters, is the evacuation of 195 miners. The mine suspended.

Iraqi authorities detained five leaders of the IG* on the border with Syria

Iraqi authorities detained five leaders of the IG* on the border with Syria WASHINGTON, may 10 — RIA Novosti. Operation on detention of five leaders of the group “Islamic state”* was held by the Iraqi authorities, with the assistance of the “Syrian democratic forces” (SDS), said the special representative of the President of the United States in the coalition fight against ISIS* Brett Mcguirk. “Iraqi forces detained five senior leaders* in coordination with DFS in the border region of Iraq and Syria. Excellent cooperation closes any possible escape route for the terrorists of the IG*”, — I wrote to Mcguirk on his Twitter page. The names of the detainees are not called. *A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

Nikita Belykh approved the sentence

Nikita Belykh approved the sentence The Moscow city court rejected an appeal of former Governor of Kirov region Nikita Belykh and his lawyers on the sentence imposed on the former official Presnensky court of Moscow in February of this year. Mr. White was convicted of receiving a bribe in the amount of €400 thousand and sentenced to eight years in prison and a heavy fine. The defence tried to prove to the court that the former Governor did not commit the crimes alleged against him, but without success. Today the Moscow city court considers the appeal of the former Governor and his lawyer on a sentence of Presnensky court of Moscow. In February of this year, Mr. White was convicted of receiving a bribe in the amount of €400 thousand from the owner of the Kirov timber industry enterprises of Yuri Sudheimer for the overall protection and was sentenced to

The court allowed to hospitalize the ex-Director of the “Gogol-center” Malopolska

The court allowed to hospitalize the ex-Director of the “Gogol-center” Malopolska Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU — Ex-General producer of Autonomous non-commercial organization “the Seventh Studio” and former Director of the “Gogol-center” Alexei Malopolska hospitalitynet from the court. “Clinical and objective methods of examination of the accused Malopolska, outfit ambulance recommended his admission to the inpatient facility,” — said the “Interfax” press Secretary of the Basmanny court of Moscow Juno Tsarev. She added that it hospitalitynet in the 20 th city hospital. As the correspondent of “Interfax”, the building of the Basmanny court is a car intensive care ambulance. The source in medical circles told Interfax that while the Malopolska confirmed myocardial ischemia, but on the electrocardiogram to say that it was a heart attack, doctors can’t. “There is a deterioration of the ECG, but diagnosis of myocardial infarction is not yet set,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier on Thursday

The Malopolska summoned an ambulance

The Malopolska summoned an ambulance Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU — Came to court to support the former General producer of Autonomous non-commercial organization (ANO) “the Seventh Studio” and ex-Director of the “Gogol-center” Alexei Malopolska stated that he became ill in the courtroom. “Alex is in a serious condition and need immediate intensive care in the cardiology Department,” according to fellow Malopolska journalists. The bailiffs asked the media to leave the courthouse. Near it is the ambulance, the doctors went to court. On Thursday the court the second time has refused to transfer the Malopolska from jail under house arrest. Previously, the producer extended the custody to June 19.

Russian official lost an expensive SUV

Russian official lost an expensive SUV The first Deputy Governor of Kurgan region, Director of Department of agroindustrial complex Sergey Pugin lost utility of an SUV Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150 because of the scandal with the secret procurement of cars for government. On Thursday, may 10, according to URA.RU with reference to the press service of the regional Prosecutor’s office. According to the publication, SUV acquired JSC Avtodor “North-West” and then donated it GBU “Kurgan Center for veterinary medicine”. In September 2017 by the order of regional Department of property and land the car was illegally seized operational control of the state budgetary institution “the Center of veterinary science” and transferred to the state budgetary institution “Management on ensuring activity of the government of the Kurgan region”. Against the responsible officials and JSC Avtodor “North-West” instituted administrative proceedings on the results of their review of guilty was fined a

SK filed a case of attempted murder after the shooting at the Novosibirsk College

SK filed a case of attempted murder after the shooting at the Novosibirsk College The victim of a gunshot wound of the hand the student is in the hospital under medical supervision. MOSCOW, may 10. /TASS/. The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin has put control in the Central office of the Department of investigation of attempted murder in the attack of 17-year-old student by fellow students at the Novosibirsk College. This was reported by TASS, the official representative SK the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko. “Criminal case is brought on signs of the crime provided by part 3 of article 30, part 2 of article 105 of the criminal code (“Attempted murder committed publicly dangerous method”). As noted by Alexander Bastrykin, it is necessary to give a principled assessment of the incident to establish the circumstances that contributed to the Commission of this crime”, —

In the Novosibirsk region three people were injured during the emergency in the College

In the Novosibirsk region three people were injured during the emergency in the College Doctors operate on the wounded shoulder of the student. NOVOSIBIRSK, may 10 — RIA Novosti. Doctors operate on the wounded shoulder of the student branch of Novosibirsk College transport technology. N. A. Lunin (Barabinsk); even two people who jumped out the window got broken, told RIA Novosti the representative of the Ministry of health of the region. Earlier, the regional government announced that the student branch of the College in the city of Barabinsk Thursday during class hurt a classmate, and then committed suicide. Details of the incident were not reported. Acting Governor Andrei Travnikov canceled a scheduled trip to Orda district and flew to Barabinsk. “One of the victims is currently in surgery with a wound in the shoulder. Even the two fractures that were obtained in connection with the fact that they jumped out

The Iron man suit has gone missing in USA

The Iron man suit has gone missing in USA Police in Los Angeles (California) the loss of the suit of one of the heroes of the movie “Iron man” worth $320 thousand According to TV channel Fox News, talking about the original armor, which starred Robert Downey Jr., who plays the role of billionaire inventor Tony stark. The police began to search for the parts of the exoskeleton stark empowers the hero with supernatural abilities. As noted by the employees of the warehouse of props, the last armor seen in February of this year. Sci-Fi Thriller “Iron man” was released on wide screens in 2008. the film narrates about the adventures of the eponymous character of Marvel comics. The film was shot by film company Marvel Studios under the direction of Jon Favreau. The main character (Downey Jr.) is a brilliant inventor Tony stark, who developed an exoskeleton to escape

Media: the Israeli air force attacked Syrian positions in Khan Arnaba in the Golan

Media: the Israeli air force attacked Syrian positions in Khan Arnaba in the Golan As reported by Al Mayadeen, the attack was a response to rocket attacks on Israeli posts. TASS, may 10. The Israeli air force reportedly strikes Syrian army position in Khan Arnab (province of Quneitra, 40 km from Damascus) at the foot of the Golan heights. This was reported by TV channel Al Mayadeen. The consequences of plaque and the loss of channel information does not. According to him, the attack was a response to rocket attacks on Israeli posts in the occupied part of the Golan. Earlier, the Israeli military said that Iranian forces in Syria was released on Thursday 20 missiles on the forward positions of IDF in the Golan heights. “Iranian forces “al-Quds” has launched 20 rockets and other projectiles at the forefront of the IDF on the Golan, some missiles were intercepted,” he