The court arrested the property brothers Magomedov

The court arrested the property brothers Magomedov MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Tver court of Moscow arrested property of the owners of the group “Amount” brothers Magomedov, told RIA Novosti press-service of the court. “According to the decree, arrested four cars, two apartments, shares in the authorized capital of legal entities”, — said the spokeswoman, without specifying the brand of car and other details. Magomed and Ziyavudin Magomedov is involved in high-profile cases of fraud. The case of co-owners of group “the Sum” Criminal case is being investigated on three counts. Ziyavudin Magomedov and his brother is suspected of organizing a criminal community, swindle in especially large size and waste. Maksimovu charged with participation in criminal community with use of official position and large-scale fraud, he is suspected of embezzling at least 668 million rubles. Initially, in late 2014, it was prosecuted for fraud, then in production combined

SK suspected of meatballs “Health” in the poisoning of children in the Urals

SK suspected of meatballs “Health” in the poisoning of children in the Urals Beef burgers “Health” or curd-rice casserole could be the cause of poisoning 64 children in children’s camp “Pine forest” in the city of Kushva Sverdlovsk region. About the Agency TASS reported in the regional Department of the Investigative Committee. “Health has deteriorated from 64 children aged 7 to 12 years of age and two counselors at the age of 18 years. On the eve of the lunch, the children and counselors ate: lunch — potato soup, beef cutlet “Health”, stewed cabbage, compote and bread in the afternoon as they were feeding curd-rice casserole. Now investigator interviewed representatives of the camp administration”, — stated in the message. Upon the outbreak of intestinal infection of the Investigative Committee for the region and the Prosecutor of the city of Kushva started check. In August 2017 in Buryatia hospital beds were

In the Urals the number of poisoned in children’s camp has reached 64 people

In the Urals the number of poisoned in children’s camp has reached 64 people EKATERINBURG, 9 Jun — RIA Novosti. In hospital Kushva and Nizhny Tagil from the children’s camp “Pine forest” hospitalized 64 people, said on Saturday the regional Prosecutor’s office. Earlier, according to Ministry of health, in the hospital were delivered to 53 people. The Agency noted that the children are in satisfactory condition. On site working staff of the Ministry of health of Sverdlovsk region, Center for disaster medicine and local hospitals. “Just sent for hospitalization 64: 33 — the hospital in Kushva 31 people to the hospital in Nizhny Tagil”, — stated in the message of Prosecutor’s office. It is noted that 20 children have already been hospitalized in Nizhny Tagil, 11 delivered. All children have similar symptoms: complaints of abdominal pain, vomiting and malaise. The condition of all victims the satisfactory. Among hospitalized two counselors,

Rescue workers evacuated after gas explosion residents of the house near Khabarovsk

Rescue workers evacuated after gas explosion residents of the house near Khabarovsk Emergency personnel evacuated residents of the five houses after the gas explosion, the incident occurred in the village of Oktyabrsky in Vanino district of the Khabarovsk territory, reported in the EMERCOM in the region. Firefighters extinguish a fire that started after the explosion. According to “RIA Novosti”, a gas explosion occurred in the five story building located on the street of Astronauts. While clapping, one person died, another was injured. The blast blew out the Windows in the apartments, after the explosion started a fire in the apartment on the second floor. Previously, the design of the house was not injured.

The lawyer reported about the deteriorating health of Cyril Vyshinsky

The lawyer reported about the deteriorating health of Cyril Vyshinsky MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. The status of the head of RIA Novosti Ukraine has deteriorated due to poor nutrition, said the lawyer, Andrew Domanski, who visited the detainee in the detention center of Kherson. At the same time, he noted that the significant complaints of feeling is not a journalist. “The fact that he needs a special diet. Now he needs medical examination”, — the defender told RIA Novosti. In addition, Vyshinsky, according to the lawyer, “confirmed his affiliation to the Russian citizenship”. On the eve of the SBU said that in the banking unit of the head of RIA news Ukraine allegedly found a subject similar to the gun, two hundred thousand dollars and a contract with MIA “Russia today”. In a press-service of the Agency found it strange that the detainee is not found tank. General

The court refused the protection of Vyshinsky in the return of the seized property

The court refused the protection of Vyshinsky in the return of the seized property KIEV, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. Kherson city court refused the protection of Kirill Vyshinsky to satisfy a new request. The lawyers asked the accused to return the seized property. We are talking about the Mitsubishi Outlander and SsangYong Actyon. The machine was taken after the discovery during a search of the certificate of registration in the name of the journalist. Press Secretary of the Prosecutor of Crimea Tatiana Tihonchik reported the refusal of the court to the page in Facebook. The Prosecutor’s office of the Crimea — the structure of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine created after the reunification of the Peninsula with Russia. The Case Of Wyszynski The head of RIA news Ukraine Kirill Vyshinsky was detained may 15, at a house in Kiev on suspicion in high treason and support of the DNI

The court re-arrested the top Manager of “RUSNANO” Gor in the case of theft

The court re-arrested the top Manager of “RUSNANO” Gor in the case of theft MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. Moscow’s Basmanny court on Friday re-arrested the managing Director on investment activity of “Rosnano” Andrey Gorky, accused of embezzling from the Corporation 198,5 million roubles, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. “The petition of the investigator about the election of a preventive measure to meet,” — announced the decision of the judge Natalia Dudar. Gorkov was arrested a year ago on Friday, he was supposed to be released — limiting the term of detention expired. However, the night before, the investigator opened a new criminal case, again conducted the procedure, charged and interrogated. Then the Investigative Committee asked the court for a new arrest. The Prosecutor, however, opposed the re-detention. According to the Prosecutor, the two cases one initiated by the investigator, the victim in both cases

The child was injured in the shooting at a school in Chelyabinsk

The child was injured in the shooting at a school in Chelyabinsk Unknown fired at the school building in Chelyabinsk. According to preliminary data, one child was injured. Were shooting from the pneumatic weapon at the Windows of the gymnasium № 63. At this point in the school were the children of camp of day stay. One child was injured, but his condition and injuries at school are not reported. This writes the news Agency “Ural-press-inform”. After the incident, all the children went home. As reported by the portal two people were injured in a shooting at the school in the American city of Indianapolis. Injuring one teenager and one adult.

Five people died in a fire in a private house in Nizhny Tagil

Five people died in a fire in a private house in Nizhny Tagil YEKATERINBURG, June 8. /TASS/. Five people, including three children, died in a fire in a private residential building in Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk region). Criminal case, said Friday in a press-service of Investigatory management SK the Russian Federation across the region. “On the night of 8 June, law enforcement agencies of the city of Nizhny Tagil received a message about detection in the course of extinguishing a fire in a private house in the gardening Association in the territory tagilstroevskogo district bodies of five people. According to preliminary data, the signs of violent death on bodies of victims it is not available. In fact the incident a criminal case under article of the criminal code “Causing death by negligence to two or more persons”, — stated in the message. As stated, the dead are a married couple and

Sun admitted the substitution of meat in shaikah business

Sun admitted the substitution of meat in shaikah business As it became known””, the defendants in high-profile criminal case of fraud in the supply suhpaykov for the needs of the interior Ministry and the defense Ministry in the amount of 220,2 mln may soon get out of jail. The Supreme court considered the complaint of the General Director of OOO “Agrosoyuz “Lyubava”” Michael lacsina and other defendants in the case, agreed with the arguments of their defence that the alleged crimes relate to the field of entrepreneurship, and therefore, the defendants cannot be detained. Now lawyers will have to convince the Presidium of the Moscow city court. Protection Michael lacsina, Executive Director of LLC “Agrosoyuz “Lyubava”” Michael Rodnikova and General Director of OOO “Mtsensk meat processing plant” Dmitry Atroshchenko appealed to the Supreme court (SC) several decisions of the Moscow courts: the three ruling of the Tver regional court on