The court closed the process to return the $2 million allocated to Ulyukayev Sechin as a bribe

The court closed the process to return the $2 million allocated to Ulyukayev Sechin as a bribe The decision was made at the request of the FSB. MOSCOW, June 29. /TASS/. The process to return $2 million that the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin was given in bribes to the former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev, was closed at the request of the FSB, the correspondent of TASS. Ulyukayev will take part in the meeting in the video conference from the penal colony. The court was also the claimant — the General of FSB in resignation Oleg Feoktistov. The Prosecutor supported the request of the FSB, arguing that the presence of the public will result in disclosure of classified data. At the same time, Ulyukayev stated that “categorically against” the closing of the hearing. The speaker was convicted December 15, 2017, the Moscow city court annulled the

Oleg Navalny was released

Oleg Navalny was released Brother of Alexey Navalny spent three and a half years in the case of “Yves Rocher”. Brother politician Alexei Navalny, Oleg Navalny, was released on Friday from the penal colony IK-5, Orel region at the end of three and a half years of imprisonment, to which he was sentenced in the case “Yves Rocher”. About it reports “Medusa”, citing its own correspondent near the colony in the Oryol region. There’s also Oleg Navalny was met by his elder brother Alexei Navalny. A few days before the release on Facebook Oleg Navalny appeared the post where he announced his exit from the colony. “There is a day in the life of any prisoner. It means that you will release the day before the date determined by the court. Of course I deny this kind of alms, which, however, does not prevent me to be released on 29

Media called the name staged a shooting edition of the Capital Gazette

Media called the name staged a shooting edition of the Capital Gazette The attack on the editor of the Capital Gazette in Maryland staged a 38-year-old local resident Jarrod Ramos. This is reported by NBC and CBS, citing their sources, as well as the website attacked the Newspapers. 28 June, unidentified persons entered the office with a shotgun and smoke bombs and opened fire on its employees. According to the police, as a result 5 people were killed and two others injured. “This man was ready to shoot people. He planned to harm,” — said at a press conference the head of the district police bill Krampf. The name of the suspect he did not name, but said that the man sought out his victims. The attacker was a kind of vendetta against the newspaper Capital, and he had a specific purpose.Ryan Masochistically police As noted at the Capital Gazette,

Police said that the shooter in Annapolis deliberately attacked the newspaper

Police said that the shooter in Annapolis deliberately attacked the newspaper NEW YORK, June 29. /TASS/ — According to recent reports, the incident killed five people. Investigators believe that the man who opened fire at Annapolis (Maryland), chosen as the destination that is the newspaper Capital Gazette or its staff, the reasons are still unknown. This was stated on Thursday, the head of the County police bill Krampf at a press conference, which was broadcast on Central television channels. It was a deliberate attack on the Capital Gazette. He [the attacker] walked into the building with a shotgun and was looking for his victims as he walked through the lower tier.Bill Kreftregisteret County The policeman added that the editors shortly before the attack had received threats via social networks. “We know that there were threats against the Capital Gazette, focused on social networks, he said. We’re trying to establish that

Five people were killed in a shooting in the editorial office of one of the oldest Newspapers in the United States

Five people were killed in a shooting in the editorial office of one of the oldest Newspapers in the United States WASHINGTON, June 29. /TASS/ — according to police, the gunman was arrested. Five people were killed in a shooting in the main office of one of the oldest in the United States publications Capital Gazette in Annapolis (Maryland). This was stated by the head of the local police Department Steven Shu at a press briefing, which was broadcasted by local television stations. “According to information which we have at the moment, five people were killed, several seriously injured, he said. — The gunman is in custody and was questioned”. Previously broadcaster MSNBC reported six dead and 22 wounded. According to CBS, the shooter was a white twenty-year-old man, whose identity is established. The attack on the edition he used a shotgun. The suspect refuses to cooperate with the investigation.

Several people died in the shooting at the newspaper’s office in Annapolis

Several people died in the shooting at the newspaper’s office in Annapolis Moscow. June 28. INTERFAX.RU — Several people were killed in a shooting in the newspaper Capital Gazette Annapolis, the capital of the U.S. state of Maryland, reported Thursday’s Fox News. According to the channel, the shooter captured by police. “I only know one suspect to date is under control,” said County Sheriff Ron Bateman. Multiple people have been shot at the Capital Gazette newspaper office in Annapolis, Maryland, a reporter there says — CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) June 28, 2018. It is unknown how many of the dead and wounded it is, however, according to the Sheriff, “a lot.” The circumstances of the incident is not yet established. #BREAKING: People leaving Capital Gazette newspaper in #Annapolis with hands up after reports of active shooter. — NBC DFW (@NBCDFW) 28 Jun 2018 The latest news

In Chechnya there was an explosion of tanks of fuel filling stations

In Chechnya there was an explosion of tanks of fuel filling stations GROZNY, June 28. /TASS/ — Information on victims did not arrive. Four underground tanks with fuel exploded at a petrol station a kilometre from the village of Shelkovskaya in Chechnya, told TASS a source in law enforcement bodies. “At the gas station in 1 km from the village of Shelkovskaya the explosion happened in four underground tanks with fuel,” — said the Agency interlocutor, adding that in the tanks was 50 cubic meters of fuel. A fire at a petrol station on the territory of 500 sq. m localized, reported TASS the press service of the regional Central Board MOE. During the download an error has occurred. “The fire at the gas station on the outskirts of the village of Grebenskaya localized. Pre-fire area — 500 square meters”, — said the Agency interlocutor.

The leader of the Karelian “Memorial” arrested on suspicion of sexual assault

The leader of the Karelian “Memorial” arrested on suspicion of sexual assault Moscow. June 28. INTERFAX.RU — Petrozavodsk city court on Thursday took into custody the leader of the Karelian “Memorial” Yuri Dmitriev, who is suspected of sexually abusing minors adopted daughter, told reporters lawyer Victor Anufriev after review by the court investigator. “Yuri Dmitriev is arrested for two months,” said Anufriev. “The case is based on nothing. Based on that explanation from girls (receiving 13-year-old daughter — if) took, it squeezed, you can say some phrase. And so — there is no proof that Yuri had done what he is trying to blame”, — told reporters Anufriev. He did not specify that it was said to be the adopted daughter of Dmitriev, referring to the fact that the application of the measure of restraint was considered by the court in the closed mode. Thus, according to the lawyer, the

Tbilisi court sentenced Saakashvili to six years

Tbilisi court sentenced Saakashvili to six years The Tbilisi city court convicted the former President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili in the attack on the former Deputy of Parliament Valery Gelashvili. Mr. Saakashvili was sentenced in absentia to six years of imprisonment, informs “Interfax”. In the criminal case were sentenced to various prison terms by the former Minister of internal Affairs of Georgia Vano Merabishvili and the head of special operative Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs Irakli Kodua. The attack on Mr. Gelashvili was committed in 2005. Former Deputy stopped in the center of Tbilisi employees of the interior Ministry, was dragged from his car and brutally beaten. Valery Gelashvili with serious injuries in hospital. According to investigators, Mr. Gelashvili offensive spoke about the wife of President Saakashvili, Sandra Roelofs in an interview with the newspaper “Rezonansi”, after which the head of state ordered the then Minister of defense

German frigate became a victim of its own missiles

German frigate became a victim of its own missiles MOSCOW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. In the Internet appeared the video, which depicted the moment of the explosion on the German frigate. The incident occurred on the ship type F124 Sachsen during exercises of the air defense of Germany at the coast of Norway. Anti-aircraft missile of the U.S. production of the SM-2 has not left the launcher and fired in the starting cell. Then the fire started. In the German Navy reported that the missile was checked shortly before the incident and assessed their condition as “perfect”. Because of the accident nobody suffered, but “Bavaria” has received serious damages. During the download an error has occurred.