Due to flooding in Chita evacuated nearly three thousand people

Due to flooding in Chita evacuated nearly three thousand people MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. About three thousand people were evacuated in Chita in connection with the flooding areas in Transbaikalia, reports the press service of the city administration. The administration notes that currently in the Central district of Chita “flooded 18 country cooperatives, 1316 evacuated people,” the Rail district “evacuated 98 people, 35 people were sent to temporary accommodation”. area “evacuated 1446 man, 45 — sent to temporary accommodation”. According to the revised data administration, flooded suburban cooperatives “Mechanic”, “engineer”, “lighthouse”, “Daybreak”, “Mashinostroitel”, “Sunrise”, “Ray”, “Union”, “Geologist”. It is also reported that in the regional center trained eight temporary accommodation, hot food provided. Earlier in the MOE reported that there were eight settlements in five municipalities of Transbaikalia are in the area of flooding, there are 200 homes and live about 2 thousand people. Rivers in several districts

AFP: at least 179 people were killed in torrential rains in Japan

AFP: at least 179 people were killed in torrential rains in Japan TASS, July 11. At least 179 people were killed in Japan as a result of heavy rains and flooding caused by them. This is with reference to the Japanese government on Wednesday told the AFP news Agency. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий Previously it was known about the 156 victims. As reported by the Agency Kyodo, the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe went on Wednesday in the Prefecture of Okayama to assess the damage caused by the elements. Powerful torrential rains hit Japan in the middle of last week due to the impact of Typhoon “Prapiroon”. In some areas of the country in a few days received more than 1000 mm of rainfall that led to river flooding and frequent landslides. This is the largest death toll from floods in Japan since 1953. Then on the island of Kyushu in the

Tropical storm Chris strengthened to a category hurricane

Tropical storm Chris strengthened to a category hurricane NEW YORK, July 11. /TASS/. Formed in the Atlantic ocean tropical storm “Chris” on Tuesday has strengthened to a category hurricane in the first degree. This was announced by the U.S. national center for monitoring hurricanes, whose headquarters is located in Miami (Florida). According to the researchers, “Chris” is located about 330 km South-East from the coast of North Carolina. The hurricane moved to the North-East at a speed of about 4.5 m/s wind Speed reaches its epicenter approximately 38 m/s. “Chris” was the second hurricane that has developed over recent months in the Atlantic. The first was the “beryl”, which had earlier lost its own characteristics and began to dissipate. Hurricane season in the Atlantic typically lasts six months — from 1 June to 30 November. Atmospheric phenomenon is classified as a storm and gets its own name, if the wind

In Pakistan, the number of victims of the terrorist attack increased to 12 people

In Pakistan, the number of victims of the terrorist attack increased to 12 people MOSCOW, 10 Jul — RIA Novosti. At least 12 people were killed and another 35 injured in the attack of a suicide bomber in Peshawar, the Pakistani province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, according to the newspaper Pakistan Today, citing local police. Earlier it was reported about the five dead and 25 wounded. According to the newspaper, a suicide bomber committed the attack during a party meeting the National party Awami. Among the dead party leader Harun Bilour and his son Daniyal, Belur. The victims were taken to a local hospital. Some of them are in critical condition. None of the effective in Pakistan of terrorist groups has claimed responsibility for the incident. #BREAKING: Suicide blast during Awami National Party meeting in Peshawar of #Pakistan. Haroon Bilour of ANP has been killed along with his 16 year old

One person was killed in a plane crash in South Africa

One person was killed in a plane crash in South Africa It is reported that the cause of the accident could be the failure of one engine. TASS, July 10. At least one person was killed Tuesday in a plane crash near the airport Wonderboom South African capital of Pretoria. This record contains the page of the local emergency medical service on Twitter. [UPDATE] One fatality reported at the #crash in Wonderboom Pretoria. pic.twitter.com/04Ue9fihxb — ER24 EMS (Pty) Ltd. (@ER24EMS) July 10, 2018 “One person was reported killed in a plane crash in Vanderbol,” — said in information. As noted by the South African radio Eyewitness News with reference to the representative of the airport, the crashed cargo plane made a Charter flight and in the crash crashed into a factory building. [WONDERBOOM] – Aircraft crash leaves approximately 20 injured. https://t.co/L0Bo2UckhD @ewnupdates @eNCA @ @ JacaNews @jour_maine @SABCNewsOnline @_ArriveAlive @FatalMoves

The Russians on Board crashed near Pretoria aircraft

The Russians on Board crashed near Pretoria aircraft TASS, 10 July — According to preliminary data, the incident injured 20 people. On Board crashed near Pretoria in the Republic of South Africa (South Africa) plane of foreigners, according to preliminary information, was not. TASS said on the phone at the Russian Embassy in South Africa. “According to information from the authorities, injured 20 people, one of them is in critical condition, said the Embassy. Foreigners on Board, according to preliminary data, was not.” Earlier, Reuters reported the plane crash.

Orphanage in Chita evacuated from-for threats of flooding

Orphanage in Chita evacuated from-for threats of flooding Moscow. July 11. INTERFAX.RU IN Chita, where they remain flooded several areas evacuated 81 children from specialized children’s Home № 1 regional children’s clinical hospital, informs on Wednesday the press service of the regional Ministry of health. The children are in the hospital building, located on the street Shilov and posted in two parts, the report said. “All the kids under the supervision of its personnel and medical staff. The heat in the building. The condition of children is satisfactory. Is they will be there as long as circumstances so require”, — quotes the Minister of health of the region Sergey Davydov’s press service. In turn, the press service of city hall informs that due to flooding and the restriction of the water flow will be temporarily closed five kindergartens. Earlier it was reported that the water from the flooded districts of

The victim in Amesbury regained consciousness

The victim in Amesbury regained consciousness Moscow. July 10. INTERFAX.RU — the condition of the victim in the incident in the British Amesbury Charlie Rowley is improved, he regained consciousness, according to the national health service of England. “We noted a small, but important improvement Charlie Rowley. He’s in critical but stable condition, and now he’s awake,” — said in the message published on the website of the service. According to responsible for the care of patients in a hospital Salisbury Lorna Wilkinson, Rowley “still not feeling very well, and will continue to need round-the-clock assistance specialists at the district hospital, Salisbury”. Earlier in July Scotland Yard announced that don Sturgess, also suffered from nerve substance in Amesbury, died in hospital. The police, upon receiving this information, qualified the incident as a murder and opened an investigation. According to British investigators, in March of this year in Salisbury located near

The heads of intelligence services of Iran, China, Pakistan and Russia discussed the threat of ISIS transition in Afghanistan

The heads of intelligence services of Iran, China, Pakistan and Russia discussed the threat of ISIS transition in Afghanistan MOSCOW, July 10. /TASS/ — the Parties came to the conclusion that it is necessary to take coordinated measures to prevent the infiltration of terrorists into the country. The heads of the intelligence services of Iran, China, Pakistan and Russia discussed joint action against the threat of infiltration of militants of the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) on the territory of Afghanistan. As reported TASS the head a press-Bureau of service of external investigation of Russia Sergey Ivanov, this issue was discussed during a working meeting of heads of intelligence services of the four countries in Islamabad. From the Russian side it was attended by the head of the SVR Sergey Naryshkin. The understanding of the necessity for coordinated action to stop the infiltration of terrorists of

All 12 kids and a coach brought to the surface from the cave in Thailand

All 12 kids and a coach brought to the surface from the cave in Thailand All 12 children displayed on the surface of the cave complex of Tham Luang in Thailand, local media reported. Last brought to the surface of the coach, accompanied the group and one of the boys. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Four military divers involved in the operation, remained in the cave and soon also plan to swim, according to the army division “seals” of Thailand. The rescue operation began on July 8. Rescuers had a choice — to begin to rescue the children as soon as possible while weather conditions deteriorated, or to wait until the rainy season passes. The boys were in the cave since June 23. In the first case, there were risks associated with the fact that children would have to swim under water in the dark, passing difficult places. In the second case, the boys