NYT: London believes that Skrobala can send members of the military intelligence of the Russian Federation

NYT: London believes that Skrobala can send members of the military intelligence of the Russian Federation NEW YORK, July 15. /TASS/. British investigators believe that Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia had had to be poisoned current or former employees of the Main Directorate of the General staff of the Russian armed forces. This statement is contained in an article published Sunday in the newspaper the New York Times. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “As reported on the condition of anonymity familiar with the investigation one British and one American officials and former American officials, the British investigators believe that the poisoning March 4, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, most likely to be current or former agents, known as GRU, who was sent to his home in the South of England,” says the publication. “According to former American officials, British officials are now getting closer to identify those who they believe carried out

Israel launched a missile attack on a Syrian army position in Aleppo province

Israel launched a missile attack on a Syrian army position in Aleppo province DAMASCUS — RIA Novosti. Israel fired missiles on Syrian army positions North of Neirab airport in the Northern province of Aleppo, according to Syrian national news Agency SANA. “The enemy once again attempts to support terrorist groups in Deraa and Quneitra, and causes a missile attack on one of our military positions to the North of Neirab airbase”, — writes the Agency. According to Syrian media, the rockets caused material damage.

Rospotrebnadzor warned the Russians about the dangers of McDonald’s in the USA

Rospotrebnadzor warned the Russians about the dangers of McDonald’s in the USA The CPS has issued a warning about the outbreak of a parasitic disease cyclospora in the United States, the sources of which are salads in fast food chain McDonald’s. Referring to the Department of health of the state of Illinois, the Russian regulator says that from mid-may 2018 for the first ten days of July among residents of Illinois and Iowa registered more than 100 cases of the disease ziklosporinom, “previously associated with consumption of salads in McDonald’s restaurants”. Now more than 3,000 institutions of the network in 14 States stopped selling suspicious of salads. A possible source of infection with parasites called vegetables of Del Monte. The CPS drew the attention of the citizens and asked to consider this information when planning trips. Ciclosporin — parasitic disease. Cyclospora — intracellular parasites affecting the small intestine. The main

Paraglider flying over head trump got

Paraglider flying over head trump got Scottish police arrested a paraglider that flew over the entrance to the hotel resort Trump Turnberry, which at that time was the President of the United States Donald trump. It is reported by The Sun. The incident occurred on Friday, July 13, at the time of arrival of the trump hotel. Approximately at the height of the roof of the building flew a man on a paraglider with a propeller. With aircraft hung the banner of Greenpeace, on which was written: “Trump: Well Below Par (eng. Trump: much below the required level)”. He had almost touched the heads of people at the entrance of the hotel, among whom was the American President. A @Greenpeace protester has flown over @realDonaldTrump”s golf resort in Turnberry, Scotland, with a flag reading: ‘Trump: Well Below Par’.It comes after a day of protests across the UK against his visit.https://t.co/D1lERxnXfV

In Georgia, the police decided to question about detention with the help of an eagle and tails

In Georgia, the police decided to question about detention with the help of an eagle and tails Two police officers in the us city of Roswell in Georgia has decided the question of whether or not to detain the offender using the mobile application where you can flip a coin. On 13 July, reported AP. The story happened in April 2018. The camera that wears a policeman wrote it all down. The American public drew attention to the incident when the tape was shown on TV. Sarah Webb was pulled over for speeding. Police officer Courtney brown said the woman was driving more than 80 miles (about 130 km) per hour on a wet road, which can be considered dangerous driving. Webb apologized and explained that late for work, but told her to switch off the engine and hand over the keys. Then brown returned to the police car and

From Gaza at Israel since the declared cease-fire has launched two mortar shells

From Gaza at Israel since the declared cease-fire has launched two mortar shells TASS, 15 July — Israel defense forces announced that in response was destroyed the launcher where released projectiles. Two mortar shells were launched at Israel from Gaza several hours after a declared truce between the sides, Israel destroyed the launcher from which was released the shells. This was announced by the Israel defense forces. “After reports of a siren in the regional Council Eskola from Gaza was launched two mortar shells. In response, the IDF struck a launcher which was released mortar shells”, — it is spoken in published on Twitter the message. An agreement to stop mutual attacks between Israel and Palestinian factions was reached in Gaza brokered by Egypt on July 14.

Cat felt the earthquake 10 seconds before the start of the problem

Cat felt the earthquake 10 seconds before the start of the problem The Internet is gaining popularity video from a surveillance camera in the cat cafe in Japan. There a few animals at a time gave signs of anxiety ten seconds before the earthquake. The footage shows how Pets peacefully lie in different parts of the room, and then simultaneously raise their heads. During the download an error has occurred. The Internet is gaining popularity video from a surveillance camera in the cat cafe in Japan. There a few animals at a time gave signs of anxiety ten seconds before the earthquake. Video posted on YouTube. The video was recorded on June 18. The footage shows how Pets peacefully lie in different parts of the room, and then simultaneously raise their heads, listened anxiously, and running around the room. After a few seconds the camera captures the shock in the

In Japan as a result of downpours has killed 216 people

In Japan as a result of downpours has killed 216 people TOKYO, July 15. /TASS/ — a few dozen people remain unaccounted for or are not contacted, said the police headquarters of the country. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий The number of victims of heavy rains and resultant floods and landslides in Japan reached 216 people. On Sunday announced the main police force of the country. According to recent reports, several dozen people are reported missing or not communicating. Local emergency services with the support of the police and soldiers of the defense Forces continue the search and rescue operation. Thousands of volunteers from across the country arrived in the Western regions of Japan to provide aid to victims of the disaster. As a result of floods and landslides in 31 of the 47 Japanese prefectures at least 160 houses completely destroyed, about 700 were seriously damaged, more than 25 thousand flooded. Almost 6

London revealed the main task of investigation of the poisoning in Amesbury

London revealed the main task of investigation of the poisoning in Amesbury In the British police spoke about the investigation of the poisoning of 44 years, don Sturges and 45-year-old Charlie Rowley in Amesbury. This is stated in the statement of Scotland Yard. The main task of the investigation team at the moment is to determine whether a “Newbie”, as used in Amesbury, and “Rookie”, used for the poisoning of Julia and Sergei Skripal in Salisbury substances from the same party. The police stressed that it has already collected more than 400 physical evidence, they were sent to study in the laboratory. As reported by the assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, an investigation that leads the police are of extreme importance and its completion will take a very long time. According to police, in late June Rowley and Sturgis were poisoned nervously-paralytic substance “Beginner”, which in March in the nearby town

The Western part of the Crimea remained without light

The Western part of the Crimea remained without light SIMFEROPOL, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Western part of the Crimea remained without electricity supply because of the shutdown of high voltage power lines, reported in the Ministry of energy. At 10:47 because of the triggered protection is off high voltage power lines of voltage class 110 kV “Refrigerator — Crystal”, “Evpatoria Fridge” and “Moinaki — Evpatoria” – owned unitary enterprise of the RK “Krymenergo”. Without electricity remain residents of Saki district and Evpatoria, their number is specified. “The power of disabled consumers — 33 MW”, — reported in the Ministry of energy. 10:53 of the consumer applied voltage substation “Refrigerator” remains de-energized. Conducted emergency repair work.