In what could cost Russia the theft of paintings Kuindzhi

In what could cost Russia the theft of paintings Kuindzhi Savings insurance of works of art has become in Russia the norm, and the recent incident in the Tretyakov gallery shows that it can be costly to the country. The story of the stolen on 27 January from the Engineering building of the Tretyakov gallery painting Arkhip Kuindzhi “AI-Petri. Crimea” is well resolved. The picture was found unharmed and has returned to the exposition in the Tretyakov gallery, where it is now exhibited under glass and with alarm. The attacker was arrested. The theft of the painting, however, revealed the problem of catastrophic vulnerability of museums in the field of law upon the occurrence of such cases. And if “the prodigal son” Arkhip Kuindzhi did not return? How much it would cost to museums and state his disappearance? The ultimate guarantor that all the losses in case of theft in

The Vice-Consul told details of detention of Usok in USA

The Vice-Consul told details of detention of Usok in USA Russian actress Irina Usok decided to go to the US, even though he knew about the execution of a warrant for her arrest. This was reported by Vice-Consul of the Russian Consulate General in new York Alexey Topol’s’ke. “She knew about the fact of registration of such warrants for her arrest, but could not believe it and still decided to come to the United States,” — said the diplomat TV channel “Russia 24”. The Vice-Consul added that the Piece “really sorry about all this”. Usok arrested at the airport in new York on January 18. The reason for the detention was the statement of the father of her daughter, who after the departure of the actress with a child from the United States reported the abduction of the girls. However, he was not inscribed in the birth certificate of the

Detained in the United States, Russian actress Irina Usok released from custody

Detained in the United States, Russian actress Irina Usok released from custody TASS, February 2 — In the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in new York announced that she released before the next meeting, which will take place on March 20. Detained in the United States, Russian actress Irina Usok was released from custody until the next meeting on her case. About the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in new York said Friday on his page on Facebook. Detained in the US on suspicion of child abduction Russian actress Irina Usok released from custody until the next meeting on her case: — IZ.RU (@izvestia_ru) February 1, 2019. “According to lawyers from the state of new Jersey, today February 1, 2019 at 15:00 (23:00 Moscow time — approx. TASS) the decision of the court Russian Irina Usok released from custody until the next meeting, scheduled for March

The authorities of Guinea-Bissau suspect detained Russians in the smuggling of drugs

The authorities of Guinea-Bissau suspect detained Russians in the smuggling of drugs RABAT, February 2. /Offset. TASS Pervin Mamed-zade/ — the Embassy of the Russian Federation said that the court over the detained sailors, according to preliminary data, will take place on 2 February. The authorities of Guinea-Bissau suspect previously detained 11 Russian sailors in the smuggling of drugs. About it the correspondent of TASS in the Russian Embassy in the Republic. “The authorities of Guinea-Bissau arrested on 11 Russians, including the captain of the ship. Police suspect them of smuggling drugs. It is about 9 tons of cocaine,” — said the Agency interlocutor. “We, the employees of the Russian Embassy are in close contact with the Investigative Committee Guinea-Bissau, conducting the necessary arrangements, talk with the detained Russians”, — continued the diplomat. “The detainees are currently in the building of the criminal police in Cape Verde, conducted a search

Heavenly body exploded in the sky over Cuba

Heavenly body exploded in the sky over Cuba A powerful bomb exploded Friday in the skies over the province of Pinar del Rio in Cuba. According to meteorologists, the cotton was caused by a meteorite. According to “RIA Novosti” with reference to local media and eyewitnesses, after explosion in the sky, noticed the fire and the post Council. The portal Cibercuba reported an explosion of a military aircraft. At the same time, according to experts from the national weather service Key West in Florida, the people of Cuba witnessed a possible meteor hit. “We have received reports of the meteor which was seen in the sky over the Florida Keys. It seems that a meteorite fell in the West of Cuba, near the city of viñales”, — stated in the message service on Twitter. The Network has already appeared a photo of the wreckage of the cosmic body. Only in

In Guinea-Bissau have detained 11 Russian sailors

In Guinea-Bissau have detained 11 Russian sailors MOSCOW, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. The authorities of Guinea-Bissau have detained 11 Russian sailors, have informed RIA of news in Embassy of Russia in Guinea-Bissau. “The fact of detention of Russian sailors were. We are in close contact with investigators, directly from detainees. Keep our finger on the pulse. Expected information”, — said the representative of the Embassy. According to the “Maritime Bulletin”, the ship ESER under the flag of Panama was flying from this country to Morocco (Tangier) and made an emergency stop in the port of Praia in Cape Verde, after one of the crew members died of unknown cause. Here, the local police found on Board 9.5 tons of cocaine. The crew was detained by the local authorities, the ship is in port. According to the Russian Embassy, arrested 11 people, according to preliminary information, all of them citizens

Furious, the leopard rushed into the village and crippled people

Furious, the leopard rushed into the village and crippled people Furious, the leopard is wreaking havoc in the Indian Punjab in the North and attacked five local residents. The video captured by the witnesses, drew the attention of the local tabloid the Times of India. The incident occurred on Thursday, January 31, on the busy streets of the village Lamba (Lamba). The footage shows how hundreds of people had gathered on rooftops, in fear of watching aggressive animals. “Around there arose a terrible panic, we were very afraid that somebody will be seriously affected,” said local Forester Kulwinder Singh (Khushwinder Singh) in conversation with CNN. During the download an error has occurred. For seven hours the police was trying to catch the leopard. “We shot the animal with a tranquilizer gun three times, but only the last shot was successful,” lamented Singh. He also explained that in that moment, when

Crush on the distribution of products in Derbent caught on video

Crush on the distribution of products in Derbent caught on video MOSCOW, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. The distribution of sadaqa from Senator Suleiman Kerimov caused crowding in Derbent. The TV channel “360” posted a video from the event. A charity event was held at the mosque on Prospekt agasieva. The footage shows that the process of distributing products is hampered by pandemonium. A law enforcement officer trying to resolve the situation, but because of the noise nobody pays attention to it. During the download an error has occurred. As a result of the incident injured several people. They called an ambulance. The police stopped the distribution due to crowding. When the car went, people followed. As reported on the website of the Foundation “Insan”, the event staged in honor of the late brother MP Kerim Kerimov. Sadaqah is charity that Muslims pay to the needy.

In the Saratov colonies revolted prisoners

In the Saratov colonies revolted prisoners In Saratov region there were mass riots in a corrective colony № 7, located in the Krasnoarmeisky district of the region. About it reports a press-service of the Federal penitentiary service in Saratov region. In this colony of special regime are about 800 prisoners especially dangerous offenders, including those convicted of murder, pedophilia and other serious crimes. The riots began on 31 January, prisoners in a revolt broke furniture and other property of the colony. The office explained that three quarters of imprisoned convicts “a protest” is not supported. “Currently, the colony is operating normally, the situation is under control. Scheduled service check”, — said the Agency. Human rights activist Victor Sinuc says that, according to him, the reason for the riots was a conflict with ordinary prisoners, the “activists” (prisoners who cooperate with the institution’s management). The latter allegedly provoked prisoners, which quickly

Peskov urged to await the decision of the court in the case Arshakovich

Peskov urged to await the decision of the court in the case Arshakovich Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that it is too early to talk about the problems in the management of large companies in connection with the detention of the adviser of the General Director of “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz” Raul Arashukov, you need to wait for a court decision. “Now this [the failure in the management system of state-owned companies] to speak prematurely, because it is charged but still in the course of the trial is to prove”, — told reporters Sands. Press Secretary of the head of state also proposed to wait until “the investigation has concluded and a verdict”, reports TASS. What happened On the morning of 30 January, the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov was deprived of immunity and arrested in the courtroom of the Federation Council. The evening of the same