Kiev has filed a lawsuit with the ECHR on “violations” of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia

Kiev has filed a lawsuit with the ECHR on “violations” of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia KYIV, August 10. /TASS/ — the list of those whom Ukraine considers political prisoners, set 71. Ukraine has filed a lawsuit in the European court of human rights (ECHR) on the violation of the rights of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia. Wrote about this on his page in Facebook Deputy of the Minister of justice, Commissioner for the ECHR Ivan Lyschina. Today the European court of human rights sent to the inter-state complaint of Ukraine, which for our political prisoners! Now the issue of political prisoners will be dealt with in the legal field of the European court. Ivan Eliminatation of the Minister of justice, Commissioner for the ECHR He said that in the list of those whom Ukraine considers political prisoners, set 71. Moscow has repeatedly stressed that Russia has no political prisoners and have

The defendants in the case about tortures in the Yaroslavl prison gave testimony against superiors

The defendants in the case about tortures in the Yaroslavl prison gave testimony against superiors The arrested employees of the penal colony № 1 of the Yaroslavl region Maxim Yablokov and Sergey Efremov in the interrogation testified against the authorities. According to them, former chief of IK-1 Dmitry Nikolaev 29 Jun 2017 ordered to conduct “educational work” with the use of physical force with the signed Evgeni Makarov. On the testimony of the defendants in the case of the TV channel “Rain” said the Fund “Public verdict”, which protects Makarov. Nikolaev instructed to record the events on video in order to “test the execution of his order,” said Yablokov. According to Solovyov, the order to use force to Makarov personally gave the chief of IK-1 Igit Mikhailov. The inspector of Department of safety of the colony, Dmitry Solovyov during interrogation said that the conflict with Makarov began after prison staff

The “fire Carr” in California on the plane, through the fires of hell

The “fire Carr” in California on the plane, through the fires of hell Several fire aircraft C-130 flying through a real Inferno — forest, blazing in Northern California. During the download an error has occurred. We will remind, not so long ago in California broke out the disaster, called “Carr” — the largest and most destructive fire in the history of the state. Began July 23, the fire has turned to ashes 71 600 hectares of land, destroyed more than 1,000 homes and caused the death of 8 people, two of whom were firefighters. But disaster does not subside, and two weeks later, it retains its destructive potential. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий

When shooting in the canadian Fredericton killed four people

When shooting in the canadian Fredericton killed four people When shooting in the canadian city of Fredericton on the East of the country killed at least four people. On 9 August, local police said on Twitter. Citizens are asked to avoid places where shooting occurred, and local residents — lock doors and not to go outside. Please continue to avoid the area of Brookside Drive, between Main and Ring Road. An incident has resulted in at least four people killed. More information will be available when we can confirm. — Fredericton Police (@CityFredPolice) August 10, 2018 No details while are unknown. Fredericton — the capital of the province of new Brunswick. The city’s population of about 60 thousand people.

In Arkhangelsk the police shot the man attacked the bear

In Arkhangelsk the police shot the man attacked the bear S.-PETERSBURG, 10 AVG — RIA Novosti. Traffic police officer shot and killed the bear who attacked man in Arkhangelsk, reports a press-service UMVD of Russia across the Arkhangelsk region. Wild bear noticed in Arkhangelsk last night. “About 80 3.45 at the house on the Waterfront of the Northern Dvina river a bear attacked a man born in 1996 that tried to capture the wild beast on a mobile phone. To save the life of a citizen by the police shots were fired in the air to ward off the bear from the man, after which officer fired a few sighting shots into the beast and neutralized it,” the message reads. A man with lacerations of the hands and head was taken to the emergency room where he was given necessary help. Currently, his life and health threatens nothing, according to

Church of the assumption of the XVIII century in Karelia was completely destroyed by fire

Church of the assumption of the XVIII century in Karelia was completely destroyed by fire PETROZAVODSK, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. The building of the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Kondopoga in Karelia burned down completely, told RIA Novosti the GUMCHS the Republic. Previously, the Agency reported that information about the fire came in Friday at 09.33, dead and injured there. On the spot has 24 employees, six vehicles, and left an additional fire departments. An employee of the temple explained that the fire began to spread from the porch. “Burned down completely. The fire engulfed the whole building completely,” — said the representative of management. The Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God located on the territory of the former village of Kondopoga, marked the beginning of the town of Kondopoga. The Church stands on a small promontory jutting into Chupa lip

“This place will be burned”: in southern California arrested the arsonist forest

“This place will be burned”: in southern California arrested the arsonist forest In southern California on suspicion of arson arrested 51-year-old Forrest Gordon Clark. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий It the police believed the culprit of the fire in the mountains of southern California. This center is one of the three epicenters of the California fires — called “Holy” because the flames in this area rises to the heavens, Recalling the biblical fire. “Holy” has already destroyed more than 9.6 thousand acres of forest. The court decided to elect him a measure of restraint in form of detention and has called the extremely high amount of potential bail — $ 1 million. As reported by officials of orange County, Clarke sent an email to the chief of the local volunteer fire brigade letter with the threat. “This place will be burned,” read the email. Clark resisted the arrest, so he was charged with not

The largest American cargo plane landed on its nose

The largest American cargo plane landed on its nose MOSCOW, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. The largest transport aircraft of the U.S. air force Lockheed C-5 Galaxy made an emergency landing at a base in San Antonio, Texas. The Transporter, whose maximum takeoff weight is 380 tons, not out the front landing gear, it landed on the nose. Video of the incident appeared online. As notes the edition, The Drive, informed the crews of C-5 are repeatedly confronted with a similar problem. In 2017, two similar incident occurred at the airfield of the naval US base of Rota in Spain. After expert testing, it became known that the landing gear prevents the node ball screw. Changed it on all aircraft of this model, however, the chassis continues to be unpredictable. During the download an error has occurred. Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is the third duty serial transport aircraft in the world

Eyewitnesses took video that hit the city in Switzerland powerful SEL

Eyewitnesses took video that hit the city in Switzerland powerful SEL Powerful mudflow covered the small Swiss town of Chamoson. Video eyewitnesses of the incident published online. The footage shows how a mud flow down from the mountains and falls on the road. Due to the high speed of the descent of the pillar of dirt out from the channel, covering cars and homes. As announced on 9 August of the TV channel REN-TV, as a result of incident nobody has suffered, however, infrastructure and machinery damages. During the download an error has occurred. In July, the Ministry of emergency situations warned the inhabitants of the Crimea, about the possibility of mudslides.

U.S. billionaire arrested for drug possession

U.S. billionaire arrested for drug possession Police in Las Vegas arrested the billionaire Henry Nicholas III for drug possession. About it reports TMZ. According to the portal, one of the founders of Broadcom were found two bags with marijuana and other drugs. As noted, the police suspect Nicholas in the drug trade. Also arrested was the girl billionaire Ashley Fargo, which was found in his hotel room unconscious. According to Forbes, currently the state of Henry Nicholas III is estimated at $3.1 billion.