SK Russia opened a criminal case into the death of Zakharchenko in DND

SK Russia opened a criminal case into the death of Zakharchenko in DND The investigative Committee (IC) of Russia opened a criminal case after an explosion in a cafe “Separable” in the center of Donetsk. This is stated in the statement of the official representative of SK Svetlana Petrenko, published on the Agency’s website. Upstairs The explosion in “Separable” killed the head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko, the Minister of revenue of the DND Alexander Timofeev was seriously injured. In the IC of Russia has considered that the incident can be qualified as a crime provided by part 3 of article 361 of the Criminal code of Russian Federation (act of international terrorism that resulted in the infliction of death person). It is noted that unknown actions that endangered the life and health of “unspecified persons”. In a criminal case in accordance with the norms of Russian criminal procedural law

Zakharchenko died from wounds in the head, the source said

Zakharchenko died from wounds in the head, the source said DONETSK, August 31 — RIA Novosti. The self-proclaimed head of the Donetsk national Republic Alexander Zakharchenko died from severe wounds in the head, the wound was incompatible with life, reported RIA Novosti a source in the government DND. Upstairs “The head of DNR died from a severe wound in the head. The explosion damaged a large area. This injury not compatible with life,” he said. Earlier Friday, the restaurant is located a few hundred meters from the residence of Zakharchenko, explosion. Deputy National Council DND Vladislav berdichevskiy confirmed information on the death of the head of the breakaway Republic.

Biography Of Alexander Zakharchenko

Biography Of Alexander Zakharchenko Chapter proclaimed Donetsk national Republic Alexander Zakharchenko was born 26 June 1976 in the city of Donetsk (Ukraine). Upstairs He graduated with honors from Donetsk technical school of industrial automatics on a speciality “mining electrician”. He studied at the Donetsk law Institute MIA. Started his career at the mine mountain electrician. Then engaged in business connected with the coal industry. In 2010, in Donetsk was established branch of Kharkiv public organization “Oplot”, which is headed by Alexander Zakharchenko. April 16, 2014, during the protests in the South-East of Ukraine, participated in the storming of the building of the Donetsk regional administration. In may 2014 he was appointed military commandant of Donetsk, and subsequently to the post of Deputy Minister of internal Affairs of the DPR. 8 August 2014 by the Council of Ministers DND Alexander Zakharchenko approved the post of Prime Minister of the Donetsk people’s

The suspects in the assassination attempt on Zakharchenko saboteurs arrested

The suspects in the assassination attempt on Zakharchenko saboteurs arrested Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU — Militiamen of the breakaway Donetsk people’s Republic have detained suspects in the assassination of the head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko, said “Interfax” a source in law enforcement bodies of Donetsk. Upstairs “Detained several people, the Ukrainian saboteurs and their associated persons who are suspected of involvement in the assassination of the head of the Republic”, — said the Agency interlocutor. It is reported that the detention took place on the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue, traffic on the street when it was blocked. “The suspects were detained in the car”, — said the source. Earlier on Friday in Donetsk, an explosion occurred near the café “Separable” as a result, one person was killed and at least three injured. A source in the office of the head of the DPR told Interfax that the explosion Zakharchenko was

Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in the explosion in Donetsk

Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in the explosion in Donetsk Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU — the self-proclaimed Head of the Donetsk national Republic Alexander Zakharchenko, according to preliminary data, was fatally wounded at explosion in cafe “Separable” in the center of Donetsk, have informed “Interfax” a source in the office of the head of the DNI. Upstairs “According to preliminary data, unfortunately, it’s true. The head of the Republic was fatally wounded,” — said the source. Newsof the attacks on the heads of the breakaway LC and the DNI The spokesman added that the Finance Minister of the breakaway Republic Alexander Timofeev was wounded. Reports of the death of the leader of the DNI confirmed the Deputy National Council DND Vladislav berdichevskiy. Earlier it was reported that one person was killed and three were wounded in the explosion in a cafe in the center of Donetsk. Part of the Pushkin Boulevard

Source: the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in the explosion in Donetsk

Source: the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in the explosion in Donetsk DONETSK, August 31. /TASS/. The head of the Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko on Friday killed in an explosion in Donetsk. Upstairs This information was confirmed by TASS in administration of the head of the DNI. Earlier, the source Agency reported that “the explosion occurred in the restaurant “Separable” when there was the head of DNR”. “As a result, he was fatally wounded”, — said the source TASS.

With the explosion in Donetsk cafe killed a man

With the explosion in Donetsk cafe killed a man DONETSK, August 31 — RIA Novosti. Previously, one person was killed and three were injured in an explosion in a cafe in the center of Donetsk, said RIA Novosti source in law enforcement agencies of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic. Upstairs “According to preliminary data, one person was killed and three injured”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier Friday, in the restaurant, which is located a few hundred meters from the residence of the head DND Alexander Zakharchenko, was a blast.

Ex-Minister Ulyukayev admitted to the colony

Ex-Minister Ulyukayev admitted to the colony MOSCOW, August 31. /TASS/. Former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev admitted to a correctional colony number 1, which is located in the Tver region. Upstairs TASS reported on Friday the head of the Public Supervisory Commission of the Tver region Igor Elgardt. “He [the speaker] was indeed hospitalized in the prison hospital in Torzhok. But it is a planned admission, not an emergency. As far as I know, his life threatens nothing”, — said Elgart. In the office of the Commissioner for human rights in the Tver region said that the complaints from the speaker was received. “To the Commissioner complaints about the contents or condition from Alexei Ulyukayev has not been received. We are in close contact with the colony,” — noted in the office of the Ombudsman. According to the regional FPS, IK-1, where serving time eks-the Minister, —

The head of the security service of the Russian Museum received for theft probation

The head of the security service of the Russian Museum received for theft probation Smolninsky district court of St.-Petersburg has pronounced a sentence on criminal case of theft under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (fraud in especially large size) 4 million rubles of budgetary funds allocated to the State Russian Museum (GRM) for the purchase of “electronic housekeeper” to ensure safety. Upstairs The security chief of timing Irina Kuznetsov and Director General of OOO “Frame” (an equipment supplier) Nikolay Durasov sentenced to a suspended term of four years and five years of imprisonment, respectively. The Prosecutor’s office asked to sentence the employee timing to seven years in prison, businessman to nine years in prison. The defendants did not admit guilt. The prisoners have to pay jointly and severally to 2 million rubles Advocate Irina Kuznetsova Marina Yanina said the verdict is unreasonable. “The court unilaterally did

Russian investigators have returned from the Central African Republic

Russian investigators have returned from the Central African Republic The staff of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR), which is investigating the death of three Russians in the Central African Republic (CAR), returned to Moscow, told the charge d’affaires of the Russian Federation in the Central African Republic Victor Tokmakov “RIA Novosti”. Recall that members of the TFR arrived in the Central African Republic became known on Monday, August 27. Upstairs “Completion of the tasks within the investigation, which was at the moment — is a familiarization with the materials of the Central African investigation, further questioning of witnesses and receiving information with your phone and laptop that are left, — said Victor Tokmakov.— The results of their stay will show whether there is a need still to go.” A Russian television crew were killed on July 13. The operator Kirill Radchenko, Director Alexander Rastorguev and journalist Orkhan Jemal arrived