In Northern Russia, the inhabitants refuse to improve life, because I think garbage is immoral
“While the women are protesting that their men already working.”
For Moscow and Moscow region accounts for 16 percent of the total volume of waste in Russia. The problem of disposal has become one of the main themes of public life at the turn of the 2018-2019. The solution was the project of waste disposal outside the capital, namely in the Arkhangelsk region, where in turn there are huge problems with unauthorized dumps.
The regional authorities with the city government want to build ekotekhnopark on placement of Moscow city and regional waste. Will also be assisted by the elimination of unauthorized dumps. The initiative met resistance in the population. About how interested parties try to find a compromise that comes out of it and is growing in Russia absolutely new industry — in the material “”.
The context
Station Sees Northern railway on the border of the Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic. To the tributary of the Northern Dvina river, Vychegda 20 kilometers. 33 kilometers to the settlement of urdoma of Arkhangelsk region and 23 kilometres from the village of Magmas in the Komi Republic. Straight to the village of Yarensk of 20 kilometers. Closer to any settlements there. In Cheese for decades no one lives. Circle only taiga. Although the decision about the structure of Technopark on waste disposal from Moscow have not yet fully accepted — now here on contract with the Railways works on engineering preparation of territory.
From the temporary population and seasonal shift workers and the inhabitants of the mysterious trailer, which is also on rotation live opponents Technopark. And about those and others in the local folklore entrenched notoriety. However, in this story, I do a lot of myth and yet little common sense. As a consequence, the smoldering conflicts.
Better place to shelter the waste from Moscow is hard to find. Only one day and the train is in a deserted place. Despite the vast expanses of our homeland, to find another of the same excellent location is unlikely to be easy.
Here coincided necessary and sufficient conditions and the train path is not too long, otherwise the Technopark will never be repaid, and the lack of near by resident population.
However, many residents of the Arkhangelsk region and joined them citizens of the Republic of Komi took an innovation in bayonets. The main message of emotional — say to carry the garbage out of Moscow “immoral”. To understand what this immorality is quite difficult.
The situation stirs up a rather unique political situation that has prevailed in the region. Arkhangelsk regional Meeting of deputies of the 47 members, 22 representatives of the opposition parties: LDPR, CPRF and “Fair Russia”, which, to put it mildly, did not stay aside from discussing the problems and all of its mass caused significant pressure on the organizers of the Technopark.
The settlement of urdoma — and the main beneficiary of the future Technopark and a center of resistance. On the one hand, the future of 500 jobs for four thousandth settlement is final and irrevocable solution to the problem of unemployment. On the other hand, the inhabitants of Urday, here is one significant contrairement — a village is not only Northern railroad, providing jobs for residents.
What is important is that there is a Pipe, namely a large compressor station “Gazprom”.
Therefore, in contrast to the absolutely depressing neighbors, Urdoma looks quite wealthy village, which can be seen on houses, and numerous shops and even cafes. Especially just built a new school. Thus, they can easily afford to choose between another point of economic strength and “moral” aspects.
You can not say about the inhabitants of the neighbouring Yarensk — the center of Lensky district of the Arkhangelsk region are in significantly less favorable economic position. So many of them were among two hundred people came to the meeting of supporters of the Technopark with its organizers.
I must say that the event could’ve been around in the tenth minute, so plainly the Bud. Because without any warning in the hall of culture, the big blackout, and people were forced to act in the light of the lighting devices of the multitude of journalists who attended the event.
As it turned out, the Protestants, not being able to turn off the lights in a detached building, cut off from supply the whole area of the village.
Towards the end of the event, the number of opponents has reached a critical mass — and began to hear cries of “Shame!” then the protesters decided to storm the hall. But the meeting this time came to an end.
Bursting into the room a few local activists immediately demanded from those present to confess — one of them from Urday, and the sight of acquaintances, began to shame those who came to the meeting. And in the words of far from decent language. Among the victims of ostracism were the owner of Urday Sergey Litvinov. Note, he is not a staunch supporter of Technopark — he’s just to discuss the problematic construction with the Metropolitan authorities and business on an equal footing.
“We have a wonderful life, if not to take into account the number of socio-economic problems that have accumulated on the territory of Urdoma and Lensky district as a whole, — told us in an interview with Litvinov prior to the event. And chief among them is the problem of unauthorized dumps in the area. The garbage is already lying under the open sky, and of the ways and means to dispose of no”.
People at some point realized that the way to live and something has to change. But unfortunately, people here don’t understand the point that we want to have in Sweden or in Finland, but don’t want to go the evolutionary path that must be overcome.Sergei Latinamericanization from Urdoma
Sergey Litvinov as a true northerner not fail to take advantage of the emerging opportunities and organized with his friends the Fund for the development of Lensky district. This public organization has already ensured that it will discuss all of, or otherwise associated with the construction of the Technopark. “Now Lensky district have the opportunity to use this advanced experience to apply the best technology and make the district a pilot project in the Arkhangelsk region, and maybe even in Russia. This circumstance Lensky district should take advantage and restore order in their territory”, — said Sergey Litvinov.
Among the most ardent opponents of Technopark particularly distinguished former farmer Andrei Donica. At 70 years old he is extremely active and emotional. People with rare Moldovan surname was one of those first farmers even Yeltsin’s appeal, which in the current economic conditions were forced to close. Reason: the next station of the Rosselkhoznadzor was only in Kotlas and Syktyvkar, and his meat business came to an end — too far was to go, to certify products.
Complaining that many of his colleagues were left without work, and a new one is hard to find, Andrei Donica said that he is not against technology Park, and even noted that the local budget will benefit from this. But the former businessman is a point of view: “I don’t mind. But we first incineration plant to build, not to bring the trash”. At least has some more rational point of view, around which we could talk further. But, alas, emotions get in the way of any dialogue. Although it is worth noting that against incinerators protesting environmentalists around the world, and on this account a particular point of view, all the scientists there.