Ministry of communications supported the draft law on decriminalization of the article for repost

Ministry of communications supported the draft law on decriminalization of the article for repost

Ministry for digital development, communications and mass communications has sent a positive opinion on the draft law on cancellation of criminal punishment for extremist publications and reposts on the Internet, told RNS the Deputy Minister Alexei Volin.

“We wrote a positive review on the draft bill on the decriminalization of likes and reposts,” reported RNS Alexey Volin.

Earlier the Deputy of the state Duma from the Communist party Sergei Shargunov, together with the Chairman of the party “Rodina” Alexey Zhuravlev introduced two bills on partial decriminalization of article 282 of the criminal code “inciting hatred or enmity”.

MPs propose to leave criminal penalties for incitement of hatred with application of violence, use of official position or by an organized group. For public calls or calls in the media and on the Internet of the accused is proposed to punish by a fine from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, compulsory works for up to 100 hours, or by arrest for a term up to 15 days.

The Supreme court in its opinion to the bill argued that the document is actually decriminalized the first part 282-th article of the criminal code.

“These initiatives will lead to actual decriminalization of the offence provided for by part 1 of the current article 282 of the criminal code, and the extension of the scope of the project of the criminal law due to the exception characteristic of publicity actions, which indicates the inconsistency of the bill”, — said in the opinion.

