UAE illegals forgiven a million-dollar fine

UAE illegals forgiven a million-dollar fine

In the UAE illegally residing in the country the man in the course of the visa Amnesty forgave a penalty in excess of 1 million dirhams (about $ 270 million).

18-year-old young man was also able to legalize their stay in the Emirates.

He was born in the UAE, but were not registered, reports Khaleej Times. Thus, the penalty for illegal stay in the country earn in his whole life. With the help of lawyers of the program “Protect yourself by confirming the status of” he was able to solve this problem.

To get rid of the penalties to 500 thousand dirhams was also able to the woman, illegally lived in the country for ten years. She came to the UAE with five children. Them to her husband registered, and not her. Learning about the visa Amnesty, she immediately asked for permission to leave.

In June a woman from Russia was sentenced in Dubai to three months in prison for obscene gesture shown on the road to another woman behind the wheel. The victim, a U.S. citizen, said that she was driving very risky and constantly changing lanes. Then she stopped the car, got out and showed the opponent the middle finger.

