The longest lunar Eclipse of the XXI century live
27 July at 21:30 State astronomical Institute. Sternberg (SAI), Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov will show the live broadcast of the lunar Eclipse.
The Eclipse will be the longest in the twenty-first century — a blood-red Moon will hang over our planet for four hours, and just below will be a red Mars. The fact that a lunar Eclipse coincided with the great opposition of Mars. So close to Mars were coming to us for the last time in August 2003.
The lunar Eclipse started at 21:24 Moscow time and will last until 1:19 Moscow time on July 28. The total phase will be visible from 22:30 to 00:13 GMT, and it will have a peak at 23:22 GMT.During the download an error has occurred.
And for those who want to see it live, an astronomer from the Moscow state University Dmitry Kolesnikov advises: “Take on the Eclipse with binoculars to better see details on the moon and earth’s shadow. To see details on Mars, you need a telescope. In the middle zone of Russia the Moon and Mars will be low above the horizon, so find a place with a free overview of the South”.
See also: the Moon turns red: photos of the Eclipse from around the world