Scientists have found an unexpected tool against blood cancer
American scientists have found that statins — drugs to lower the level of lipoproteins in the blood (are factors for developing cardiovascular disease) increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy in the fight against blood cancer.
According to the study researchers, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, statins are introduced into the human body to lower blood fat content, which increases the risk of atherosclerosis.
Also these drugs are used to reduce the levels of lipoproteins that carry “bad” cholesterol and contribute to cardiovascular disease and premature death.
“The researchers found that statins increase the apoptosis (cell death) in tumours that in experiments on mice led to a decrease in lymphoma”, — quotes an excerpt from the article MedicalXpress.
While scientists revealed the ability of the drug simvastatin to increase the effectiveness of anticancer drug venetoklis in the treatment of lymphocytic leukemia. Experiments on mice have demonstrated an increase in lifespan of rodents.
On 13 June it was reported that experts from temple University developed a new method of treatment for cancerous tumors resistant to conventional therapy. They have created a combination drug that promotes the destruction of cancer cells.