The family piggy Bank

The family piggy Bank

Who in house Finance master.

Over the last 20 years of the Russian family in the management of Finance are very close to the cell of Western society. And, as it turned out, this was easily done — there is, as we have since time immemorial, money has been the wife.

In the USSR, men and women were formally equal right to work and wages and one is really a General duty to the state.

No matter you’re a man or a woman, the important thing is that you’re a Soviet man, and, therefore, must benefit the country, then got to work.

In the Criminal code of the USSR from 1961 to 1991 was article for parasitism (209.1 of article “Malicious evasion from execution of the decision on the termination of employment and parasitic existence”), the slacker was supposed to a year of imprisonment or correctional labour.

So women in the Soviet Union worked alongside men. However, earned generally considerably less: according to the state statistics service of the USSR, before the war, women received less than half of men, and after the war — a third. Officially could not fear prosecution for parasitism women on maternity leave, or Housewives, married to responsible employees. But maternity leave ends sooner or later and a housewife in the USSR in the second half of the twentieth century was not the most common and respected profession.

However, sociologists are not very well formulated question, because in Soviet times, as a rule, female led household, so the husband gave her entire salary. So the situation when all the money passed to her husband, seemed impossible, hence the high percentage of negative responses.

The Soviet state statistics service data on a family budget are not collected, but judging from the folklore of those years, it was the wife in charge of all the money, and the husband could dispose of only those that managed to hide. For example: “a Clever man allows his wife to know where his stash — it increases trust in the family and the safety of the main archive”.

Savings feminine

In March last year, the Bank “Russian standard” together with the organizers of the contest “Miss Russia” released a self-titled payment card. Press release ahead of the issue, said: “This product, the developers decided to attract primarily girls who are confident that they have the right to call a beauty Queen”.

A year later, the Bank reviewed the expenses of the holders of such cards, and it turned out that, despite the “exclusive design”, they acquired not only the ladies. According to recent press release, “Russian standard”, over a third of customers opening cards of “Miss Russia”, was men. Among them there are some fans of the beauty contest, the representatives of the sphere of beauty services, as well as actors and models. However, according to the Bank, most of the men who had the cards “Miss Russia”, did it not only for themselves, but in order to organize a surprise for the ladylove. After all, if the card account open in the name of his beloved, she will have to complete an application and transfer the personal data to the Bank and, therefore, will not surprise.

Thus, we can assume that the action had achieved its goal: the vast majority of its active users were women — “self-sufficient, confident ladies: the average age of the Keeper of this card is 38 years old.”

But at the same time, as shown by the analysis of spending, cosmetics stores was only in third place, and clothing and footwear — on the fourth by number of transactions. First place went to shop at the supermarket, the second a petrol station. And the reason is likely — cashback (cash back rebate on purchases), which offers the Bank including in the category of supermarkets and gas stations.

Thus, women showed their practicality: even with a map tailored to the spending in the category “beauty” (cashback is twice higher than in conventional shopping), they use it more for home, for family.

On practical Russian women says a study conducted by the laboratory for studies in economic sociology higher school of Economics, “the Savings as a hobby: the practice of business optimization in the household of Russian women”. According to him, receipts from grocery stores scans about 70% of women, whereas men who admitted to this, 10% less.

Also, respondents suggested that the situation in their favorite shop has risen by 15% a product that they always buy. 17% of men said that still will buy it, and for women this answer was selected only 10%.

The most popular in both cases was a version of “Check the price of this product in other shop” — 30% in women and 27.8% men. But with the least popular answer match failed. Among male respondents is 2.1% decided to postpone the purchase and 6.6% of female respondents reported that they would try to bargain. With more than 55% of the women indicated that they like to save, and more than half of men — that to save is not love.

Today, the tendency of women to economy is considered as certainly a positive quality. However, it was not always so.

In the study the Higher school of Economics referred to the event described by the American sociologist Vivian of Zelizer.

In 1914, Charles Montgomery “has filed a lawsuit against his wife Emma for the fact that in the 25 years of their life together she saved 618 dollars and 12 cents from the money allocated for farming. Judge Blackman of Brooklyn Supreme court decided the case in favor of the husband.”

