Do not watch TV series seasons, but it is dangerous to health

Do not watch TV series seasons, but it is dangerous to health

Which year series to compete with the theaters, and all improve the quality of shooting. But, as found by doctors, it may be worthwhile to dose watching soap operas and sitting for hours in front of the screen.

As you know, many viewers are watching TV shows not on individual episodes and whole seasons (and companies like Netflix, which release season time, this is actively helping). There is a separate term — binge-watching. But as the study shows from the University of Minnesota, if you have such habit, better to revise it.

Analyzing data from 15,000 people, doctors have found that sitting in front of a screen for long periods of time, the risk of thrombosis in the extremities and in the lungs, 1.7 times higher than those who are not so much sitting in front of the TV or computer.

The danger lies in the long immobility and limitation of circulation of blood, while it persists, if in a different time to do exercise or lift weights.

Bolesnicima deep vein

The study involved 15150 adults older than 24 years, which were divided into 4 groups: those who rarely watches TV, sometimes, often and very often.

“Even those people who regularly engaged in physical activity, should not ignore the danger of prolonged TV viewing,” says Dr. Yasuhiko Kubota, head of research. The study is published in the journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis.

