The number of cases of Ebola in DR Congo has exceeded 600 people

The number of cases of Ebola in DR Congo has exceeded 600 people

MOSCOW, January 2. /TASS/. The number of inhabitants of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), contracted the Ebola virus since the end of July, exceeded 600 people. This was reported on Wednesday the Ministry of health of African countries in his Twitter.

“The situation on Tuesday, 1 January 2019: 602 case [of the disease], including 554 confirmed and 48 probable”, — stated in the message. Died 366, 205 recovered, investigated 54 “suspicious” case. During the day preceding January 1, were identified with four cases and three deaths from the disease, Ebola virus disease (EVD). Since August 8 had been inoculated 53 917 people.

The tense situation in the DRC that emerged after the announcement of the postponement of the presidential and parliamentary elections in several districts in the outbreak of Ebola has negatively affected efforts to combat the spread of the virus. The Ministry of health informs that “due to the demonstrations of the population of interrupted vaccination in Goma, Beni, Butembo, Katwa, Team and Mabaleka”. It is also noted that “there is a risk of delays in the coming days in the newsletters from the” Ministry of health on the situation of EVD. Bulletin for 1 January were posted on Twitter about 16 hours later than usual.

Reports in recent days of the DRC information in many places in this country, interrupted Internet access and no possibility to send SMS messages.

Director General of the world health organization Tedros Adan Ghebreyesus said on December 28 in Geneva that in case of a prolonged aggravation of the situation may be lost with encouraging results in combating the spread of EVD achieved, particularly in Beni.

Protests in DRC began after the national independent electoral Commission announced the postponement of the presidential and parliamentary elections in March 2019 in the electoral districts of Beni, “Beni and Butembo town” in the province of North Kivu. The reason for this decision was the EVD outbreak in this province, as well as action in these areas by terrorist armed groups.

Ebola is transmitted to people from wild animals and then spreads among the people. The first symptoms are sudden fever, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash, violations of the kidneys and liver, and in some cases internal and external bleeding.

The current EVD outbreak in the DRC is the tenth. On 28 July, the health authorities of North Kivu province informed the Ministry of health of the country on suspicion of causing diseases and deaths in the area of Mangina. Further research confirmed that we are talking about dangerous, particularly the Zaire strain of the virus. During previous outbreaks of EVD were observed mortality from 25% to 90%.

