The Network launched the flash mob #soaringeagle in honor of the Russian flag
MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian users of social networks, which today celebrate flag Day, launched a flash mob #soaringeagle and post a picture of the various items folded Russian tricolor or simply publish your photos with the flag.
The initiator of the action this year was Oleg Gazmanov. He managed to raise the flag out of the helmets and caps.
With FLAG Day! The Russians! Took over #soaringeagle from scrap materials. Gathered from tour gifts! Pass on – share your photos with the hashtag. All #vesnyani #gettingit #Gazmanov #flag #flagrancia??
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The flash mob was joined by singer Zara. “I’m happy to live in this historic time, when #Hasflag, proudly flying over the expanses of our planet, instilling a sense of pride in the hearts of the citizens of Russia”, — she signed her post.
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The Russians also congratulated the musician Stas Mikhailov.
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Some went to the flash mob with humor. So, actor Stas Yarushin tried to collect the flag from the garments, if such can be considered as a towel.
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The flashmob was supported by regular users.
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During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.