Beauty sealed the woman eyes

Beauty sealed the woman eyes

A resident of Thai city of Phuket were left without eyelashes at fault superglue. This publication reports the Daily Mail.

35-year-old Berapa Supp (Benyapa Supap) turned into a strange beauty to eyelashes. Is a special cosmetic glue the cosmetician used a quick-drying versatile.

Published Benyapa Supap Sunday, 5 August 2018At boot time the error occurred.

After a few minutes the eyelids were swollen and then stuck together when the woman blinked. Despite this, the beautician asked for work 1.5 thousand baht (three thousand rubles), and only then agreed to give discount of 500 baht (one thousand rubles).

To remove adhesive, Supap went to another salon. After a painful procedure, which lasted almost an hour, she completely lost eyelashes. For this she had to pay a thousand baht (two thousand).

Published Benyapa Supap Sunday, 5 August 2018At boot time the error occurred.

The woman claims that went to the police and told them what had happened. Told her that I can’t help you.

