To the moon in 24 hours fell two meteorite: video

To the moon in 24 hours fell two meteorite: video

The telescopes of the European space Agency caught within just 24 hours on the surface of the natural satellite of the Earth fell two of the meteorite.

The moon, unlike, for example, from the Earth, has no atmosphere and therefore is not protected from meteorite strikes. Telescopes ESA (European space Agency) caught in the space of 24 hours on the surface of the natural satellite of the Earth fell two of the meteorite, reports

Strikes occurred on 17 and 18 July. Meteorites, apparently, are the fragments of the meteor shower alpha-Capricornid. On the surface of the moon, as you can see in the video, they look like quite a bright, strong flashes (these flashes are usually related to transient lunar phenomena, short-lived anomalies of a kind lunar surface and circumlunar space), although the objects themselves, according to the researchers, was about the size of a walnut.

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Similar flash on the moon track in the framework of the Moon Impacts Detection and Analysis System (MIDAS), which uses three observatories in Spain. As noted by Jose Maria Madiebo (Jose Maria Madiedo), an astrophysicist from the University of Huelva (Spain), experts are trying to determine how many meteoroids fall on the moon and how often, to better calculate the probability of falling of meteorites on our planet. Researchers usually follow the flashes on the “dark” side of the moon — naturally, in this region they are easier to detect.

