Looks like the village where all the residents suffer from dementia (photo)
All the houses are built in different styles, and patients themselves can choose where to live.
In the small picturesque settlement of Hogue in North Holland is home to approximately 160 people. This is mainly elderly people. They lead an active life: walking, shops and restaurants, playing chess in the Park, go to concerts together and engage in special circles on creativity. The only feature of this place is that all residents of the village suffer from dementia.
In fact, Jogwa is a nursing home, just perfect. In 1993 this institution first opened its doors and it looked like the rest of his kind. But soon the leadership and staff realized that the elderly should be very different conditions in order to live happily ever after. And began to build the village.
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Now in the territory of 1.5 hectares, there are 23 houses, each of which live 6-7 people and a guardian who helps them to cook and clean, and looks after safety.
Interestingly, all the houses are built and decorated in different styles, and patients themselves can choose where they most like to live. The village also has a small river, shops, cafes and a couple restaurants. There are small parks, a common centre, which hosts concerts and theatrical productions. And also a hospital, a gym and several classes of activity.
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The villagers may even have a few drinks at a local pub.
They don’t feel like a hospital and live a full and rich life, despite your illness.
Any day it can come family and friends are also allowed into the territory and tourists. The patients themselves to leave the village can not. But, in General, they do not really need.
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During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.
During the download an error has occurred.