Extreme shipping. How the American postmen-jumpers

Extreme shipping. How the American postmen-jumpers

Now nobody will say that to deliver Newspapers and letters are boring.

Courage and dexterity are the main criteria by which selected employees of the mail on lake Geneva in Wisconsin American. The difficulty lies in the fact that the letters and correspondence they deliver jumping on the go with the boat, run along the pier to the mailbox and also jumping back on the ship, which even does not reset the speed.

During the download an error has occurred.

Sometimes there are bad days, when couriers fall into the water or on a wet berth or do not have time to jump on the boat.

How many were drowned for this reason, the local post office is not misleading.

Note that this extreme delivery occurred on the lake over a hundred years ago — in 1916. Takes place every summer recruitment, which is more like a sports competition. Just a team of four people who serve 95 of the houses.

Mailboat jumpers are a time-honored tradition in Lake Geneva https://t.co/bJCOaejGGi pic.twitter.com/Asi8hwSrMF

— Priyanka Varma (@jeetwinapp) June 14, 2018

