Russian to German: the longest words in history

Russian to German: the longest words in history

Today, in many spheres of human activity, a tendency to simplification. This applies not only to the minimalist interface of the iPhone, but also to the written and spoken word.

For example, instead of the word “come” many used to say “go” and the adverb “normally” often replace the short “the rules”.

During the download an error has occurred.

In the world there are still so a long word, which is not what to say, but read not to everyone under force.

Playboy decided to share such Champions of Russian, English, French and German languages.

Russian language

In Russian language we will stay separately and give several examples of words-Champions. The longest scientific name in Russian is a chemical compound — метилпропенилендигидроксициннаменилакрилическая acid. The first word consists from 47 of the letters.

In 1993, the longest word in the Russian language was “рентгеноэлектрокардиографического”. It consisted of 33 letters. In 2003, the word was changed to “превысокомногорассмотрительствующий”. It has 35 letters. However, as these records can be compared with метилпропенилендигидроксициннаменилакрилической acid?

During the download an error has occurred.

I hope you have not hurt? Then we go further.

The longest nouns in the Russian language — misanthropy and Excellency in them in 24 letters.

