User turns celebrities into aliens (photos)

User turns celebrities into aliens (photos)

This is probably one of the strangest accounts on the Internet.

In Instagram and Twitter gaining popularity unusual account People but with small head (“People, but with small heads”). Its essence is that the author just “photoshops” celebrity, significantly reducing their heads, with the result that they become like aliens.

Despite all the strangeness happening, fans of the author’s unusual photo experiments abound on Twitter having more than 16 thousand people, and in their Instagram about a thousand.

Publication of People but with small head (@peoplebutwithsmallhead) 23 APR 2018 11:54 PDT

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Publication of People but with small head (@peoplebutwithsmallhead) 22 APR 2018 10:48 PDT

During the download an error has occurred.

Publication of People but with small head (@peoplebutwithsmallhead) April 21, 2018 at 4:13 PDT

During the download an error has occurred.

Publication of People but with small head (@peoplebutwithsmallhead) APR 14, 2018 at 6:20 PDT

During the download an error has occurred.

Publication of People but with small head (@peoplebutwithsmallhead) 20 APR 2018 9:31 PDT

During the download an error has occurred.

