The state Duma proposes to deprive deputies of their mandates for mistakes in income declarations

The state Duma proposes to deprive deputies of their mandates for mistakes in income declarations

The expert Commission at the security Committee of the state Duma supported the concept of the bill, which expands the grounds for the deprivation of senators and deputies of the mandate.

“The mismatch between revenue expenditure can be a basis for deprivation of senators and deputies of the mandate and confiscation of property acquired by questionable means.

The same punishment may follow incomplete or inaccurate information in the annual Declaration of income”, — writes the newspaper “Izvestia”.

Amendments be made to the law “On the status member of the Federation Council and State Duma Deputy”.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the security Committee of the state Duma Anatoly Election (United Russia), the document will establish a flexible system of disciplinary responsibility for various corruption offences.

“Our task is to differentiate between the liability to early termination of the powers was not the only punishment, as it is now.

In addition, we must protect those members who honestly perform the duties within their powers, and not to allow to be prosecuted on spurious grounds,” explained Mr. Election edition.

The Chairman of the Commission Natalia Poklonskaya reminded that under current law the state Duma Commission on control over incomes of deputies may begin the test only after the message about unreliability of data from law enforcement or tax authorities, political parties, NGOs, the Public chamber or the Federal mass media.

“In March 2018, the Group of States against corruption (GRECO) gave recommendations to Russia to confer the parliamentary Commission powers independent monitoring, but they are not yet implemented,” she said.

