Scientists call the psychological cause of depression and alcoholism
MOSCOW, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. People whose parents often spanked in childhood become more prone to depression and other mental disorders, found researchers from the University of Michigan (Ann arbor, USA). It is reported portal Science Daily.
“Otslaivanie” usually refers to the use of physical force with the aim not to cause injury to a child and cause a sensation of pain, said one of the study’s authors, associate Professor of social work Andrew Grogan-Keilor.
This is often seen as an educational measure and not a form of child abuse, however, scientists began to share these practices in order to better understand the nature of mental issues.
Keylor and his colleague Sean Lee analyzed data from more than 8.3 thousand people collected in the course of questioning in the American clinics. Study participants were asked to indicate how often they were spanked or beaten with a belt until age 18, did parents physical violence, insult and humiliation, as well as to briefly tell you about the atmosphere in the family.
As a result, about 55 percent of the respondents reported that they were spanked in childhood. The study showed that people who have experienced this, there has been an increased tendency to depression, suicide attempts, drinking, and drug use.