Republican Senator criticized the call for trump to investigate Democrats

Republican Senator criticized the call for trump to investigate Democrats

WASHINGTON, 4 Nov. /TASS/. The Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on foreign Affairs, Republican Bob Corker on Friday called “completely inappropriate” to call the American leader Donald trump to the justice of the country to investigate the circumstances under which the former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton could actually get full control of the National Committee of the Democratic party (nkdp) even before she was nominated as a presidential candidate from the Democrats in the summer of 2016.

This assessment of the President and the Senator gave the statement.

“Like me, most Americans hope our justice system will be independent and free from political interference, — said Corker. — Pressure from the President trump the Ministry of justice and the FBI with the aim to initiate proceedings against their enemies and his call to the [selected measure] punishment prior to judicial proceedings completely irrelevant. It is not only destabilizie our system of justice, but also undermines the confidence of the American people to our institutions.”

Corker is a member of the same trump. However, in recent days, the President and Senator several times exchanged extremely sharp public accusations of incompetence.

Earlier on Friday, trump expressed surprise at the lack of the Ministry of justice and the FBI interest in the work of Clinton and the Democratic party during the election campaign last year and in the preceding period. In his message, posted Friday on Twitter, he actually called on law enforcement agencies of the country to perform their duties in the interests of the American people.

