The Ministry of Defense of Belarus pointed to the military activity of the West near the border of the country

Ministry of Defense of Belarus: Military activity of Western countries has increased near the border of the country This was announced by the head of the main department of ideological work of the department Leonid Kasinsky, his words are quoted on the department's website. Kasinsky stressed that preparatory measures are currently being taken for the arrival of foreign military contingents at the Belarusian-Polish border. According to him, the arrival of Estonian military personnel has been noted, whose tasks will include, among other things, measures for the preparation of rocky roads. “How the migration crisis is connected with these engineering measures is completely incomprehensible from the word,” he added. Kasinsky believes that such actions are intended to carry out an accelerated transfer of troops along the state border of Belarus. He said that about four thousand servicemen were concentrated in the Lithuanian direction, and in the southern direction, the Ukrainian law

Ministry of Justice added to the list of foreign agents

The Ministry of Justice of Russia recognized the Nobel Call media as foreign agents and Elanchik, editor-in-chief of Sota Vision The Ministry of Justice of Russia added LLC “Nobel Prize” and editor-in-chief of the Sota Vision publication Oleg Elanchik. This was reported on Friday, November 26, by TASS. The founder of the Nobel Prize is Yelizaveta Surnacheva, a journalist from the Project ( the publication is recognized as an undesirable organization in Russia ), recognized in October as a foreign agent. On November 19, the list of foreign media outlets was expanded at the expense of Honest Vybory LLC and the Irkutsk Union of Bibliophiles Foundation for the Development of Book Culture ( included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of media performing the functions of a foreign agent ) … The department noted that it is “about the conscientious fulfillment of the requirements of the law established

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus pointed to the military activity of the West near the border of the country

Ministry of Defense of Belarus: military activity of Western countries has increased near the border of the country The Ministry of Defense of Belarus announced the increasing military activity of Western countries near the border of the country. This was announced by the head of the main department of ideological work of the department Leonid Kasinsky, his words are quoted on the department's website. Kasinsky stressed that preparatory measures are currently being taken for the arrival of foreign military contingents at the Belarusian-Polish border. According to him, the arrival of Estonian military personnel has been noted, whose tasks will include, among other things, measures for the preparation of rocky roads. “How the migration crisis is connected with these engineering measures is completely incomprehensible from the word,” he added. Kasinsky believes that such actions are intended to carry out an accelerated transfer of troops along the state border of Belarus. He

Ministry of Justice added to the list of foreign agents

The Ministry of Justice of Russia recognized the Nobel Call media and Sota Vision editor-in-chief Elanchik LLC “Nobel Prize” and editor-in-chief of the Sota Vision publication Oleg Elanchik. This was reported on Friday, November 26, by TASS. The founder of the Nobel Prize is Yelizaveta Surnacheva, a journalist from the Project ( the publication is recognized as an undesirable organization in Russia ), recognized in October as a foreign agent. On November 19, the list of foreign media outlets was expanded at the expense of Honest Vybory LLC and the Irkutsk Union of Bibliophiles Foundation for the Development of Book Culture ( included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of media performing the functions of a foreign agent ) … The department noted that it is “about the conscientious fulfillment of the requirements of the law established for persons included in the register, and aimed at increasing the

Putin expressed condolences to the families of those killed at the mine in Kuzbass

President Putin expressed his condolences to the families of those killed in the Listvyazhnaya mine accident themes of the tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region. This was reported on Friday, November 26, TASS reports. Putin expressed condolences to the families of the victims and offered to honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. The president also wished the victims a speedy recovery. The state of emergency in the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass became known on the morning of November 25. As a result of the accident, 51 people died, and another 63 were injured. On the same day, the Governor of Kuzbass Sergei Tsivilev announced a three-day mourning in the region for the miners and rescuers who died at the mine. It will run from 26 to 28 November.

WHO assesses ability of existing PCR tests to recognize new COVID-19 strain

The World Health Organization has assessed the ability of existing PCR tests to recognize a new strain of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, writes RIA Novosti. It is noted that PCR tests recognize the recently discovered variant of coronavirus B.1.1.529. The first reports of infection with a new strain in South Africa, Botswana and Hong Kong appeared on November 24. Later, news about the discovery of another variant of the evolution of COVID-19 appeared in Israel and Belgium.

The name of the new strain of coronavirus has been revealed

WHO: new strain of coronavirus B.1.1.529 named with Greek letter “Omicron” The World Health Organization (WHO) named the new strain coronavirus B.1.1.529, identified in South Africa by the Greek letter omicron. This is stated in a statement published on the official website of the organization following an emergency meeting of the Technical Advisory Group on the Evolution of Viruses. In addition, experts have included this strain in a group of options of concern. “Based on the evidence presented indicating a disastrous change in the epidemiology of COVID-19, the advisory group advised WHO that this option should be designated as an option of concern,” the document says. According to WHO terminology, variants of the virus included in this group are characterized by an increased transmission rate, as well as an increase in virulence or a change in the clinical manifestations of the disease. In addition, such options may reduce the effectiveness

The court arrested businessman Ebralidze in the case of 500 kilograms of rubles

Businessman Ebralidze was arrested in St. Petersburg in the case of missing 3 billion rubles until December 23 in the case of the loss of three billion rubles from the vault of his own Constance Bank. This was reported by TASS with reference to the united press service of the city courts. Ebralidze is suspected of committing a crime under Part 3 of Art. 33 (“Organization of a crime”) and Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Appropriation or embezzlement”). He will be detained in a pre-trial detention center until December 23. Alexander Ebralidze was detained by officers of the Federal Security Service (FSB) on Wednesday, November 24. In 2016, after an audit, the Deposit Insurance Agency revealed the fact of a shortage in Constance Bank. Three billion rubles, weighing 500 kilograms, disappeared from the vault, which the owner of the bank, Ebralidze, decided

Ukrainian political scientist called the country's armament antediluvian

Ukrainian political scientist Ishchenko: Ukraine will not be able to wage war with Russia because of the antediluvian technology Ukrainian political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko said that Ukraine will not be able to wage war with Russia because of the antediluvian weapons. This is reported by IA SM-News. He recalled the Turkish Bayraktar drones, which are planned to be used against the troops oriented towards Russia. “Well, 6-10 drones have appeared, how much money enough. This is ridiculous, by and large. If you do not have a modern air defense system (what you have is antediluvian, 30 years ago), or modern aviation (even those planes that are, mostly do not fly), then it is clear that you will not be able to turn the tide in your favor “, – said the historian. Ishchenko also added that Ukraine is too prone to corruption to fight Russia. , although this is also

Ukrainian political scientist called the country's armament antediluvian

Ukrainian political scientist Ishchenko: Ukraine will not be able to wage war with Russia because of the antediluvian technology Ukrainian political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko said that Ukraine will not be able to wage war with Russia because of the antediluvian weapons. This is reported by IA SM-News. He recalled the Turkish Bayraktar drones, which are planned to be used against the troops oriented towards Russia. “Well, 6-10 drones have appeared, how much money enough. This is ridiculous, by and large. If you do not have a modern air defense system (what you have is antediluvian, 30 years ago), or modern aviation (even those planes that are, mostly do not fly), then it is clear that you will not be able to turn the tide in your favor “, – said the historian. Ishchenko also added that Ukraine is too prone to corruption to fight Russia. , although this is also