Former Speaker of the Rada reiterated his intention to run for the presidency

Former speaker of Rada Razumkov announced his intention to run for the presidential elections in Ukraine to the presidency of Ukraine in the next elections, as well as plans to create their own party. He said this on the air of the Youtube program “Freedom of speech by Savik Shuster.” “There will be elections – then let's go. I said, I took part in all the elections. I think that I will also take part in the next elections, ”Razumkov said. Answering the clarifying question of the presenter, the ex-speaker of the Rada stressed that he intends to participate in both the presidential and parliamentary elections. According to him, he will do “what he failed to do” in 2019. Razumkov also added that by the next parliamentary elections he will have time to create his own political party. Razumkov already announced his intention to go to the next presidential elections

The State Duma decided to toughen the punishment for reckless drivers

State Duma Deputy Shkhagoshev: cars of reckless drivers must be parked often exceed the speed limit. This is reported by RIA Novosti. When preparing a bill on punishment for drivers who are reckless on the roads, it is proposed to consider such a measure as banning driving a “faulty” car or placing it in the parking lot, the author of the initiative emphasized. > Earlier it became known that the updated Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO) will include several new fines for drivers. In particular, if the code is approved, both new and previously announced fines will appear in it. One of the “costly” violations will be drunk driving with a child in the cabin, for which a punishment of up to 50 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights will be imposed. Another change in the document was the absence of the term “average speed”. Although back in September it

The consequences of Zelensky's statement on the preparation of a coup d'etat for Ukraine are assessed

Former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Avakov: Zelensky's words about the coup brought down the shares of companies with the participation of businessman Rinat Akhmetov led to a fall in the shares of all Ukrainian companies. This statement was made by the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov on the air of the Freedom of Speech talk show, which is broadcast on the Shuster online Youtube channel. At the same time, he stressed that not only DTEK suffered losses ( Donbass Fuel and Energy Company), owned by Akhmetov, but also all Ukrainian companies. The ex-minister said that Zelensky's press conference damaged the image of Ukraine, as a result of which the country “lost billions in two hours.” “We have a problem in the energy sector – we are walking on a thin line. We have financial problems. And at the

The consequences of Zelensky's statement on the preparation of a coup d'etat for Ukraine are assessed

Former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Avakov: Zelensky's words about the coup brought down the shares of the companies Statements of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky about the state’s upcoming coup in the country with the participation of businessman Rinat Akhmetov led to a fall in the shares of all Ukrainian companies. This statement was made by the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov on the air of the Freedom of Speech talk show, which is broadcast on the Shuster online Youtube channel. At the same time, he stressed that not only DTEK suffered losses ( Donbass Fuel and Energy Company), owned by Akhmetov, but also all Ukrainian companies. The ex-minister said that Zelensky's press conference damaged the image of Ukraine, as a result of which the country “lost billions in two hours.” “We have a problem in the

Gordon accused Zelensky of dishonesty

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy earlier on & nbsp; said on Friday that & nbsp; Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon & laquo; rabs & np; so that he & nbsp; not & nbsp; went to & nbsp; a second term, and & nbsp; called it a “ disgrace. '' In addition, during the press marathon, Zelensky got into a & nbsp; skirmish with & nbsp; journalists Yuri Butusov and & nbsp; Mikhail Tkach. “ I am no longer interested in Vladimir Zelensky. And & nbsp; today we need to talk not & nbsp; about & nbsp; Volodymyr Zelensky, but & nbsp; about & nbsp; the future of Ukraine, because & nbsp; he & nbsp; has ceased to be interesting. He & nbsp; does not & nbsp; formulate meanings, does not & nbsp; form the agenda & hellip; It was the theater of one actor, the theater is very unconvincing, in &

School bus shelling kills two children in Kosovo

In Kosovo, unidentified persons fired on a school bus, two students and one adult were killed the self-proclaimed republic of Kosovo. This is reported by TASS. According to media reports, unknown persons opened fire on a bus carrying students in the village of Glochane. Earlier, the Russian Embassy in Serbia announced the arrest of four Russians by the Kosovo police. As it became known, the Russians moved in a rented car with Serbian license plates. The tourists stated that they were heading to Novi Pazar for sightseeing and entered the territory of Kosovo by accident, following the recommendations of a navigation device.

Journalist injured in incident with Zelensky's security told details

The victim in the incident with Zelensky's security was diagnosed with a contusion of the elbow Anna Dzioba told the details of the incident. She told about this on the air of the Pryamoy TV channel. According to her, before the officers of the State Security Administration (UGO) pushed her, they also grabbed the video blogger and tried to take his phone away from him. “At that moment, I saw it and told the operator,” take me this moment, look what is happening there. ” After that, I realized that this was not the hood, but the rear of the car. And at that moment, when I was lying on it, I said: “Guys, what are you doing? Should I be here? Are you serious?” threw her off the hood and knocked her to the ground. “And here I am already grateful to my colleagues who took me by the

Journalist injured in incident with Zelensky's security told details

The victim in the incident with Zelensky's security was diagnosed with an elbow joint injury Anna Dzioba told the details of the incident. She told about this on the air of the Pryamoy TV channel. According to her, before the officers of the State Security Administration (UGO) pushed her, they also grabbed the video blogger and tried to take his phone away from him. “At that moment, I saw it and told the operator,” take me this moment, look what is happening there. ” After that, I realized that this was not the hood, but the rear of the car. And at that moment, when I was lying on it, I said: “Guys, what are you doing? Should I be here? Are you serious?” threw her off the hood and knocked her to the ground. “And here I am already grateful to my colleagues who took me by the scruffs

Ukraine announced the gap between the actions of Zelensky and the interests of the people

OLE: there is a chasm between the actions of the President of Ukraine Zelensky and the interests of the people that they see the gap between the actions of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and the interests of the people. The statement was published on the party's website. The message says that after Zelensky's press marathon, it became clear why the government was losing people's trust. The party noted “the presence of a deep abyss” between the actions of the authorities and the interests of the Ukrainian people. “Citizens wanted to hear from the president clear answers on how the energy crisis would be overcome, inflation was defeated, when peace returned to Ukraine. Instead, the country saw a political farce built on threats, pressure and manipulation, “the text says. The party also noted that Zelensky showed satisfaction with his decisions and the actions of his team. In addition, according