Virologist spoke about the danger of a new strain of coronavirus

Virologist Chepurnov: the omicron strain is very different from the Wuhan COVID-19 The recently discovered COVID-19 strain, dubbed “omicron , is very different from its Wuhan ancestor. Alexander Chepurnov, head of the laboratory for especially dangerous infections of the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine, spoke about the danger of the new strain in an interview with “360”. The specialist noted that now practically nothing is known about the new mutation of the virus. “The sampling is in different countries, that is, [scientists] periodically take samples of the virus and sequenced them entirely in order to understand in which direction the process of genetic changes is going. Therefore, from time to time, science becomes aware of such variations that have more or less changes, “the virologist explained. According to him, when studying the omicron strain, scientists have identified significant changes in many important areas that form the immunological

Virologist spoke about the danger of a new strain of coronavirus

Virologist Chepurnov: the omicron strain is very different from the Wuhan COVID-19 The recently discovered strain “COVID-19” , is very different from its Wuhan ancestor. Alexander Chepurnov, head of the laboratory for especially dangerous infections of the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine, spoke about the danger of the new strain in an interview with “360”. The specialist noted that now practically nothing is known about the new mutation of the virus. “The sampling is in different countries, that is, [scientists] periodically take samples of the virus and sequenced them entirely in order to understand in which direction the process of genetic changes is going. Therefore, from time to time, science becomes aware of such variations that have more or less changes, “the virologist explained. According to him, when studying the omicron strain, scientists have identified significant changes in many important areas that form the immunological portrait of

In Moscow, a woman was hospitalized with poisoning with a toxic substance

A 30-year-old Moscow resident was hospitalized with thallium poisoning metals. This is reported by the Telegram channel “112”. According to the emergency service, a 30-year-old woman and her husband developed symptoms of poisoning in early November. The couple sought medical help and underwent tests, which eventually showed the content of the toxic substance in the body. At the moment, the woman was transferred to the general ward under medical supervision. It is noted that her husband works in law enforcement agencies. “It is possible that the cause of the poisoning was professional activity,” the message says. In May 2021 in Moscow, an eight-year-old boy from a large family was poisoned with drugs and was hospitalized. Law enforcement agencies have promised to find out how the child ended up with the banned substances. The guardianship authorities were to take care of the parents.

The doctor spoke about the threat of dismissal due to the rescue of a sick girl with COVID-19

In the Vladimir region, the paramedic is threatened with dismissal and the prosecutor's office for rescuing the patient colleagues are threatened with firing for saving a girl who has been diagnosed with 80 percent lung damage due to COVID-19. It is reported by “state of emergency. Capital “. Related materials 00:01 – 12 November ” There will always be dissent “Some Russians deny coronavirus and do not want to be vaccinated … How to convince them? 00:01 – November 25 “Almost a miracle happened” The coronavirus has disappeared in Japan. When this happens in Russia – the biologist answers According to the medical worker, the ambulance had to transport a patient with extremely low oxygen saturation for several hours, as they refused to hospitalize her in all regional medical institutions due to a lack of places. The head physician of the City Hospital Lyudmila Zhukova demanded to take the girl

The USA saw the hidden meaning in sending the Russian military to the border with Ukraine

Bloomberg: Moscow is letting the West know it is ready to use force, but this is unlikely Sending troops to the Ukrainian border could be a hidden meaning for the West, Bloomberg said. Journalists from the United States suggest that in this way Moscow makes it clear that it is ready to use force if necessary, but this is highly unlikely. the plans of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who is said to be “excellent at bluffing and keeping the West on its toes.” the newspaper writes, noting that in the current situation, the Russian leader must “demonstrate willingness to fight” in order to prevent the expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance, which he sees as a “real threat to the security” of the country. November 22, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Ukraine Kirill Budanov said that Russia is preparing to attack Ukraine and is

The doctor spoke about the threat of dismissal due to the rescue of a sick girl with COVID-19

In the Vladimir region, the paramedic is threatened with dismissal and the prosecutor's office for rescuing the patient colleagues are threatened with firing for saving a girl who has been diagnosed with 80 percent lung damage due to COVID-19. It is reported by “state of emergency. Capital “. Related materials00: 01 – November 12 ” There will always be dissent “Some Russians deny coronavirus and do not want to be vaccinated … How to convince them? 00:01 – November 25 “Almost a miracle happened” The coronavirus has disappeared in Japan. When this happens in Russia – the biologist answers According to the medical worker, the ambulance had to transport a patient with extremely low oxygen saturation for several hours, as they refused to hospitalize her in all regional medical institutions due to a lack of places. The head physician of the City Hospital Lyudmila Zhukova demanded to take the girl

Ukraine declared the rights to the Volga region

Ukrainian historian: The Volga region has nothing to do with the formation of the Russian ethnos and mastered by the Ukrainians, says the historian, vice-rector of the University “Ostroh Academy” Pyotr Kraluk. He spoke about the key role of the Ukrainian people in the development of the Volga in the newspaper Den. Telling his interpretation of the history of the Volga region, Kraluk said that it was allegedly difficult for the Russian state to develop the Volga River basin “with the help of the Muscovites”. Therefore, Moscow officials gave preference to the Cossacks, whom Kraluk identifies with the Ukrainians. The first Russian emperor Peter I specifically insisted that Ukrainians be settled in the Volga region, the vice-rector wrote. The further history of the region is also connected mainly with Ukraine, according to Kraluk. The historian calls the “Ukrainian factor” in the Pugachev uprising one of the main ones, and then

In Poland, they talked about Russia's ignorance of the “cold shower” on “Pantsir”

Defense24: Russian generals ignore the problems of the Pantsir air defense missile system Russian generals ignore the “cold shower” on the air defense missile and cannon complexes ) “Pantsir” and other air defense systems (air defense) from Israeli patrolling ammunition Harop and Turkish drones Bayraktar TB2, says the Polish edition of Defense24. drones with a small effective scattering area at the range of their use of missile weapons. “The detection range of such objects turns out to be less than the minimum range of missiles included in the air defense missile system,” the newspaper writes. Other problems of the Pantsir are its inability to act against low-flying maneuvering missiles, for example, Israeli Delilah and French Storm Shadow. the low accuracy of the ZRPK is also mentioned. The publication is confident that the Russian industry is able to resolve these issues, provided there is sufficient funding. In November, the deputy head

In Poland, they talked about Russia's ignorance of the “cold shower” on “Pantsir”

Defense24: Russian generals ignore the problems of the Pantsir air defense missile system Russian generals ignore the “cold shower” on the air defense missile and cannon complexes ( ) “Pantsir” and other air defense systems (air defense) from Israeli patrolling ammunition Harop and Turkish drones Bayraktar TB2, says the Polish edition of Defense24. drones with a small effective scattering area at the range of their use of missile weapons. “The detection range of such objects turns out to be less than the minimum range of missiles included in the air defense missile system,” the newspaper writes. Other problems of the Pantsir are its inability to act against low-flying maneuvering missiles, for example, Israeli Delilah and French Storm Shadow. the low accuracy of the ZRPK is also mentioned. The publication is confident that the Russian industry is able to resolve these issues, provided there is sufficient funding. In November, the deputy

Ukrainians were told about their key role in the development of the Volga region

Ukrainian historian: The Volga region has nothing to do with the formation of the Russian ethnos and mastered by the Ukrainians, says the historian, vice-rector of the University “Ostroh Academy” Pyotr Kraluk. He spoke about the key role of the Ukrainian people in the development of the Volga in the newspaper Den. Telling his interpretation of the history of the Volga region, Kraluk noted that it was allegedly difficult for the Russian state to develop the Volga river basin “with the help of the Muscovites.” Therefore, Moscow officials gave preference to the Cossacks, whom Kraluk identifies with the Ukrainians. The first Russian emperor Peter I specifically insisted that Ukrainians be settled in the Volga region, the vice-rector wrote. The further history of the region is also connected mainly with Ukraine, according to Kraluk. The historian calls the “Ukrainian factor” in the Pugachev uprising one of the main ones, and then