The State Duma approved the bill on QR codes in public places in the first reading

The State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill on & nbsp; mandatory use of QR codes in & nbsp; public places. 329 deputies voted for & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; 87. The bill, which the government submitted to the State Duma in November, suggests that QR codes will be required to visit public events, cultural institutions, cafes and shops. The QR code can be obtained from & nbsp; as confirmation of vaccination, transferred COVID-19 or the presence of a medical withdrawal from & nbsp; vaccination. During the & nbsp; time of the transition period until & nbsp; February 1 & nbsp; it will be possible to present a negative PCR test, after this date such an opportunity will only be available for & nbsp; people who cannot & nbsp; be vaccinated against coronavirus for & nbsp; medical reasons. The State Duma Committee on & nbsp; Security and

Rostov court explained the verdict with “Russian units in the DPR and LPR”

Kirovsky District Court of Rostov-on-Don published on its website a verdict, in which mentions military units of the Armed Forces RF, deployed on the territory of the DPR and LPR. The court of RBC reported that on the website of the instance posted an “impersonal verdict. ” He corresponds to the original verdict, which is in the & nbsp; materials of the criminal case. It contains the testimony of the defendant. The plot of the accusation and in that the court  does not say. It says that [Vyacheslav] Zabaluev showed this — and enumeration. “We cannot influence  his readings” — explained to RBC in Kirovsky District Court of Rostov-on-Don. The verdict about in question, the court delivered on November 10, 2021. The court found guilty the deputy of the regional department for military nutrition of one of the commercial companies in mediation in giving bribes to the head of the

The Kremlin announced that it is ready to negotiate with NATO in a “neutral country”

Russia is ready to consult with & nbsp; NATO in & nbsp; & quot; any neutral country & quot ;. & Nbsp; This was stated by the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, RBC correspondent reports. “[Presidential Aide Yuri] Ushakov gave [US Presidential Adviser] Jake Sullivan yesterday an explanation on & nbsp; security guarantees, which were yesterday by & nbsp; diplomatic channels were transferred to the American side, and & nbsp; brought to & nbsp; Sullivan [information] about & nbsp; our readiness to immediately begin negotiations on & nbsp; drafts of these documents & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Peskov. According to & nbsp; & nbsp; he said, the talks from the & nbsp; Russian side will be conducted by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. “ He & nbsp; will be ready at & nbsp; any time to fly to & nbsp; any neutral country to & nbsp; start negotiations

Co-author of the 1993 Constitution assessed the law on public authority

Shablinsky noted that & nbsp; the President of Russia and & nbsp; could fire governors on his own initiative, but now there is the right to issue heads of regions before & nbsp; their removal from & nbsp; office. “ The president replaces the legitimacy that people give de jure. Yes, voters and & nbsp; not & nbsp; the best governors were elected. Nevertheless & nbsp; less, if people have elected him, one person cannot & nbsp; remove. This is my objection as a lawyer & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Shablinsky. He & nbsp; added that & nbsp; resetting the terms of governors & nbsp; & mdash; this is a different story, which does not & nbsp; refer to & nbsp; 2004, when the elections were canceled. Thus, the heads of the regions have opened a new option, the lawyer clarified. Under the & nbsp; current Russian leader

Medvedev will hold a meeting on the situation around refugees from Ukraine

Read TASS in Yandex.NewsYandex.Zen … Show hidden linksGoogle News SLIDES, July 16./Corr. ITAR-TASS Natalia Slavina /. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will hold a special meeting on the situation around refugees from Ukraine. It is supposed to make decisions on a national scale and regulation, the head of government said at a meeting with the acting governor of the Oryol region Vadim Potomsky. “We have a rather serious situation in a whole in a number of regions due to the appearance of refugees from Ukraine . This applies to all regions of the European part of the country, but it is especially hot in the south, although I know that you have a fairly decent flow of refugees, “the prime minister said, addressing Potomsky. “Next week I will hold a special meeting – a video selector on this matter, we will talk about what nationwide decisions to take,” Dmitry Medvedev said.

The United States proposed to include Russia in the list of sponsors of terrorism

The & nbsp; posted on Senator Rob Portman's & nbsp; website. Risch submitted the & laquo; Act. guaranteeing autonomy to Ukraine by strengthening its & nbsp; defense & raquo; (Guaranteeing Ukraine & rsquo; s Autonomy by & nbsp; Reinforcing its Defense Act, GUARD Act) 15 & nbsp; December. The & nbsp; bill says that & nbsp; status will be assigned to & nbsp; Russia in the & nbsp; case of an invasion of & nbsp; Ukraine. “[US President Joe] Biden’s administration says it will & nbsp; not & nbsp; take action prior to & nbsp; Putin's invasion & nbsp; & mdash; and & nbsp; by & nbsp; by that time for & nbsp; our friends in & nbsp; Ukraine will be & nbsp; too late. The law prompts President Biden to expedite military aid to Ukraine to & nbsp; contain Russia before & nbsp; its invasion. Help will remind Putin

In Russia, it was proposed to establish a single term of office for mayors of five years

According to the document, & nbsp; for all local government officials, a single term of office is established & nbsp; & mdash; five years. '' It is also proposed to allow governors to fire mayors if those & nbsp; “ did not systematically & nbsp; achieve the performance indicators of local government bodies. '' The head of the region will be able to issue a warning or reprimand the mayor of the city. If within a month after issuing a warning or reprimand, the mayor does not & nbsp; take measures to eliminate violations, the governor has the right to remove him from & nbsp; office. According to & nbsp; according to Klishas, ​​the bill is aimed at & nbsp; improving the organization of local self-government and & nbsp; prepared in & nbsp; development of the provisions of the Constitution on & nbsp; a unified system of public authority, writes

A bill on the development of local self-government was submitted to the State Duma

According to & nbsp; Krasheninnikov, the bill is the next stage in & nbsp; building a unified system of public power in & nbsp; Russia. Its provisions are aimed at & nbsp; socio-economic development in the & nbsp; interests of citizens and & nbsp; society, & nbsp; he believes. According to the project, local self-government should be carried out in & nbsp; urban and & nbsp; municipal districts, and & nbsp; also in & nbsp; inner-city territories federal significance. When organizing power, the principle of linking to the & nbsp; population will be used, but & nbsp; the general structure of local government will remain unchanged. In addition, the bill proposes to introduce a single term of office for & nbsp; all local government officials & nbsp; & mdash; it & nbsp; will be five years. “ The bill proposes the only way to form a representative body of the

Zelensky announced readiness for dialogue with Russia

Kiev is ready for & nbsp; any format of negotiations with & nbsp; Russia, said President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. He made a corresponding statement in & nbsp; in the course of communication with the press in & nbsp; Brussels, which was broadcast by the Rada TV channel. Gazprom: almost all of the gas pumped in summer was taken from Ukrainian underground storage facilities ” Ukraine is ready for & nbsp; any format of negotiations with & nbsp; RF on & nbsp; settlement of this process & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the head of state. He & nbsp; also recalled the & nbsp; meeting held in Brussels between Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and & nbsp; Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan. The Ukrainian leader believes that & nbsp; “ someday & nbsp; it will be like this '' between Moscow and & nbsp; Kiev. Earlier, Zelensky did not