Deadly famine predicted for the poorest countries in the world

Yara International CEO: Fertilizer Scarcity Could Cause Hunger in the World's Poorest world, Svein Tore Holseter, executive director of the Norwegian fertilizer company Yara International, predicted in an interview with the BBC. According to the head of the company, at the moment there is a shortage in the global fertilizer market. For the production of ammonia, which is present in many fertilizers, gas is used, the prices of which have risen sharply, increasing the cost of the fertilizers themselves. Along with other companies, Yara International was previously forced to reduce the production of its products. Holseter clarified that the decrease in fertilizer production means that farmers will not be able to grow crops as efficiently as before, leading to a deficit. He pointed out that the poorest countries will be hit hardest by food shortages. Farmers use fertilizers to increase the yield of corn, rapeseed and wheat. “This is really

Deadly famine predicted for the poorest countries in the world

Yara International CEO: Fertilizer Scarcity Could Cause Hunger in the World's Poorest Countries world, Svein Tore Holseter, executive director of the Norwegian fertilizer company Yara International, predicted in an interview with the BBC. According to the head of the company, at the moment there is a shortage in the global fertilizer market. For the production of ammonia, which is present in many fertilizers, gas is used, the prices of which have risen sharply, increasing the cost of the fertilizers themselves. Along with other companies, Yara International was previously forced to reduce the production of its products. Holseter clarified that the decrease in fertilizer production means that farmers will not be able to grow crops as efficiently as before, leading to a deficit. He pointed out that the poorest countries will be hit hardest by food shortages. Farmers use fertilizers to increase the yield of corn, rapeseed and wheat. “This is

Главный психиатр Москвы назвал признаки «ковидного тумана»

У людей, перенесших коронавирус, в зависимости от тяжести течения мог возникнуть спектр расстройств: спутанность сознания, возбуждение, галлюцинации, выполнение абсолютно не мотивированных действий. Еще большее число людей страдали от так называемого ковидного тумана, говорит Костюк. При таком состоянии невозможно сосредоточиться, не дается умственная работа, привычные, автоматизированные для человека действия деавтоматизируются. У многих пациентов после перенесенной инфекции иногда возникали приступы учащенного сердцебиения, что при общем тревожном фоне стало триггером для формирования панических атак, говорит Костюк. Увеличилось и число людей с паническими атаками, или, иначе, с пароксизмами тревоги. Для панических атак характерны ощущения нехватки воздуха, сердцебиение, страх, покрываешься холодным липким потом. Но это обратимые расстройства: если люди все-таки прибегают к медицинской помощи, то с этим можно справиться довольно быстро, подчеркивает психиатр. Кроме того, специалистам еще предстоит оценить, действительно ли коронавирусная инфекция ускоряет нейродегенеративные процессы, приводящие к ранним деменциям, продолжает Костюк. «По нашим наблюдениям, у пожилых людей старше 70 лет с ранней стадией деменции происходило резкое ухудшение — они спутывались [возникала спутанность сознания], испытывали галлюцинаторные переживания», — рассказал Костюк. Он добавил, что пациенты других возрастов без деменции тяжело выздоравливали — у них также были нарушены когнитивные функции.

In the US, frightened of Germany's discontent with the “Nord Stream-2”

The Hill: US Secretary of State Blinken to lift sanctions for certification of Nord Stream 2 to the draft of the country's defense budget for the next financial year, which began on October 1. The initiative involves the imposition of sanctions against companies participating in the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, writes The Hill. The administration of US President Joe Biden expressed concerns about the introduction of tougher actions on the project, as it was afraid to cause discontent in Germany. which is “an important European ally in the fight against climate change and to limit China's growing influence in the world.” Therefore, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken decided to lift sanctions for the certification of Nord Stream 2. Blinken called on Democratic senators to block the amendments presented by their counterparts Jim Riche (of Idaho), senior Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee , and Ted

Pope expresses condolences in connection with the explosion in a Russian mine

Pope Francis expressed his condolences after the explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the Holy See's press service. “With sadness upon learning of the tragic explosion at a mine in Siberia, Pope Francis expresses his condolences to you and the Russian people. He assures of his prayers for everyone who died and for those who mourn the loss, ”the telegram that Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin underlines. In addition, the pontiff appeals to “strength and peace” for the participants in the restoration work in the mine. Earlier, the head of Kuzbass Sergei Tsivilev assessed the force of the explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine. He was very strong and disabled all systems. According to Tsivilev, the mine rescuers arrived at Listvyazhnaya half an hour after the explosion. Methane explosions

Ambassador Antonov spoke about the departure from the United States of 27 Russian diplomats

Russian Ambassador to Washington Antonov: 27 Russian diplomats with their families will leave the United States on January 30 Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov on YouTube- Soloviev Live announced that 27 Russian diplomats and their families would leave the United States on December 30. Our diplomats are being kicked out. On January 30, 27 people with their families will leave us, and on June 30, a similar number will leave. There is no overgrowth of the number of contacts into quality indicators. In reality, we are still perceived as adversaries. The atmosphere is poisoned by Russophobia Anatoly Antonov, the Russian Ambassador to the USA The Ambassador emphasized that the accreditation of diplomats is not taken away from the spouses issue visas, and all this in light of Washington's declaration of respect for the family and traditional values. Earlier, the representative of Russia in the Sixth Committee of the UN

Italian biologists publish the first image of the omicron strain

Italian doctors presented the first image of the omicron strain of COVID-19 with 32 mutations “Omicron”, Sky TG24 reports. The picture was taken at Medicina Multimodale di Laboratorio by a group of scientists led by Carlo Federico Perno, under the direct supervision of Claudia Alteri and in collaboration with Milan State University. As noted by biologists, the figure shows many mutations. On Saturday, November 27, a person infected with a new species of COVID-19 was identified in Germany. Presumably, a citizen of Germany, who recently returned from a trip to South Africa, was infected with the African strain. On November 26, the omicron was detected in Belgium. Virologist Georgy Vikulov predicted that the strain may appear in Russia soon. According to him, it spreads faster than the “delta” and has additional mutations. A new type of coronavirus B.1.1.529, which contains 32 mutations in the S-protein, was first recorded in Botswana

Rapid development of COVID-19 vaccine explained in the center of Gamaleya

Professor Butenko: a vaccine against COVID-19 was created quickly due to the presence of such technologies named after N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Alexander Butenko, in an interview with URA.RU, explained the rapid development of a vaccine against COVID-19. According to a specialist, a vaccine against coronavirus was created in a few months, since molecular genetic platforms. “It just remained to connect the components. In the case of Sputnik V, adenovirus-26 and adenovirus-5 are used as vectors, ”Butenko said, noting that they were combined into a genetically engineered construct so that it would produce protective bodies against coronavirus in vaccinated people. At the same time, Professor of Virology, Chief Researcher of the Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya, Anatoly Altstein, in an interview with the publication, emphasized that such a similar method of creating vaccines has existed since the 80s of