Ibrahimovich showed kicks and waited for Nurmagomedov's reaction

MMA fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov reacted to the strikes of Milan footballer Ibrahimovic He showed the video on Instagram. In the video, the 40-year-old striker is practicing kicks on a boxing bag. Russian mixed style fighter (MMA) Khabib Nurmagomedov reacted to the footballer's video. He used the phrase send me location (“name the place”), jokingly challenging the Swede to a duel. The same words Nurmagomedov uttered on camera to the Irishman Conor McGregor after the latter attacked a bus with athletes before the Absolute Fighting Tournament championship (UFC) in the spring of 2018. In the fall of that year, they met in the Octagon for the UFC lightweight title. Nurmagomedov forced his opponent to surrender, and after his victory in the octagon and beyond, a scuffle broke out with the participation of fighters and their seconds. As a result of the incident, both Nurmagomedov and McGregor received fines and disqualifications. Ibrahimovich

Ученые открыли неожиданный эволюционный факт о пожилых людях

Люди эволюционно сформировались так, чтобы оставаться активными даже в очень преклонном возрасте, выяснили ученые. Именно поэтому современные пожилые люди начинают испытывать проблемы со здоровьем, как только их активность существенно снижается, говорится в исследовании, опубликованном в Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. И напротив, известно, что физическая активность в преклонном возрасте помогает снизить высокое кровяное давление, воспалительные процессы, поддерживает подвижность, снижает риск развития новых заболеваний. Чтобы выяснить корни этого явления, биологи из Гарварда в своей работе применили эволюционный подход и опираются на предыдущие биомедицинские открытия. «Вопреки широко распространенному мнению о том, что продолжительность жизни человека до недавнего времени была короткой, охотники-собиратели, пережившие младенчество и детство, как правило, жили в среднем семь десятилетий», — пишут они в статье.

The guy found out the truth about his beloved and received unexpected advice

A Reddit user said that his lover lied to him and asked for advice A 23-year-old guy posted on Reddit a post in which asked for advice from users. The young man said that he had learned the unpleasant truth about his 22-year-old lover: it turned out that the girl had lied to him for many months about their common child. The user admitted that he didn’t know what to do in this situation. “I met a girl who got pregnant, and since at that moment we were together, I decided that this was my child. Today the baby is already one year and two months old. Yesterday my girlfriend confessed that I was not his father, ”the user shared. He noted that the words of his beloved were a blow to him, and now he cannot sleep and eat normally. At the end of his post, the guy asked

The guy found out the truth about his beloved and received unexpected advice

A Reddit user said that his lover lied to him and asked for advice 23-year-old guy published a post on Reddit website in which asked for advice from users. The young man said that he had learned the unpleasant truth about his 22-year-old lover: it turned out that the girl had lied to him for many months about their common child. The user admitted that he didn’t know what to do in this situation. “I met a girl who got pregnant, and since at that moment we were together, I decided that this was my child. Today the baby is already one year and two months old. Yesterday my girlfriend confessed that I was not his father, ”the user shared. He noted that the words of his beloved were a blow to him, and now he cannot sleep and eat normally. At the end of his post, the guy asked

Record warm night predicted for Muscovites

An employee of the Phobos Weather Center predicted the warmest autumn night in the last 73 years Muscovites have a record warm autumn night. His words are quoted by Kommersant. According to Tishkovets, the night of November 29-30 will be the warmest in the last 73 years. Not only the temperature will be abnormal – the drop in atmospheric pressure by the morning of November 30 may also become a record one since 1988. However, the last autumn heat will not affect the timely arrival of winter on December 1 in any way. “All the anomalous amount of heavenly moisture that has fallen out the day before will freeze and turn into strong ice. It will become very slippery on the roads and sidewalks, “Tishkovets noted. Earlier it was reported that forecasters had announced a yellow level of weather danger in Moscow due to icy conditions. The warning was in

Record warm night predicted for Muscovites

An employee of the Phobos Weather Center predicted the warmest autumn night in the last 73 years Muscovites have a record warm autumn night. His words are quoted by Kommersant. According to Tishkovets, the night of November 29-30 will be the warmest in the last 73 years. Not only the temperature will be abnormal – the drop in atmospheric pressure by the morning of November 30 may also become a record one since 1988. However, the last autumn heat will not affect the timely arrival of winter on December 1 in any way. “All the anomalous amount of heavenly moisture that has fallen out the day before will freeze and turn into strong ice. It will become very slippery on the roads and sidewalks, “Tishkovets noted. Earlier it was reported that forecasters had announced a yellow level of weather danger in Moscow due to icy conditions. The warning was in

Berlin urges Washington not to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2

“We are & nbsp; concerned that & nbsp; renewed unilateral action by Congress & hellip; will seriously weaken the transatlantic unity in & nbsp; relation to Russia & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; says the & nbsp; document from the & nbsp; German Embassy in & nbsp; Washington. It is indicated that & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' & nbsp; did not soften the FRG's policy towards & nbsp; & nbsp; Russia. According to Germany, the gas pipeline does not & nbsp; pose a threat to & nbsp; Ukraine as long as gas is transited through the country.

Russian who entered the covid hospital disguised as a doctor left the country

Russian Sergei Samborsky, who was caring for his grandmother in a covid hospital, left for Tbilisi hospital in Tomsk and looked after his grandmother, left the country. He reported this to The Insider (included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia in the list of foreign agents) . According to Samborsky, he stopped feeling safe in Russia and left for Tbilisi. Earlier, Samborsky said that an information war was launched against him. He could not fly from Moscow back to Tomsk, because he knew that upon arrival he was planned to be removed from the plane. At the end of October, an 84-year-old patient died in the intensive care unit of the respiratory hospital at the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 2 in Tomsk. The doctors named the cause of death as coronavirus, pneumonia, acute cardiovascular and respiratory failure. The grandson of the pensioner Sergei Samborsky took care of his

Polish Prime Minister accused Merkel of “legitimizing the regime” of Lukashenka

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki criticized Acting Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel for & nbsp; nbsp; President Alexander Lukashenko reports DPA. Commenting on the crisis with & nbsp; migrants on the & nbsp; border of Belarus and & nbsp; the European Union, Moravetsky said that & nbsp; the EU should participate in & nbsp; the search for a diplomatic solution. & laquo; But & nbsp; When Chancellor Merkel called Mr. Lukashenko, she contributed to & nbsp; legitimization of his regime, although the fight for & nbsp; free Belarus has been going & nbsp; for 15 months already & nbsp; & mdash; he said, referring to the protests that took place on the & nbsp; territory of Belarus since & nbsp; August last year after the presidential elections. At the same time & nbsp; the head of the Polish government noted that & nbsp; Lukashenka “ abused '' a conversation with

Russian who entered the covid hospital disguised as a doctor left the country

Russian Sergei Samborsky, who was caring for his grandmother in a covid hospital, left for Tbilisi Russian Sergei Samborsky, under the guise of a doctor hospital in Tomsk and looked after his grandmother, left the country. He reported this to The Insider (included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia in the list of foreign agents) . According to Samborsky, he stopped feeling safe in Russia and left for Tbilisi. Earlier, Samborsky said that an information war was launched against him. He could not fly from Moscow back to Tomsk, because he knew that upon arrival he was planned to be removed from the plane. At the end of October, an 84-year-old patient died in the intensive care unit of the respiratory hospital at the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 2 in Tomsk. The doctors named the cause of death as coronavirus, pneumonia, acute cardiovascular and respiratory failure. The grandson