Doctors diagnosed Saakashvili with PTSD

A medical council diagnosed Saakashvili with post-traumatic stress disorder The head of the council Mariam Jishkariani told reporters about this, TASS reports. “According to preliminary results, which we can already talk about, the patient is confirmed to have post-traumatic stress disorder syndrome, which is associated with being in prison and the facts of violence.” – said Jishkariani. In addition, the patient has neurological symptoms. “You know that we are also talking about Wernicke's encephalopathy, which is the result of a hunger strike,” the doctor added. According to her, the ex-president needs inpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatment. Earlier, Saakashvili threatened to give up the pills if deputies of the republic’s parliament were not allowed to see him in the hospital. The former president was detained on October 1 when he returned to Georgia after eight years in exile to take part in protests. He was sentenced in absentia to six years in

The Kremlin hoped for a meeting between Biden and Putin before the new year

Press secretary Peskov: the exact date of Putin's videoconference with Biden has not yet been selected Russian President's press secretary Dmitry Peskov reporters spoke about hopes for a quick meeting between Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden. This is reported by TASS. According to Peskov, the communication between the heads of state will be held in the format of a video conference. He added that the exact date of the meeting has not yet been chosen, but the Kremlin hopes that it will take place before the new year. Earlier it was reported that US President Joe Biden promised to talk with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and the head of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky … “In all likelihood,” the American leader replied to a question from journalists about the planned contacts with both leaders.

Doctors diagnosed Saakashvili with PTSD

A consultation of doctors diagnosed Saakashvili with post-traumatic stress disorder The head of the council Mariam Jishkariani told reporters about this, TASS reports. “According to preliminary results, which we can already talk about, the patient is confirmed to have post-traumatic stress disorder syndrome, which is associated with being in prison and the facts of violence.” – said Jishkariani. In addition, the patient has neurological symptoms. “You know that we are also talking about Wernicke's encephalopathy, which is the result of a hunger strike,” the doctor added. According to her, the ex-president needs inpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatment. Earlier, Saakashvili threatened to give up the pills if deputies of the republic’s parliament were not allowed to see him in the hospital. The former president was detained on October 1 when he returned to Georgia after eight years in exile to take part in protests. He was sentenced in absentia to six years

The Association of Russian Tour Operators has denied information about the closure of Egypt

ATOR: the possibility of closing Egypt for Russian tourists was not considered The Association of Russian Tour Operators (ATOR) denied information about the closure of Egypt for Russian tourists. This was reported on the official website of the organization. According to their data, the possibility of closing Egypt was not considered. The text contains a commentary from a source close to the Federal Air Transport Agency: “The omicron strain is yet to be studied, and it is not a fact that it is recognized as dangerous. We all remember that the “British strain” that frightened everyone quite quickly turned out to be not so scary, and Great Britain was reopened. Senator Kruglyi's words were his private opinion, the data on “infected from Egypt” had already been officially denied, so all this is “a storm in a glass of water,” he said. Earlier it was reported that the new strain of

Canadian official turned out to be a fake aborigine and lost her job

Canadian professor pretended to be an indigenous mestizo, was exposed and lost her job a professor at an institute doing relevant research turned out to be a fake Aboriginal. Soon after her real origin, which she lied about, was revealed, she lost her job, writes The New York Post. Bourassa claimed to belong to a special ethnic group – Canadian mestizo. However, an analysis of her family history revealed that she is a descendant of immigrants from Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic. The truth about her ancestors angered her colleagues, especially the mestizo. “When some impostor speaks on behalf of the mestizo and other indigenous peoples, he tells what it means to be mestizo (…) unpleasant, outrageous and harmful, ”said Janet Smiley, a mestizo spokeswoman. In 2016, a black activist from Keene University, New Jersey, was sentenced to 90 days in the United States for sending racist threats on

Peskov called unacceptable whipping around the “Russian threat” to Ukraine

“This hysteria, which is being whipped up now in the & nbsp; Anglo-Saxon media, in & nbsp; Ukrainian media and & nbsp; with & nbsp; the head of state, we & nbsp; consider it & nbsp; absolutely unacceptable & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; He emphasized & nbsp; in & nbsp; an interview with & nbsp; journalists. According to a Kremlin spokesman, the words about & nbsp; allegedly planned by Russia attack are absolutely groundless. “The very allegations about & nbsp; that & nbsp; Russia on & nbsp; someone & nbsp; is going to attack, and & nbsp; reproaches in & nbsp; address of Russia in & nbsp; in the sense that & nbsp; Russia somehow & nbsp; behaves aggressively, absolutely groundless and & nbsp; incorrect & nbsp; in essence & raquo;, mdash & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Peskov said. He also suggested that such accusations may be related

Norway national team leader commented on the team's withdrawal from the World Cup race

Klebo about the withdrawal of the Norwegian national team from the race at the KM stage: let the Russians consider us sissies Norwegian skiers did not participate in the World Cup stage in Finnish Hand, as they think about the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing. So the withdrawal of the national team from the start was commented by the leader of the Norwegians Johannes Klebo, whose words are quoted by Dagbladet. “Let the Russians consider us sissies, it's okay,” said the three-time Olympic champion. Klebo also added that the race was similar to the Russian championship. The pursuit took place on Sunday 28 November. The Norwegian team withdrew from the competition due to cold weather. The air temperature in Ruka dropped to 22 degrees below zero. Alexander Bolshunov won the gold. He managed to cover the distance of 15 kilometers in 35 minutes and 23.7 seconds. Second place went to

Norway national team leader commented on the team's withdrawal from the World Cup race

Klebo about the withdrawal of the Norwegian national team from the race at the KM stage: let the Russians consider us sissies Norwegian skiers did not participate in the World Cup stage in Finnish Hand, as they think about the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing. So the withdrawal of the national team from the start was commented by the leader of the Norwegians Johannes Klebo, whose words are quoted by Dagbladet. “Let the Russians consider us sissies, it's okay,” said the three-time Olympic champion. Klebo also added that the race was similar to the Russian championship. The pursuit took place on Sunday 28 November. The Norwegian team withdrew from the competition due to cold weather. The air temperature in Ruka dropped to 22 degrees below zero. Alexander Bolshunov won the gold. He managed to cover the distance of 15 kilometers in 35 minutes and 23.7 seconds. Second place went to

Peskov spoke about the decision not to introduce federal mourning for those killed in the mine

Peskov: federal mourning for the Listvyazhnaya mine tragedy is not yet planned mourning for the tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine, located in the Kemerovo region, is not yet planned. This was reported by the RIA Novosti Telegram channel. On the morning of November 25, a methane explosion took place at the Listvyazhnaya mine. 51 people died, 76 were injured. The decision not to introduce mourning was not additionally commented on. Earlier it was reported that some of the victims and families of those killed at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region received payments. Payments began to come from the budgets of Kuzbass and Belovsky district, where the mine is located.

Peskov spoke about the decision not to introduce federal mourning for those killed in Listvyazhnaya

Peskov: federal mourning for the tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine is not planned yet mourning for the tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine, located in the Kemerovo region, is not yet planned. This was reported by the RIA Novosti Telegram channel. On the morning of November 25, a methane explosion took place at the Listvyazhnaya mine. 51 people died, 76 were injured. The decision not to introduce mourning was not additionally commented on. Earlier it was reported that some of the victims and families of those killed at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region received payments. Payments began to come from the budgets of Kuzbass and Belovsky district, where the mine is located.