A Russian who moved to the United States spoke about employment on Facebook

The Russian moved to the USA and spoke about getting a job at Facebook company Meta (formerly Facebook) in an interview with Gazeta.ru. At the moment, he is developing software for Facebook Messenger for the iOS operating system. According to the man, he had seven job interviews at the company in total before getting hired. Recruiters contacted him in mid-October 2018, and he returned to work four months later. “What I like about large companies is that they immediately tell you what stages the interview will consist of and what you need to be ready for,” he noted. After successfully completing the initial technical interview, Nazarov was called to the second stage, which was a cycle of interviews in the company's office during one day. “Usually after that a decision is made whether to hire a candidate or not. But I had another additional interview, and after that I received

Ovechkin comes close to Jagr on the list of the best snipers in NHL history

Ovechkin helped Washington win and came close to Jagr in the list of the best snipers in the NHL »In a match of the regular championship of the National Hockey League (NHL). This was reported by the Lenta.ru correspondent. The meeting took place on Sunday, November 28, and ended with a score of 4: 2 in favor of the guests. Among the winners, goals were scored by Russians Alexander Ovechkin and Dmitry Orlov, Belarusian Aleksey Protas, as well as American John Carlson. Ovechkin scored 749th goal in the NHL and approached Jaromir Jagr, who is the second in the list of the best snipers in league history. The Czech striker has 766 goals. Ovechkin has played 22 matches in the NHL regular season this season. The Russian scored 18 goals and made 19 assists.

Ovechkin comes close to Jagr on the list of the best snipers in NHL history

Ovechkin helped Washington win and came close to Jagr in the list of the best snipers in the NHL »In a match of the regular championship of the National Hockey League (NHL). This was reported by the Lenta.ru correspondent. The meeting took place on Sunday, November 28, and ended with a score of 4: 2 in favor of the guests. Among the winners, goals were scored by Russians Alexander Ovechkin and Dmitry Orlov, Belarusian Aleksey Protas, as well as American John Carlson. Ovechkin scored 749th goal in the NHL and approached Jaromir Jagr, who is the second in the list of the best snipers in league history. The Czech striker has 766 goals. Ovechkin has played 22 matches in the NHL regular season this season. The Russian scored 18 goals and made 19 assists.

An employee of Listvyazhnoy named the reasons for the silence of miners about constant violations

Listvyazhnaya worker Alimov: trade unions prefer not to interfere in the situation at mines Listvyazhnaya mine worker Nikolay Alimov A methane explosion killed 51 people, named the reasons for the silence of the miners about the constant violations in an interview with Lenta.ru. “It's scary to work, but the salary is good and you don't have to travel far. We got an outfit, changed and drove off. It is not easy to change jobs without losing your salary. There is nowhere to go, ”Alimov shared. According to him, the miner “cannot stamp his foot and refuse to work,” as this could threaten the workers with heavy fines. In addition, the trade union has recently become not as active as it used to be. noted the miner. “Now people will not rise as they did in the 1990s. Even if you just stand there with a poster, they will immediately twist

An immunologist predicted a new wave of COVID-19 in Russia due to the omicron strain

Immunologist Kryuchkov: the omicron strain COVID-19 will cause a strong wave of morbidity in Russia which will be stronger than the delta variant of COVID-19. This was stated in an interview with Ura.ru by the General Director of Clinical Excellence Group, Candidate of Medical Sciences, immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov. Kryuchkov noted that the absolute number of deaths from the disease will be large, especially in Russia, where many people without immunity. He also stressed that the new strain has appeared in countries where the percentage of vaccinations in the population is low. In addition, the specialist criticized the statements of anti-vaccines that the emergence of omicron was a consequence of the adaptation of the virus to vaccines. The infectious disease specialist explained that the new variant testifies to exactly the opposite thing, since it rather became an adaptation of the coronavirus to specific immunity after a disease, rather than after a

An immunologist predicted a new wave of COVID-19 in Russia due to the omicron strain

Immunologist Kryuchkov: omicron-strain COVID-19 will cause a strong wave of morbidity in Russia Omicron-strain of coronavirus in Russia which will be stronger than the delta variant of COVID-19. This was stated in an interview with Ura.ru by the General Director of Clinical Excellence Group, Candidate of Medical Sciences, immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov. Kryuchkov noted that the absolute number of deaths from the disease will be large, especially in Russia, where many people without immunity. He also stressed that the new strain has appeared in countries where the percentage of vaccinations in the population is low. In addition, the specialist criticized the statements of anti-vaccines that the emergence of omicron was a consequence of the adaptation of the virus to vaccines. The infectious disease specialist explained that the new variant testifies to exactly the opposite thing, since it rather became an adaptation of the coronavirus to specific immunity after a disease, rather

In Moscow, there was a massive detention of CSKA fans after the match with Zenit

CSKA fans were detained en masse after the home match of the 16th round of the RPL against Zenit after the match of the 16th round of the Russian Premier League (RPL) against Zenit. This was reported by RIA Novosti. After the final whistle, the fans of the red-blue from the podium C for about an hour could not leave the VEB-Arena, which was hosting the meeting. Then the police and riot police gathered at the exit from the sectors, who began to massively detain fans and place them in paddy wagons. According to the source, there were women among the detainees. The incident may be related to the use of pyrotechnics by CSKA fans during the match. The meeting took place on Sunday, November 28th. Zenit won with a score of 2: 0.

In Moscow, there was a massive detention of CSKA fans after the match with Zenit

CSKA fans were massively detained after the RPL round 16 home match with Zenit Police officers carried out a massive arrest of CSKA fans after the match of the 16th round of the Russian Premier League (RPL) against Zenit. This was reported by RIA Novosti. After the final whistle, the fans of the red-blue from the podium C for about an hour could not leave the VEB-Arena, which was hosting the meeting. Then the police and riot police gathered at the exit from the sectors, who began to massively detain fans and place them in paddy wagons. According to the source, there were women among the detainees. The incident may be related to the use of pyrotechnics by CSKA fans during the match. The meeting took place on Sunday, November 28th. Zenit won with a score of 2: 0.

День в истории: 29 ноября

План ООН по разделу Палестины 29 ноября 1947 года на заседании Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН был принят план раздела Палестины на еврейское и арабское государства. Он предусматривал прекращение британского мандата в Палестине и рекомендовал создание на этой территории двух государств: еврейского и арабского, при этом Иерусалим и Вифлеем находились бы под международным контролем. Арабское общество посчитало план несправедливым, что стало причиной начала Арабо-израильской войны 1947−1949 годов. Авиакатастрофа под Монреалем В этот день в 1963 году произошла одна из самых крупных авиакатастроф в истории Канады. Пассажирский авиалайнер компании Trans-Canada Air Lines, выполнявший рейс из Монреаля в Торонто, через пять минут после вылета упал на землю и разбился. Погибли все находившиеся на его борту 118 человек — 111 пассажиров и 7 членов экипажа.

In the Russian region, the coronavirus was declared a heretic and burned

In Kursk, the coronavirus was declared a heretic and ritually burned at the stake of the Inquisition This is reported by “Kurskie Izvestia”. “The Inquisition has identified the main heretic who undermined the way of life, inspiring mistrust, sowing chaos and despair,” the organizers of the show said. After the “accusations” were presented, an auto-da-fe was arranged. In July, a challenge of ditties about coronavirus vaccination was launched in the Leningrad Region. The press service of the governor and the regional government explained that the winners will be determined by popular vote. Last year, in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, Russian show business stars joined the #MYiPOY challenge. Celebrities have started to post on social media videos of washing their hands with songs.