Explained the true cause of loss of smell in coronavirus

US and Belgian scientists explain why COVID-19 patients lose their sense of smell loss of smell in COVID-19. The researchers were unable to find evidence that the infection affects the sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium or the nerve cells of the olfactory bulb. Thus, coronavirus is not a neurotropic virus, however SARS-CoV-2 infects a different type of cells in the olfactory organs. This is reported in an article published in the journal Cell. When a cell is infected, SARS-CoV-2 binds to the ACE2 receptor on the cell membrane. This receptor is expressed on the surface of the sustentacular cells, but not on the olfactory sensory neurons, which transmit odor signals to the olfactory bulb. Sustentacular cells provide neurons with nutrients and maintain their structure. Both types of cells are continuously regenerated from stem cells of the olfactory epithelium throughout a person's life. Researchers analyzed samples of the olfactory nasal

Pushkov warned Russia against becoming a “branch of new values”

Senator Pushkov: Russia cannot turn into a “branch of new values” with a changed culture culture changed for the sake of political correctness, as well as lectures on non-existent gender fluidity. Aleksey Pushkov, a member of the Federation Council, warned against this in Telegram. According to him, Russian historical culture and generally accepted basic values ​​are one of the last bastions before the endless onslaught of Americanization. So a member of the Federation Council commented on the situation in which the leading ballet companies in Europe took up arms against the classic version of The Nutcracker. Now they see it as racism and sexism. Earlier, Pushkov appreciated the cancellation of the show of the classic program “The Nutcracker” at the State Ballet of Berlin. According to him, he was removed from the New Year's repertoire because of “politically incorrect dances.” At the same time, the senator noted that the Berlin

Explained the true cause of loss of smell in coronavirus

US and Belgian scientists explain why COVID-19 patients lose their sense of smell loss of smell in COVID-19. The researchers were unable to find evidence that the infection affects the sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium or the nerve cells of the olfactory bulb. Thus, coronavirus is not a neurotropic virus, however SARS-CoV-2 infects a different type of cells in the olfactory organs. This is reported in an article published in the journal Cell. When a cell is infected, SARS-CoV-2 binds to the ACE2 receptor on the cell membrane. This receptor is expressed on the surface of the sustentacular cells, but not on the olfactory sensory neurons, which transmit odor signals to the olfactory bulb. Sustentacular cells provide neurons with nutrients and maintain their structure. Both types of cells are continuously regenerated from stem cells of the olfactory epithelium throughout a person's life. Researchers analyzed samples of the olfactory nasal

Israel Closes Borders To Foreigners Due To New COVID Strain

Israel has banned foreigners from entering for 14 days due to the omicron strain of coronavirus Due to the new omicron strain COVID-19 Israel banned foreigners from entering for 14 days, and also introduced compulsory home isolation for its citizens returning from abroad. This was reported by the press service of the Israeli Ministry of Health. The new regime began to operate at 1 am on November 29 Moscow time. In addition, Israelis entering from other countries will have to take a PCR test and await results in home quarantine. Citizens who come from the countries of the “red zone” (with a high incidence of coronavirus) will have to quarantine in specialized institutions. On November 29, Japan closed its borders to foreigners due to the spread of the omicron strain of COVID-19 in the world. The entry ban will take effect from November 30 and will affect all foreign citizens.

The first heated station will appear in the Moscow metro

Novomoskovskaya station will become the first heated ground-based metro station in Moscow the first heated underground metro station. The deputy mayor of the capital for urban planning policy and construction Andrei Bochkarev said this, according to the mayor's website. At the moment, Novomoskovskaya is 30 percent ready. It can be made heated with the help of a large number of ventilation equipment, which will increase the supply of warm air. The station will also insulate the lobbies and install additional double-glazed windows on the walls. The developers decided to place the equipment on the roof of the complex and used building information modeling (BIM) technologies to locate branched engineering systems. The Novomoskovskaya station is being built in the Sosenskoye settlement along the Solntsevo – Butovo – Varshavskoye highway. The builders are completing the construction of excavations and installing the structure of the station complex. In September 2021, Andrei Bochkarev said

После Гагарина и Титова: как шимпанзе проложил путь американским астронавтам

60 лет назад в рамках подготовки первого американского орбитального полета по программе Mercury в космос был запущен шимпанзе Энос. СССР к тому времени уже осуществил два орбитальных полета — с Гагариным и Титовым. Миссия Mercury-Atlas 5 с шимпанзе считалась успешной, однако ее пришлось прервать после второго витка из трех запланированных из-за неисправности оборудования и страданий животного, а разработчики впоследствии подвергались критике со стороны общественности. Эксперты оценили число обломков после уничтожения советского спутника в космосе 29 ноября 1961 года на космическом корабле Mercury-Atlas 5 на орбиту был запущен шимпанзе Энос, который стал вторым шимпанзе, отправившимся в космос, и первым, облетевшим Землю. Энос прошел основательное обучение в рамках проекта Mercury — первой программы пилотируемых космических полетов в Соединенных Штатах, продолжавшейся с 1959 по 1963 год. Основная цель этой программы состояла в том, чтобы вывести первого американца на орбиту и благополучно вернуть его на Землю. К тому времени СССР уже осуществил два орбитальных полета — с Юрием Гагариным и Германом Титовым, а США произвели лишь два суборбитальных полета — с Аланом Шепардом и Вирджилом Гриссомом — и оставались в роли догоняющих. Вряд ли такой полет мог кого-то сильно удивить, но, тем не менее, Энос стал первым шимпанзе, облетевшим

Телеканал «Россия» покажет остросюжетную мелодраму «Ключ от всех дверей»

29 ноября на телеканале «Россия» стартует премьера многосерийной остросюжетной мелодрамы «Ключ от всех дверей» от создателей легендарных «Тайн следствия». История рассказывает о жизни профессионального психолога Анны Королёвой (Светлана Колпакова), которая помогает клиентам разобраться с обидами, стрессами и конфликтами в семье. При этом она не просто проводит приемы в своем уютном кабинете в Санкт-Петербурге с видом на Николо-Богоявленский морской собор и набережную Невы — Анна готова сорваться среди ночи и примчаться на помощь в любую точку города. Но однажды ей предстоит сделать выбор между своей личной жизнью и спасением незнакомых людей. В итоге Анна попадает в смертельно опасную ловушку, и под угрозой оказывается ее собственная жизнь и безопасность близких. Главные роли в сериале исполнили Светлана Колпакова, Алексей Фатеев, Андрей Фролов и Сергей Юшкевич, а режиссером стал Максим Демченко, известный по многосерийным фильмам «Доктор Рихтер», «Паромщица».