Nutritionist named a berry that can improve memory and mood

Emma Derbyshire: regular consumption of blueberries has a positive effect on memory and mood British nutritionist Emma Derbyshire will help improve memory and positively affects the functioning of the brain in general. Her recommendations are published by Fruitnet. The specialist refers to new research in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, which shows that regular consumption of blueberries can have a positive effect on memory and cognitive function in children and young adults. > For adults and seniors, blueberries are also very beneficial as they slow down the rate of age-related decline in cognitive abilities, that is, memory, perception, logic and imagination. In addition, the substances contained in the berry help to better control mood, which is important in the fight against depression and anxiety. “Blueberries contain a lot of polyphenols, such as anthocyanins, which have a positive effect on mental activity. Berries are easy to include in

The bodies of two people were found in the truck of the Russian after the murder of a man on the street

TFR: a 64-year-old resident of Vologda was detained after a triple murder, the bodies of two were in a truck A 64-year-old local resident was detained in Vologda on suspicion of a triple murder, the bodies of two victims were found in a truck. This was reported to “” in the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. According to the investigation, on the evening of November 26, the body of a 29-year-old man with a gunshot wound was found in 2-Turudndayevsky lane. He was shot by an unknown person after a quarrel, an acquaintance who witnessed the crime told law enforcement officers. Operatives identified the suspect. It turned out to be a 64-year-old Vologda resident living in the vicinity of the place of the murder. Fighters of the OMON of the Russian Guard took him out of his house and took him to the investigator. Later, on November

Oil prices skyrocketed

Brent crude rose 5.64 percent after falling on Friday , having partly won back an 11 percent drop on November 26, caused by news of the spread of a new strain of coronavirus B.1.1.529. Brent crude at its peak rose to $ 75.29 per barrel (plus 5.64 percent on compared to the close of the previous trading session). At 10:35 it was trading at $ 74.83 (plus 4.53 percent). WTI crude oil rose to a maximum of $ 72.14 (plus 5.9 percent). At 10:35 am it was worth $ 71.53 (plus 4.96 percent).

Nutritionist named a berry that can improve memory and mood

Emma Derbyshire: Regular blueberry consumption has a positive effect on memory and mood British dietitian Emma Derbyshire named a berry improve memory and positively affects the functioning of the brain in general. Her recommendations are published by Fruitnet. The specialist refers to new research in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, which shows that regular consumption of blueberries can have a positive effect on memory and cognitive function in children and young adults. > For adults and seniors, blueberries are also very beneficial as they slow down the rate of age-related decline in cognitive abilities, that is, memory, perception, logic and imagination. In addition, the substances contained in the berry help to better control mood, which is important in the fight against depression and anxiety. “Blueberries contain a lot of polyphenols, such as anthocyanins, which have a positive effect on mental activity. Berries are easy to include in

Pushkov warned Russia against becoming a “branch of new values”

Senator Pushkov: Russia cannot turn into a “branch of new values” with a changed culture culture changed for the sake of political correctness, as well as lectures on non-existent gender fluidity. Aleksey Pushkov, a member of the Federation Council, warned against this in Telegram. According to him, Russian historical culture and generally accepted basic values ​​are one of the last bastions before the endless onslaught of Americanization. So a member of the Federation Council commented on the situation in which the leading ballet companies in Europe took up arms against the classic version of The Nutcracker. Now they see it as racism and sexism. Earlier, Pushkov appreciated the cancellation of the show of the classic program “The Nutcracker” at the State Ballet of Berlin. According to him, he was removed from the New Year's repertoire because of “politically incorrect dances.” At the same time, the senator noted that the Berlin

Ученые из России раскрыли одну из загадок скифского мира

О судьбе легендарной скифской цивилизации и ее соседей, а также о быте и экономике в эпоху раннего железного века РИА Новости рассказали авторы открытия, специалисты музея-заповедника «Куликово поле». Северные металлурги Находки, меняющие представления о границах влияния скифской культуры середины первого тысячелетия до нашей эры, обнаружили специалисты музея-заповедника «Куликово поле». Новые артефакты были обнаружены весной-летом 2021 года при раскопках городища Гора Услань в 20 километрах к югу от Тулы. В России обнаружили скифское серебро с изображением божеств Главным открытием стали следы развитой металлургии цветных металлов — литейные формы и отходы производства. Подобные однозначные указания на наличие литейного ремесла в этот период ранее не были известны для столь северных территорий, объяснили ученые. Строителями городища были, как полагают ученые, представители одной из так называемых скифоидных культур. К этим племенам относят несколько групп оседлого населения лесостепной зоны, которые в силу культурных и экономических связей прочно входили в структуру скифского мира. Городище, по словам археологов, было укреплено двойной стеной, а склон холма, на котором располагалось поселение, был искусственно подрезан для придания дополнительной крутизны. На территории памятника археологи обнаружили бронзовое зеркало, украшения, наконечники стрел,

The first heated station will appear in the Moscow metro

Novomoskovskaya station will become the first heated ground-based metro station in Moscow the first heated underground metro station. The deputy mayor of the capital for urban planning policy and construction Andrei Bochkarev said this, according to the mayor's website. At the moment, Novomoskovskaya is 30 percent ready. It can be made heated with the help of a large number of ventilation equipment, which will increase the supply of warm air. The station will also insulate the lobbies and install additional double-glazed windows on the walls. The developers decided to place the equipment on the roof of the complex and used building information modeling (BIM) technologies to locate branched engineering systems. The Novomoskovskaya station is being built in the Sosenskoye settlement along the Solntsevo – Butovo – Varshavskoye highway. The builders are completing the construction of excavations and installing the structure of the station complex. In September 2021, Andrei Bochkarev said