Poklonskaya put Lenin on a par with Hitler

Poklonskaya put Lenin on a par with Hitler MOSCOW, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Deputy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Natalia Poklonskaya told RIA Novosti that placing in the list of “monsters of the twentieth century” by Vladimir Lenin on a par with Adolf Hitler who expressed his personal opinion and did not Express the position of his colleagues on “an United Russia”. Thursday in his blog on LiveJournal Polonskaya has published a post called “monsters of the twentieth century” Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong. “We have the same freedom of speech. This is purely my personal opinion, my civil position. I’m not here to represent the public mind,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Poklonski noted that in this case it is not a fraction, and the ratio of the group of deputies.

Media: al-Qaeda is preparing terrorist attacks in the USA on the eve of elections

Media: al-Qaeda is preparing terrorist attacks in the USA on the eve of elections For possible terrorist attacks, may become the States of new York, Texas and Virginia. American TV channel CBS reported on the existence of intelligence in connection with the alleged threat of attacks in three U.S. States the day before the presidential elections in the United States. The channel refers to anonymous sources. According to sources, for possible terrorist attacks, may become the States of new York, Texas and Virginia. Official confirmation of this information from CBS is not, in this, the report provides a review of the FBI, which States that security forces are ready to prevent terrorist attacks in the country. “National security and the fight against terrorism, remain vigilant and ready to defend from the attacks of the United States. The FBI is working with our Federal, state, and local counterparts, shares intelligence, and

Medvedev and Li Keqiang will visit the Hermitage before the Russian-Chinese negotiations in St. Petersburg

Premier of the State Council of China Li Keqiang and Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev © Ekaterina Shtukina/press service of the Russian government/TASS, archive MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will meet on Sunday in St. Petersburg Premier of the state Council of China Li Keqiang during the two-day program of Russian-Chinese talks at the level of heads of governments. The journalists said Deputy Prime Minister – head of staff of the Cabinet of the Russian Federation Sergey Prikhodko.

The Prosecutor’s office will check the Chelyabinsk kindergarten after the soup with worms

In the Chelyabinsk region, the Prosecutor’s office will conduct an investigation after complaints from parents of pupils of a kindergarten soup with worms. On Thursday, November 3, reported on the website of the regional office. “In the course of verification activities will be given a legal assessment of the actions (inaction) of officials of preschool educational organization on the observance of the legislation on the protection of life and health of minors”, — is spoken in the message of regional Prosecutor’s office. That in Chelyabinsk to a kindergarten № 370 “Cinderella” served soup with worms in late October on his page in “Vkontakte” reported the mother of one of pupils of Olga shurupova. To record the woman put photos of the dishes. According to her, the kids are told to “catch and eat”. “Parents carried out the investigation showed that this was not an isolated case,” said shurupova. She added

Arranged by a fan of James bond shooting resulted in a police operation

A fan of films about James bond was the reason for conducting a police RAID in Brussels. On Saturday, November 5, according to the portal RTL Info. The incident occurred on the same day around 15:30 local time in the municipality of Woluwe-Saint-Lambert. One of the residents called the police and told that he saw on the roof of the building by an armed man. To the place of the incident was sent to several police cars and special forces, some time later, the security forces also noticed an unknown weapon. Police cordoned off the area and requested reinforcements were called for a helicopter of the Federal police. At 16:15, the suspect was arrested after a special operation ended. It turned out that the cause of the commotion was a young fan of 007, which was shot Amateur film based on the James Bond. He had found a toy gun.

Putin will take part in the final forum active citizens Community

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday will take part in the final forum active citizens “Community.” The final “Community” forum kicks off in Moscow on 3 November and will last two days. The event was organized by the Public chamber of the Russian Federation. Participants of the event will be more than 3.5 thousand people, among whom will be active citizens of the Russian Federation, and representatives of socially-oriented NGOs. During the event, experts in several fields will discuss the most important issues associated with the non-profit sector. “3 November Vladimir Putin will speak at the forum active citizens “Community,” — said the press service of the President of the Russian Federation. The participation of the head of state in the forum has already become traditional: in the past year, Vladimir Putin also spoke at the final event of “Community”. Forum active citizens “Community” — an open

Russia and China have signed agreements and contracts at the exhibition Airshow China

The Minister of industry and trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov (center background) at the time of signing of the contract for the supply of five helicopters “Ansat”, Mi-171 and Ka-32 with option for 13 cars between the holding company “Helicopters of Russia” and the Chinese company Wuhan Rand Aviation Technology Service © Marina Lystseva/TASS ZHUHAI /China/, 5 November. /TASS/. Business program of the 11th International aerospace exhibition Airshow China, held in China Zhuhai, came to an end.

Russia is not planning a new response to sanctions

Russia is not going to take further measures in response to the EU sanctions and the United States. This was told Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in interview to the Second channel of Israel.   The Russian head of government noted that in recent years the country has taken all necessary actions. “Sanctions are generally always bad. We were never in favour of sanctions applied to any country,” he said.   Medvedev has reminded that in Soviet times America and some other countries have repeatedly imposed restrictions against the Soviet Union. But it did not lead to any result, because the Soviet Union had its own course. Based on this, the politician is sure that the extension of sanctions exchange is the wrong way.   As for Russia’s retaliatory measures against Europe and the United States, they have already taken, stated the Prime Minister. “We have imposed a ban on the

The UN reported the deaths of 240 migrants off the coast of Libya

The UN reported the deaths of 240 migrants off the coast of Libya Moscow. 3 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the UN office for refugees announced the deaths of 239 migrants off Libya’s coast as a result of two shipwrecks. On Thursday said the representative of the organization. According to preliminary data, were natives of West Africa. It is assumed that they were trying to cross the Mediterranean sea on rubber boats. With one ship managed to save 29 people, but the rest of the 120, apparently, died. On another boat known according to the two surviving passengers. It was also more than 120 refugees. UN officials note that smugglers who arrange the transportation of migrants from Africa to Italy regularly overload the boat and often put them in bad weather. Given this information, the number of migrants killed this year in the Mediterranean sea, reached 4,200 people.

The Noumea zoo died artist and playboy chimpanzee John

The Noumea zoo died artist and playboy chimpanzee John Moscow. 3 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Trained chimpanzee John, “worked” at the time, the dealer in the Moscow casino “Space”, on Thursday died in Safari Park of Gelendzhik on the 25th year of life. About this “Interfax” said Director of the institution Nicholas Mashinsky. The cause of John’s death was a stroke, he said. Chimpanzees transferred to the zoo at the age of 18 years. Before that, he lived in Moscow, where he was in the casino “Cosmos” and addicted to Smoking and alcohol. The first year in Gelendzhik John felt badly — made itself felt the consequences of the tumultuous city life. Chimpanzee earned a diabetes, dropsy and allergic dermatitis. Besides the primacy castrated. Only two years later John returned to form, and the visitors were able to meet him. According to the Mashinsky, John was happy “again to Shine in