“The Afghan Mona Lisa” was allowed to stay in Pakistan

Sharbat Gula Pakistani authorities have declared that will not deport detained October 26, with the fake documents, the refugee Sharbat Gulu (Sharbat Gula), which is known as the “Afghan girl” cover of National Geographic magazine. About it reports the local edition of Dawn. The decision was taken on humanitarian grounds as a gesture of goodwill towards Afghanistan. During the hearing, the woman, her lawyer said that the Rumble is the only breadwinner in the family and also suffering from hepatitis C. she is Now able to obtain official refugee status. 9 Nov Gulu osvobozhdat after 15 days of detention. The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was going to deport a woman from the country. Gulu detained in the city of Peshawar, where she after fleeing from his native country lived on forged documents. The officer issued the woman a fake identity card was also arrested, but later released him on bail.

Moscow is ready to thaw relations with Washington.

Photo: Arguments and Facts Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that Moscow is ready to thaw relations with Washington. However, according to him, everything will depend on the position of the White house after the presidential elections in the United States. Current relations between the two countries, Medvedev described as “fallen through the floor.” This is the fault of Washington, he said. “We are keen that this relationship was normal,” – said the Russian Prime Minister in interview to the Second channel of Israel, the full text of which is posted on the website of the Cabinet of the Russian Federation. Candidate for the US presidency from the Republican party, Donald trump Dmitry Medvedev has called a “brilliant man” and his rival Democrat Hillary Clinton – “trained specialist”. “We are ready to build with the new administration of the normal, constructive relations based on principles of international law, based on

From “Ramsay” to “Jack”: the most famous Soviet military intelligence

© Naum Granovsky/Fotokhronika TASS Constitution day in Russia is celebrated annually on 5 November. It was originally installed as a internal holiday by order of the Minister of defense Igor Sergeev on November 5, 2000, may 31, 2006 by the decree of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin “On establishing professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” became a memorable day in the Armed forces. From the history of exploration November 5, 1918, by order of the revolutionary military Council was formed by the Registration management of Field staff rvsr, which was the first Central organ of military intelligence worker-peasant red army (RKKA). In April 1921, it was renamed the Intelligence Directorate (Razvedupr) staff of the red army, in September 1926, renamed the IV Directorate of the staff of the red army. Since then, the name of the military intelligence repeatedly changed. In

MO the Russian Federation: the state Department has taken to Aleppo “no breadcrumbs”

The defense Ministry responded harshly to a statement by the US that the humanitarian pause in Syria’s Aleppo, which was two, was of no avail. As stated in the defense Ministry, Russia was able to deliver in the region of 100 tons of aid.   Nothing like the States did not, noted in the defense Ministry. As stated in the defense Ministry, during the humanitarian pause, the US state Department is not delivered in Aleppo “bread crumbs”.   “Russia’s use of gumpus in Syria is first and foremost to help people”, – concluded the Agency.   The defense Ministry also added that during the whole time of the military operation in Syria, official Moscow pays humanitarian aid and reconciliation of the warring parties the most attention.   In this case, said the Agency, from the United States, Russia has not received any maps with coordinates, or any information about any

Ildar Dading agreed to undergo a polygraph test

Ildar Dading agreed to undergo a polygraph test In the office of the Commissioner for human rights announced that Ildar Dading, have reported beatings in the Karelian IR-7, agreed to undergo a polygraph test, reports “RIA Novosti”. Press Secretary of the Ombudsman Alexei Sovetov said that to inspect are not specialists of the Federal penitentiary service or other law enforcement authorities and “representatives of independent companies engaged in similar licensed activity.” Earlier on Thursday, 3 November, Tatiana Moskalkova after visiting the Dading proposed to transfer the convict to another colony, as “it will always be a suspicion of bias or subjective approach to the person, contained here after such loud statements.” She also added that the Dading confirmed her statements on the application to it of violence and handcuffs. According to Moskalkova the actions of employees IR-7 “was the law”. The Ombudsman also noted that she doesn’t have enough evidence

New trailer for “Wonder woman”

New trailer for “Wonder woman” Warner Bros. showed a new trailer for the superhero film “Wonder woman”. In the story of the Amazon Princess Diana, has super powers and cleverly uses the lasso of Truth, meet on the island the survivors after the crash of American pilot. He tells her about his world, where chaos and confusion, and Diana decides to leave the island where he lives, and to join the fight to end the protracted conflict. The role Wonder woman played by Gal gadot, along with it will appear on the screen Chris pine, Robin Wright, David Thewlis, Connie Nielsen and others. The film will be released on June 1, 2017.

The website WikiLeaks released a 30-second part of the correspondence of the head of staff, Clinton

The website WikiLeaks released a 30-second part of the correspondence of the head of staff, Clinton The publication of the first part took place on 8 October, the administration puts the correspondence in batches of several thousand letters per day. MOSCOW, Nov 4 — RIA Novosti. The website WikiLeaks released a 30-second part of confidential correspondence of the Chairman of the election campaign of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton John Podestà. The publication of the first part took place on 8 October, the administration puts the correspondence in batches of several thousand letters per day. With the publication of the next parts of the public became accessible to almost 48 thousand letters from about 50 thousand. In early October, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during a videoconference in Berlin promised before the end of the year to publish “significant data” for the three governments and elections in the United States. Helpthe American

Russian defense Ministry: Russia and the U.S. have different ideas about humanitarian aid to Aleppo

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. Russia and the United States have different ideas about humanitarian aid for the residents of Aleppo, Syria: the Russian side is to deliver food and medicine to American convoy of trucks, which without examination are used only in the Eastern part of the city, said on Sunday the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov.

The number of victims of gas explosion in Ivanovo has been increased to six

The death toll in the result of a gas explosion in a house in Ivanovo increased to six rescuers in the course of the rubble found the body of another man. About it RIA Novosti on Sunday, November 6, said the representatives of regional administrations and Ministry of emergency situations. Earlier it was reported about the five dead and eight injured. Explosion of household gas in the two-storey 12-apartment house took place in the early morning of 6 November, the result was hit by two apartments and the roof. Upon collapse of the house resulted in the death of people criminal case on signs of the crime provided by part 3 of article 238 of the criminal code (“performance of works or rendering services not meeting safety requirements”). As a priority versions of what happened, investigators are considering the leakage of household gas. To assist in the investigation of causes

The members of staff of the Clinton stole the laptops

Continued: Employees staff Clinton returned stolen during dinner laptops Three laptops, which, presumably, were stored the sensitive information stolen from employees of the electoral staff of the candidate in US presidents from Democratic party Hillary Clinton. About it reports on Saturday, November 5, CBS. The crime occurred on Friday evening, November 4, in Philadelphia. A statement about the theft to the police said four members of staff. According to them, they parked the Buick Enclave SUV and went to dinner at a restaurant. When they returned, they found that the car had a broken rear door glass, and three bags, which were the MacBook Pro and other things are missing. The police said that the computers could be important information for planning the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. The investigation will then be connected with the Secret service and homeland security of the United States. The U.S. presidential election scheduled