At the headquarters trump announced his victory on the voting results in new Hampshire

At the headquarters trump announced his victory on the voting results in new Hampshire The candidate in US presidents from Republican party, Donald trump wins by voting in new Hampshire. The results of the voting in three towns of the state of new Hampshire, where the voting started at midnight local time (08:00 GMT), the lead candidate in US presidents from Republican party, Donald trump. On Tuesday, November 8, reported the headquarters of the trump in his microblog on Twitter. “LIVE FREE OR DIE!” @realDonaldTrump takes 32-25 lead in New Hampshire after midnight voting! #MAGA — Official Team Trump (@TeamTrump) 8 November 2016 “Live free or die! Donald trump is leading in new Hampshire,” reads the message. A Republican who received 32 votes in his support, therefore ahead of his main rival of the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, who received 25 votes. See alsoLegalization of marijuana, the abolition of slavery

Zakharov responded to the accusations Poroshenko in the “assignment history”

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, 9 November. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said the words of the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, who called the opening in Moscow of a monument to Saint Prince Vladimir “hybrid attempt of appropriation of history.”

Kadyrov has appointed a banker the head of the Chechen government

Ramzan Kadyrov The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov has appointed the former head of the national Bank of the Republic of Sultan tagaeva for the post of Prime Minister and the head of administration of the Chechen Republic. About this Kadyrov wrote in his Instagram account. According to him, he showed himself as an experienced specialist, politician and organizer. “Has proven itself in the position of branch Manager of the National Bank of the Czech Republic”, — Kadyrov wrote. 1 November Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Cabinet to reconsider the financing of the North Caucasus republics. Earlier the head of Chechnya called unacceptable the initiative of the Ministry of Finance to reduce subsidies from the Federal center. Kadyrov was re-elected on a post of the head of the region in a single voting day, September 18. He heads the Republic since 2007.

Trump lost to Clinton after the publication of the results in 14 States

The candidate in US presidents from Republican party, Donald trump lost to his opponent — Democrat Hillary Clinton — after publication of the preliminary results of voting in 14 States. It is reported by CNN. The former Secretary of state 68 electoral votes, trump — 48 of 270 needed. The billionaire received the most votes of residents of Oklahoma, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Wisconsin, and his opponent — Illinois, new Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode island and the district of Columbia. Unknown is the result in swing States — new Hampshire, Florida, North Carolina and Ohio, although in the latter, most likely, will win with Clinton. The United States presidential election held on 8 November. Procedure a formal vote of the electors will be held on 19 December and 6 January 2017 the Congress will adopt its outcome. Inauguration is scheduled for January 20, then the President

Putin replaced Ivanov Vaino in the composition of the Economic Council

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the composition of the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation included the head of the administration of President Anton Vaino. The text of the decree posted on the official Internet portal of legal information. The same decree from the Board excluded who previously held the post of head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov. Earlier, presidential aide Andrei Belousov said “Газете.Ru” that the next meeting of the Economic Council under the President of Russia, most likely, will not take place until the end of 2016.

Terrorists fired on a power station in Damascus

In Syria during the day, the militants of the banned terrorist organizations made 45 attacks. It is reported by the Russian center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria.   “A day recorded 45 attacks by illegal armed groups in the provinces of Aleppo (19), Damascus (20), Lattakia (4), ham (1), Daraa (1)”, — stated in the message.   The shelling was conducted from MLRS Handicrafts, mortars and small arms. The terrorists shelled the districts of Aleppo and in the Damascus province.   In the province of Latakia was fired settlements ‘ain El-Kantara and Kermel’.   It is also reported that in the province of Damascus, terrorists fired on a power station in the village Drawbar the hospital and Ibn-al-Walid.   Earlier it was reported that three people were killed and dozens wounded in an attack by terrorists on the Syrian area of Salah ad-DIN. The militants shelled

In Latvia in a traffic accident with a bus injured 20 children

In Latvia in a traffic accident with a bus injured 20 children RIGA, November 6 — RIA Novosti. About 20 children were injured in a traffic accident involving a bus and a passenger car on the Tallinn highway in Latvia, the press service of the ambulance. According to preliminary information, the car flew into the oncoming lane that was driving a passenger bus with children. The driver of the bus to avoid a collision, drove into a ditch and overturned. Injured 20 children. Just in the bus there were 22 children and four adults. At the scene now working crews of emergency medical care and police. All the victims were hospitalized.

In Siberia for the past day, registered five earthquakes

In Siberia for the past day, registered five earthquakes All five aftershocks occurred on the territory of Tuva. MOSCOW, 8 November. /TASS/. Rescuers found five earthquakes on the territory of Siberia over the past day, the magnitude of one of them has reached five points, told TASS in the press service of the Siberian regional center of EMERCOM of Russia. According to the Center for seismological monitoring in Krasnoyarsk, for the last day recorded nine samozasiti. Four of them are industrial explosions and earthquakes.The press service of the Siberian regional center of EMERCOM of Russia Industrial explosions have occurred twice in the Kemerovo region and one — in Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk region. All five earthquakes were registered on the territory of Tuva. One of the shocks was strongest, the intensity at the epicenter reached five points. However, in nearby towns, located from the epicenter at a distance of from

Europe is looking for a measure of arrests in Turkey

Europe is looking for a measure of arrests in Turkey Relations between Turkey and the European Union were subjected to a new trial. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Luxembourg, one of the founding members of the EU, Jean Asselborn has threatened Ankara over sanctions and the arrest of parliamentarians from the opposition Pro-Kurdish peoples ‘ Democratic party. In turn, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan demanded from the Europeans to stop meddling in his country and confirmed that the policy of Ankara towards “supporters of terrorists” will remain hard. Carried out by the Turkish authorities, the defeat of the parliamentary opposition has caused discontent in the United States and in the EU. We will remind, last Friday, prosecutors arrested the 12 members of the Pro-Kurdish peoples ‘ Democratic party (HDP), including its co-chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yuksekdag. They were accused of “inciting civil disobedience” and of having links with

Putin approved the new composition of the presidential reserve

Vladimir Putin The President of Russia Vladimir Putin approved the new composition of the management personnel pool under the patronage of the President. On Tuesday, November 8, reported on the Kremlin website. The updated list included 135 people with sufficient experience and the necessary professional and personal qualities, the statement reads. For 2016, some of them got promotions, including the Federal government. It is noted that at the Federal level, the presidential reserve is vested with the powers of a member of the Federation Council, was included in the new composition of the state Duma appointed to posts as Deputy Federal Ministers. At the regional level, members of the President’s reserve, became the Deputy senior officials of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of cities. Among the “reservists” — the Governor of the Volgograd region Andrey Bocharov, the Secretary of the Public chamber Alexander Brechalov, the President of the