В финале конкурса «Твой ход» сделаны два предложения руки и сердца

Во время торжественной церемонии закрытия финала Всероссийского студенческого конкурса «Твой Ход» президентской платформы «Россия — страна возможностей» два финалиста конкурса Владислав Запылихин и Вячеслав Григорьев сделали предложение выйти замуж своим девушкам. Владислав Запылихин и Яна Миленькая вместе учатся на 4 курсе Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ в Москве на факультете государственного управления экономикой. Владислав из города Салават Республики Башкортостан, Яна — из Краснодара. Они познакомились во время поступления в университет и с тех пор встречаются уже 2,5 года. После знакомства вместе начали участвовать в проектах президентской платформы «Россия — страна возможностей». Сначала им не удалось добиться успеха, но уже в 2020 году Владислав стал победителем Всероссийского молодежного кубка по менеджменту «Управляй!», а Яна — Всероссийской олимпиады студентов «Я — профессионал».

Military helicopter crashes in Azerbaijan

A military helicopter of the Azerbaijani border service crashed at the training ground A military helicopter of the Azerbaijan State Border Service crashed. This was reported by “Sputnik Azerbaijan”. The helicopter crashed in the morning of November 30 during training flights at the Garageybat training ground in the Khizi region. There are dead and wounded. The leadership of the border service and the Prosecutor General's Office is on the spot. In early October, it was reported that three people died in a military helicopter crash in Tunisia.

In Russia, identified 32 648 cases of coronavirus

Headquarters: 32 648 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia per day Over the past day, 32 648 new cases of coronavirus … Thus, the total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9 636 881. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the headquarters for the fight against infection on Tuesday, November 30. A day earlier, 33 860 infections were recorded in the country. 32 648 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia per day Most of the new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Moscow (2788), Moscow region (2215) and St. Petersburg (2103). Least of all – in the Republic of Kalmykia (26 cases), in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (10 cases) and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (9 cases). In a day, 1229 patients with COVID-19 died. In total, 275,193 people have died since the beginning of the

The largest comet has anomalous activity

University of Maryland astronomers have discovered activity in a comet with a diameter of one hundred kilometers Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein (BB) with a diameter of 100 kilometers – became active far from the Sun, long before previously thought. The ice inside it evaporates, forming a tail and to whom – a cloud of dust and gas. The anomaly is reported in an article in The Planetary Science Journal. Comets are accumulations of dust and ice left over from the formation of the solar system. As the comet approaches the Sun, the ice begins to evaporate. The moment a comet becomes active and takes on a tail depends on what the ice is made of (water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or some other compound). Astronomers have analyzed thousands of images of comet BB taken by the spacecraft to search exoplanets TESS from 2018 to 2020. It turned out that a hazy glow

Larisa Dolina revealed the secret of losing weight

Singer Dolina lost those extra pounds with the help of intermittent fasting The corresponding post appeared on her Instagram page. The 66-year-old pop artist posted a picture in which she poses in a pink jacket and a light crop top. In the video posted, the performer's hair is pulled in waves and gathered in a bun, and her face is wearing smoky eyes. In response to one of the fan's comments, the celebrity explained that she managed to lose those extra pounds using intermittent fasting. “It's easy if you have willpower – intermittent fasting for 18-19 hours,” she explained. “I realized to myself that now many colors suit me! And, of course, the realization of this came when I lost unnecessary pounds (…) As soon as I lost excess weight, I discovered in myself a strange, hitherto unusual for me confidence that I am the most beautiful in the world,

In Canada, wanted to cancel the performance of a survivor of slavery in IS because of Islamophobia

Survivors of violence and slavery in IS were not allowed to speak in schools in Canada due to “Islamophobia” in Canada wanted to cancel the speech of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, UN Goodwill Ambassador and human rights activist from Iraq Nadia Murad, who survived abduction, torture and violence at the hands of Islamic State militants ( IS, a terrorist organization banned in Russia ) because of the unwillingness to “provoke Islamophobia.” This is reported by The Telegraph. Related materials 00:12 – 23 August “Mom fainted and they hit her automatic weapons “How did Afghan women live without the Taliban and what awaits them now? 00:01 – 28 April 2019 Arab lionCult of personality, repression and the Koran written in blood: Iraq with and without Saddam execution of her family, kidnapping and sale into sexual slavery in IS at age 14. However, the director of the largest Canadian council, Helen

The Russians got into credit card debt at a record

Banks issued a record number of credit cards to Russians stories “Equifax”. The total volume of debt of Russians on credit cards in October increased by 2.5 percent and amounted to 1.2 trillion rubles. At the same time, for the first time in several months, the volume of overdue debt decreased by 0.5 percent, to 2.66 million cards, and by 0.2 percent, to 159.2 billion rubles. Soon, the volume of credit card delinquencies will decrease by two percent, since banks will write off the most problematic debts by the end of the year, says Oleg Lagutkin, Equifax CEO. The number of issued credit cards increased by about a million in October (plus 2, 2 percent compared to September), to 44.3 million units, which is also a record figure. By the end of 2021, the number of issued cards may exceed 45 million, Lagutkin suggested. Recently, the Central Bank has repeatedly

В России выявили 32 648 новых случаев коронавируса за сутки. Это минимум с 15 октября

МОСКВА, 30 ноября. /ТАСС/. Число подтвержденных случаев заражения коронавирусом в России возросло за сутки на 32 648 случаев, это минимум с 15 октября. Общее количество инфицированных с начала пандемии увеличилось до 9 636 881, следует из данных федерального оперативного штаба по борьбе с новым заболеванием, опубликованных во вторник. В относительном выражении прирост составил 0,34%. Число вылечившихся после коронавируса россиян возросло за сутки на 33 442. Всего уже выздоровели 8 329 253 человека. Доля выписанных пациентов, согласно данным штаба, составляет 86,4% от общего числа заразившихся. Число летальных исходов из-за коронавируса в России за сутки возросло на 1 229 против 1 209 днем ранее. Всего с начала пандемии умерли 274 193 пациента. Условная летальность заболевания (окончательную можно будет определить только после завершения эпидемии) выросла до уровня 2,86%, следует из данных штаба. Ситуация с коронавирусом в Москве Число заразившихся коронавирусом в Москве увеличилось за сутки на 2 788 против 3 434 днем ранее. Всего с начала пандемии выявили 1 946 717 случаев заражения. В относительном выражении прирост составил 0,14%. Число летальных исходов из-за коронавируса в Москве за сутки возросло на 97 против 93 днем ранее. Всего в городе умерли 34 202 человека (1,76% всех заразившихся), следует из сообщения штаба.

The Russians got into credit card debt at a record

Banks issued a record number of credit cards to Russians stories “Equifax”. The total volume of debt of Russians on credit cards in October increased by 2.5 percent and amounted to 1.2 trillion rubles. At the same time, for the first time in several months, the volume of overdue debt decreased by 0.5 percent, to 2.66 million cards, and by 0.2 percent, to 159.2 billion rubles. Soon, the volume of credit card delinquencies will decrease by two percent, since banks will write off the most problematic debts by the end of the year, says Oleg Lagutkin, Equifax CEO. The number of issued credit cards increased by about a million in October (plus 2, 2 percent compared to September), to 44.3 million units, which is also a record figure. By the end of 2021, the number of issued cards may exceed 45 million, Lagutkin suggested. Recently, the Central Bank has repeatedly

Putin awarded SOBR soldier who died during a special operation

Putin presented for the award a SOBR soldier who died during a special operation in St. Petersburg Russian President Vladimir Putin, by decree of November 29, posthumously awarded the Order of Courage SOBR fighter Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny Zakharov. This was reported to “Lente.ru” by the representative of the Russian Guard Valery Gribakin. Zakharov served in law enforcement agencies since 2003. Earlier, on November 12, he was presented to the Order of Courage for his courage and loyalty to the official duty, head of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov. In the morning of November 9, a special operation took place on the Pulkovskoye highway in the Pushkin district of the city with the participation of employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard. Security officials detained suspects in telephone fraud. One of the intruders was driving a Fiat Ducato – he knocked down