The boy was blinded due to the lack of an ophthalmologist at children’s hospital in Kamchatka

The boy was blinded due to the lack of an ophthalmologist at children’s hospital in Kamchatka Moscow. 8 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — a Little boy went blind in the Kamchatka regional children’s hospital due to the fact that its officials are not equipped with staff ophthalmologists. In this regard, investigators opened a criminal case under article “negligence”, reported “Interfax” on Tuesday the senior assistant Director of SU CU in Kamchatskiy Krai Elena Matafonov. According to Matafonova, in the period from September 2012 to February 2013 in children’s hospital was not qualified ophthalmologists, and a boy born in 2012 in time is not diagnosed eye disease. The disease led to blindness. “Officials of the Kamchatka regional children’s hospital responsible for providing medical care to the population. Due to the unfair and negligent relation to service, they failed to take adequate measures to appropriate execution of its responsibilities to organise sufficient staffing levels

Russian scientists have learned to control a levitating drops

Russian scientists have learned to control a levitating drops MOSCOW, 9 November. /TASS/. Scientists from Tyumen state University learned to control drip clusters that hover above the surface of the water, reported the press service of the TSU. According to scientists, the creation and study of levitating droplets, allows to investigate the chemical processes that occur in very small volumes of liquid. Drip the cluster is a cluster of very small droplets with a diameter of about 1/20 of a millimeter, which occur in the evaporation of the water and levitated above the surface at the height approximately equal to the diameter of drops. Thus microdroplets are arranged in a hexagonal single-layer structure, forming a “flat fog”. First drip cluster created by Russian scientists in 2004. In the new study, researchers from TSU used to heat water laser, and to control drops — infrared radiation. Water on a substrate of

Zakharov commented on the word McFaul on the influence of Putin’s election

Zakharov commented on the word McFaul on the influence of Putin’s election The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said the statement of former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul about the fact that Putin intervened in the elections of the President of America. Response to the word McFaul Zakharov has published on his page in Facebook. Read alsoPutin was the first state leaders congratulated trump on the victory “First, the Obama administration appointed these “Makhalov” in responsible positions and entrusted to them the management of not only their country, but many vassal States, and then, when the situation became a stalemate, started to shout that Moscow was to blame,” wrote Zakharov. Earlier, Michael McFaul, on Twitter wrote: “Putin has interfered in our elections and has made progress. Well done.” Later the record was deleted. However, some media, in particular “Газета.Ru” and, “RIA Novosti” kept a screenshot record.

Media reported on the torture of Khabarovsk zhivoderok homeless

Investigators in Khabarovsk found the victim at the hands of the girls accused of animal cruelty. This local edition of HabInfo said a source in law enforcement bodies. According to the interlocutor, one of the girls confessed to the torture of the homeless. An elderly man said that he was beaten and tortured with a knife. This is also indirectly evidenced by the screenshots of the correspondence in social networks. They Aliona Savchenko argues that lured men in the crematorium building, and then bound them and tortured. According to the source, the defendant said that the homeless man was not her only victim. November 9 the case of the Khabarovsk zhivoderok was transferred to headquarters of the Investigative Committee at the direction of Chairman Alexander Bastrykin. On 25 October, the result has tightened an article in a minor habarovchanin. Their actions were reclassified from part 1 of article 245 of

American intelligence officers were afraid to disclose to Trump state secrets

Donald Trump American scouts have concerns about working with the elected President of the United States Donald trump. It is reported by The Washington Post, citing its own sources in the intelligence community. According to the newspaper, many employees of the CIA and the NSA supported the election of Hillary Clinton, fearing the coming to power of trump, who has repeatedly criticized the position of the intelligence on the Syrian issue and against Russia. “It’s the fear of the unknown, — told the newspaper one of the sources in the leadership of the national security services. — We don’t know what he’s going to do, how he will behave in the next four years and even in the coming months. I do not exclude that many who were ready to work with Hillary, now will retire”. According to the former head of the NSA and the CIA Michael Hayden, it’s

In the Federation Council doubt the transparency of the elections of the President of the United States

Photo: REUTERS The US refusal to allow Russian diplomats to the polls can be explained by the fact that the US presidential election will be “not so open and not at all transparent”, said the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation Andrey Klishas. Earlier official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the FBI has a direct pressure on the Russian diplomats in order to allow them to polling stations on elections of the President of the United States. One of the cases occurred in Houston when the FBI agents blocked the car of an employee of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation. Also according to the Russian foreign Ministry, U.S. state Department memo recommended that the Russian representatives “themselves not to come to the polling stations”. “It’s hard to understand why a “model” democracy in the world is so afraid of Russian observers

“The clown” trump sends Clinton to Kiev on the Ukrainian pension – Podkopaev

Leading the program “news. The main thing” on TV channel “the Star” Yury Podkopaev every Thursday answering questions from the audience, who sent him in the mail.   Question from the audience: After winning the presidential election in the United States no longer young Republicans of Donald trump in the same middle-aged Hillary Clinton what will happen, in your opinion, a career loser?   Yuri Podkopaev: now What will make Hillary Clinton? Come home to your family? Will now saw bill Clinton? But whether such a failure of the forty-second President of the United States ? All of America already knows that the relationship of trust Hillary Clinton with her assistant Humai Abedin. This young hot Asian girl with slightly masculine features were stored on his laptop all the secret and owls. secret letter to Hillary. The headquarters of the trump, that’s for sure closer Abedin with radical Islamists. Including

In Sevastopol detained Ukrainian saboteurs

In Sevastopol detained Ukrainian saboteurs Employees of the main intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian defense Ministry had planned to sabotage military facilities in the Crimea, during the searches were seized explosive devices and weapons, said the FSB. MOSCOW, 10 Nov — RIA Novosti. Diversionno-terrorist group of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine, was preparing acts of sabotage on military facilities in the Crimea, detained in Sevastopol, reports Russian FSB. “The Federal security service on 9 November in the city of Sevastopol detained members of subversive and terrorist groups of the main intelligence Directorate of the defense Ministry of Ukraine, who were committing acts of sabotage on objects of military infrastructure and life support of the Peninsula of the Crimea”, — said in a release. The detainees seized the explosive device of great power, weapons and ammunition, means of communication line, as well as maps of objects suspected sabotage, said specslujbi.