Volodin: the refusal of the ex-deputies salaries honest, but we all have different circumstances

Speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Anna Isakova/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, November 11. /TASS/. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin called the honest act of the refusal of a number of deputies of the sixth convocation of the chamber of the salary prescribed in compensation to parliamentarians who were reelected in the new convocation. However, he noticed that all the former legislators of different circumstances. Informed about the refusal of payments reported by some United Russia, including Alexander Khinshtein, Maria Kozhevnikova, Larisa Fechina.

Zhirinovsky refused to “break the mouth” with the name of Saint-Petersburg

Vladimir Zhirinovsky The leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has suggested to rename St. Petersburg. With this initiative, he spoke at a meeting of the State Duma on Friday, November 11, according to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. The head of the party believes that the current name hard to pronounce. As a more euphonious alternative to Zhirinovsky offered to Petrograd. “As you say — St. Peterburge? To break the tongue and mouth, jaw, another to deliver, to call a resident of St. Petersburg — a woman,” he explained. In addition, Zhirinovsky has suggested to unite St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast, and return a number of towns of historical names. In October, he proposed the idea to rename the Lenin Avenue in prospect Ivan the terrible. Earlier Zhirinovsky also advocated for the return of the former names of Kirov (Vyatka), Noginsk (Bogorodsk), and offered to return the Leningrad station in Moscow the old name

Trump has appointed Penny head of his transition team

Michael Pence Future US President Donald trump appointed elected Vice-President Michael Pence a head his team for the period of regime change. The announcement was published on Friday, November 11, on the website of trump. In this post, Pence was replaced by the Governor of new Jersey Chris Christie, who, along with neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former speaker of the house of representatives of the us Congress newt the Gingrich, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the former mayor of new York Rudolf, Giuliani and Senator Jeff Sissom, will be part of the Executive transition team as Vice-Pence. In addition, trump has called those who will join the Executive Committee as ordinary members. July 20, being in the status of candidate for the post of President of the United States, Donald trump on the Republican party Congress formally adopted Michael Pence candidate for Vice-President of the United States. Trump won the elections of

The Republican leader in the U.S. Senate warned Moscow of the danger of an attack on NATO

Photo: AFP The Republican leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell has warned Russia about the danger of an attack on NATO. The corresponding statement he made during a press conference. “I think that NATO is as important today as it ever was. I believe the article 5 (of the NATO Treaty. — RT) has the value: you attack any NATO member, you have with us. I want Russia is fully aware of,” quoted McConnell RIA Novosti. Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the organization sees no threat from Russia in the countries — members of the Alliance.

Nationalists in Warsaw harness Ukrainian flags: video

About a hundred thousand people participate in an organized nationalists March in Warsaw, they require to attach the territory of Western Ukraine and Lithuania Vilnius Poland. Nationalists burn Ukrainian flags on the square at the National stadium.   The procession started from the centre of Warsaw. At the moment, he was joined by about 100 thousand people. Protesters marched through the Vistula river and reached the area before the stadium, where the gala concert began. The crowd are chanting “From the cradle to the grave, the Polish Vilnius, Lviv”.   Law enforcement is not currently reported on the clashes and brawls in the streets of Warsaw. For safety following the seven thousand police officers, helicopters patrolled the area from the air. Video: Eugeniusz Nowak/Twitter Photo: Maciej Luczniewski/Globallookpress

The source reported a hacking attack on the largest banks of Russia

The source reported a hacking attack on the largest banks of Russia MOSCOW, 10 Nov — RIA Novosti/Prime. Five major banks of the Russian Federation Tuesday are subjected to DDoS attacks, the attack is not very high power, told RIA Novosti a source close to the Central Bank. “The Central Bank know about these attacks. Involved bot not from the “Internet of things”. Power is not very big. Under attack about five banks since yesterday,” said the source. A spokesman said that the cyber attacks it is exposed to large banks.

Vaccinations that you didn’t know

Vaccinations that you didn’t know All the unpopular vaccines can be divided into four groups. Diseases that can be prevented with vaccines, more than you think. But be vaccinated at the full list to anyone, of course, is not necessary: often the risk of dealing with some virus/bacteria much less than the risk of any serious adverse events from vaccination. However, it is nice to know in which case we can not only to be treated with antibiotics and some antiviral drugs, but also to effectively prevent the development of infections. See alsoIn Primorye, the doctors gave the girl advice to go to Church instead of vaccinations 1. Among the little-known Russian vaccinations are those that are actually actively used throughout the civilized world. This, for example, the vaccine against human papillomavirus. Now in Russia it is usually done at their own expense, and it is expensive. In our national

XI Jinping called for the Chinese all over the world to unite and to “rejuvenate” China

XI Jinping called for the Chinese all over the world to unite and to “rejuvenate” China BEIJING, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti, Ivan Bulatov. Chinese President XI Jinping encouraged all Chinese nationals residing in its territory and abroad, to unite and to “rejuvenate” the country. On Friday in China, XI Jinping, made a solemn speech in honor of the 150 anniversary from the birthday of the founder of the Kuomintang sun Yat-sen. Broadcast of the speech of the Chinese leader led China Central television (CCTV). “I call on all sons and daughters who respect Mr. sun Yat-sen, including compatriots in Hong Kong and Macau, Taiwan and abroad, regardless of party views, regardless of the location to further unite and to seize the historic opportunity to take historical responsibility and continue the great cause of sun Yat-sen and other revolutionaries,” — said XI Jinping. Sun Yat-sen born 12 November 1866. He

In the center of Moscow on the Moscow ring road there was traffic jams

The movement in the Central part of Moscow, on the Garden, the Third ring road and MKAD paralyzed due to the bad weather. As reported by RIA Novosti analyst service “Yandex.Stoppers” Leonid Mednikov, a traffic congestion outside the city will continue until late at night. According to the portal tube at the time of this writing is estimated at 9 points. The speed on some sections of streets, such as on prospect Mira, — three kilometers per hour. According to Mednikova, traffic in the capital made it extremely difficult to frost and snow. “Since the beginning of autumn the Moscow tube are fixed at this point (9 points) for the third time”, he said. The analyst added that as a heavily loaded radial roads outside the ring road, for example, on nosovihinskoe highway from South street to prospect Zhukovsky drivers spend almost two hours. “Unusual traffic jams outside the MKAD